
_.m is a port of Underscore.js to Objective-C. It strives to provide the fullest feature set possible in a way that is familiar to JavaScript developers (despite the differences between JavaScript and Objective-C).
To help achieve this vision, _.m uses SubjectiveScript.m to bring JavaScript-like syntax and features into Objective-C, and QUnit.m to port unit tests from JavaScript to Objective-C. You should check them out, too!
Full documentation can be found on the _.m Website
License: MIT
Simple framework to let your application's launch image fade-out to its initial view.
License: MIT
Simple framework to let your application's launch image fade-out to its initial view.
License: MIT
A framework to quickly add remotely controlled and monitored A/B Tests to your application
License: MIT
ACDCryptsyAPI provides a very simple interface into the Cryptsy API for use in iOS applications.
License: MIT
An Objective-C implementation of ActiveSupport's Inflector.
License: MIT
Allows the easy sequencing of blocks to avoid a spaghetti mess.
License: BSD
A configurable range selector control for iOS, similar to UISlider but with three handles.
License: MIT
ADDropDownMenuView is an iOS navigation drop down style view.
License: MIT
A detail view that dynamically sizes based on content. Alternative to UIAlertView to display more information elegantly.
License: MIT
The ADNLogin SDK is the easiest and fastest way to add support for authentication for the App.net API via the Passport app. This SDK allows you to detect the presence of the Passport app on a user's device and request an access token if it is installed.
License: MIT
Change log level with hardware volume buttons.
License: MIT
An extension for AFNetworking 2.x that provides an interface to parse XML using KissXML.
License: MIT
An extension for AFNetworking that provides an interface to parse XML using KissXML. Specified AFNetworking version.
License: MIT
AFNetworking-RACExtensions is a delightful extension to the AFNetworking classes for iOS and Mac OS X.
License: MIT
AFNetworking Extension for OAuth 2 Authentication.
License: MIT
A category on UIView that allows you to progressively download images providing seamless enhancement.
License: MIT
AFRaptureXMLRequestOperation is an extension for AFNetworking that provides an interface to parse XML using RaptureXML.
License: MIT
AFNetworking based AFHTTPClient conforming to SLRESTfulCoreDataBackgroundQueue.
License: MIT
A lightweight UIScrollView block-driven subclass for easily create multiple pages with embedded UIViews in Objective-C
License: MIT
Support for converting XML do NSDictionary in AFNetworking.
License: MIT
is a powerful, block-based alternative to UIKit's UIAlertView
License: MIT
AHGCollection provides useful methods for working with the Foundation collections. It is inspired by functional programming patterns, underscore.js, and the collection APIs from Scala. Common operations like "map", "filter", "reduce" are supported, and some unusual ones such as "flatMap". It uses lazy evaluation, avoiding the creation of lots of temporary collections and objects where possible.
License: MIT
A framework for testing user inputs and generating error messages.
License: MIT
AKForm is a form framework for iOS 7 that aims to take care of all the mundane steps we usually repeat to create them. It will take care of the creation, styling and validation of fields by abstracting out all the boring stuff like table views and cells.
The hope is to provide an easily usable end-to-end framework that developers can use to speed up this part of their app's development process.
License: WTFPL
Simple CLLocationManager subclass with block support and convenience methods.
License: MIT
AKTabBarController is an adaptive and customizable tab bar for iOS.
License: MIT
ALActionBlocks Category on UIControl, UIBarButtonItem, and UIGestureRecognizer to allow use of blocks instead of selectors.
License: MIT
A drop-in replacement for MPMoviePlayerController that exposes the UI elements and allows for maximum customization.
License: MIT
A UITableView subclass which automatically sorts your data elements into sections keyed by letter. Supports both custom data elements (which conform to a protocol) and CoreData elements.
License: MIT
ALRadial is meant to replicate the radial menu's found in the path ios app. A central button is used to display many others eminating out in a circle.
License: MIT
A UILabel subclass with mention/hashtag/link highlighting.
License: MIT
Draggable blurred view. This control is inspired by the brilliant work of César Pinto Castillo's AMBlurView
License: MIT
AMRatingControl is a UI control that resembles the 'star rating' control seen in the iPod app. AMRatingControl allows you to select a rating starting from 0 to any number of stars you want. You can use default star symbols and customize colors or specify custom images.
License: MIT
License: MIT
A nice tray to show items at the bottom of an iOS view, usually used in combination with a UITableView.
License: MIT
uTest Apphance is a set of tools that closes the feedback loop between app creators, testers and users to help ensure the best app quality possible. With uTest Apphance you can stay on top of your app's quality in the lab and in production.
License: Custom
uTest Apphance is a set of tools that closes the feedback loop between app creators, testers and users to help ensure the best app quality possible. With uTest Apphance you can stay on top of your app's quality in the lab and in production.
License: Custom
cafe moba for App Insight is a lightweight logging & tracking library that provides app developers a customizable way to access, analyze, and visualize the ways users interact with their apps.
License: BSD
A longer description of AppkefuSDK in Markdown format.
License: Custom
AppKitActor is an integration test framework for AppKit applications. It allows for easy automation of Mac OS X applications UI tests, helping developers check the state of UI elements and interact with NSWindows
and NSViews
License: MIT
AppXperience is an advertising fmk of mobile applications. Learn more at http://appxperience.com.
License: Commercial
A simple, lightweight, yet equally powerful version of Three20's TTPickerTextField.
License: BSD 3.0
It is a custom page view controller which support swipe gesture to move to the next view or back to the former one.
License: MIT
ARCMacro.h realizes compilation of Objective-C source files both in Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) compilation mode and Manual Reference Counting (MRC, non-ARC) compilation mode without changing the compiler switch. This is useful when you provide a library in the source code form for ARC apps and MRC apps. And your code can take advantage of the ARC mode that is much safer.
License: Apache 2
A slim tool for discovering Objective-C performance bottlenecks.
License: MIT
ARSafeJSON is a small library that will strip all occurences of NSNull from a JSON of any depth.
License: MIT
A UIGestureRecognizer subclass to enable Swipe-to-Select/Deselect with a UICollectionView.
License: MIT
A UIImagePickerController-like assets picker that utilizes ARMultiSelectGestureRecognizer for swipe-to-select
License: MIT
A dispatch queue where you only ever have one block queued.
License: MIT
Easily detects screen brightness changes and provides some useful delegate methods.
License: MIT
An iOS cache that gives easy access to reusable date formatters and auto-update formatters on locale change.
License: MIT
ASIHTTPRequest is an easy to use wrapper around the CFNetwork API that makes some of the more tedious aspects of communicating with web servers easier. It is written in Objective-C and works in both Mac OS X and iPhone applications.
It is suitable performing basic HTTP requests and interacting with REST-based services (GET / POST / PUT / DELETE). The included ASIFormDataRequest subclass makes it easy to submit POST data and files using multipart/form-data.
Please note that ASIHTTPRequest is not recommended for newer projects since it's not actively maintained anymore. For more info visit: http://allseeing-i.com/%5Brequest_release%5D
License: BSD 3.0
Ask4AppReviews is a class that you can drop into any iPhone app (iOS 5.0 or later) that will help remind your users to review your app on the App Store. The code is released under the MIT/X11, so feel free to modify and share your changes with the world. To find out more, check out the homepage.
License: MIT
A simple, lightweight asynchronous image downloader for iOS and Mac OS X.
License: Apache 2
A simple, lightweight asynchronous image downloader for iOS and Mac OS X.
License: Apache 2
iOS drag and drop toolkit with support for:
License: MIT
AudioQueue player for playing multiple music files or looping musics. New updates: Added in method to track playing time.
License: MIT
A fast and extensible audio streamer for iOS and OSX with support for gapless playback and custom (non-HTTP) sources.
License: MIT
A drop-in UILabel replacement that makes almost all properties animatable by using a CATextLayer instead of CALayer. Properties animatable in AUIAnimatableText and not in UILabel: textColor, text, font, fontSize.
License: MIT
Allow borders on specific sides of a uiview e.g. only top and left
License: MIT
AURosetteView is a easy-to-use, clean and lightweight share button primary for social platforms.
License: MIT
complete account's suffix automatically when user inputs in UITextField.
License: MIT
AutoDescribe is like PHPs vardump and printr. Public and private properties are pretty printed.
License: MIT
AutoHideKeyboardControllers is a set of UIViewController subclasses which enables the tap background to hide keyboard behavior.
License: MIT
AutoLayoutDance is a small library for debugging AutoLayout ambiguous layouts.
License: MIT
alternative system for creating and adding Cocoa Auto Layout constraints
License: MIT
A category that adds an instragram-like hashtag choosing/listing capability to the UITextView
License: MIT
Check and notify user that new version is available from Local Notification.
License: MIT
A drop–in UINavigationBar
subclass which allows for strong coloured navigation bars on iOS 7. Use with UINavigationController's initWithNavigationBarClass:toolbarClass: method.
Thanks to @steventroughtonsmith for the original help as seen in this gist. Forked from @aprato's modification here.
License: MIT
A longer description of BaiduPushSDK in Markdown format.
License: Custom
This is a framework that to provide generate bar code and qr code interface and the method of scanning.
License: MIT
Base64 is a set of categories that provide methods to encode and decode data as a base-64-encoded string.
License: zlib
A modern HTTP client framework for iOS/OSX built on top of libcurl.
License: Apache 2
A custom UITextField with a UIPicker in use for the keyboard.
License: MIT
A pretty obscure librA MagicMove Style Custom UIViewController Transitonary.
License: MIT
Classes for extending the abilities of NSStatusItem including drag & drop and getting its location.
License: BSD
Don't bother any longer with hard to write Version checks. Check for the major Version of the current iOS Version via the Major Version.
License: MIT
Easy way to display non-obstructive messages to user without having to worry about its behavior and conflicts with other views.
License: BSD
BeeDebugger can show your system info and memeory usage when running your app. Just add [BeeDebugger show]; after [ makeKeyAndVisible];
License: MIT
Bee Framework is a MVC Framework to develop iOS application. It has pretty clear hieracy and signal based mechanism, also with cache and asynchonized networking methods in it.
License: MIT
BENPedometerChart allows you to quickly add, poopulate, and customize a bar chart UIView. Each bar provides for an inner label, over label, and under label.
License: MIT
BENTagsView allows you to quickly add a series of tags to any UIView. It is easy to add tags, customize fonts and colors, and to turn tags on and off.
License: MIT
BGNavigationBar in Replacement for older iOS SDK for new iOS7 style Navigation Bar
* Custom Navigation Bar
* Transparent View
* Old SDK iOS5 support with iOS7 style view
License: MIT
Bingo is a inhouse library current only avaiable for Baidu Inc, We may release it when it grow stable. Please be patient~
License: MIT
View your debug logs in iTerm or Terminal.app and get out of that noisy, hard-to-read, xcode console.
License: MIT
Add categories (sub section headers) to your UITableView
License: MIT
Categories are useful when we want some predefined methods in a perticular existing class
License: MIT
BlinkButton is a subclass of UIButton with blink animation function.
License: MIT
Category on NSBlock to add the type signature to the description.
License: MIT
The BlurAnimation creates a spyglass or inspection feel by bluring out the base image and then selectively showing the original image through a porthole cutour.
License: MIT
A lightweight websockets server for iOS built around libwebsockets supporting both synchronous and asynchronous messaging.
License: MIT
A replacement for UIPageController / NSPageController, because we need custom transitions! BMExtPageController is a drop in - replacement and mirrors almost all functionalities found in UIPageController so if you’ve been starting a project already and you feel limited with default transition styles and behavior offered - give BMExtPageController a try.
License: MIT
BNFParser is a grammar parsing and validation framework based on the Backus-Naur Form pattern.
License: Apache 2
A collection of custom draw controls inspired by the Bootstrap theme. Built off UICustomizeKit.
License: Apache 2
UITableViewCell and UIView that support swipe to reveal left and right hidden views
License: MIT
An Objective-C operation to resize your images correctly and quickly.
License: MIT
box-ios-sdk-v2-metadata is a plugin for the box-ios-sdk-v2 library that provides support for the metadata API. This API is in beta and is subject to breaking changes. This library may be merged into box-ios-sdk-v2 when the API is deemed stable.
Documentation may be found on the Box developers site.
License: Custom
This is a pod for blurring background images using accelerate Enjoy a simple interface for blurring images!
This code was re-used from the WWDC Apple Conference and should be credited to them and their running with a snap blurring demo. If you would like to download the original source code feel free to get it from https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/navigation/index.html#section=Resource%20Types&topic=Sample%20Code
License: MIT
BPBarButtonItem is a tool for making awesome looking custom UIBarButtonItems on the fly. BPBarButtonItem is NOT a subclass of UIBarButtonItem
but an NSObject
which creates skinned plain UIBarButtonItem
s for use however you want. BPBarButtonItem can also be used to skin UIBarButtonItem
s which have already been created, like in a nib or Storyboard. Generated buttons have support for both orientation styles.
License: MIT
A UISlider class that uses a positive and negativ value weighted at the center of the slider.
License: MIT
A beautiful Dial / Volume Style Knob Control for Mac OS X (replacment for NSSlider Control).
License: MIT
A utility class for displaying status updates in the iOS status bar.
License: MIT
A collection of Objective-C classes and extensions used for finding and handling accessibility elements.
License: MIT
Objective-C library to simplify the extraction of metadata from JPEG files
License: MIT
BRFlabbyTable is a set of classes that allow you to add a bouncy and distorted effect on a cell frame while the table is scrolling. The "flabbiness" of the cells is based on the speed of scrolling. Upon pressing and dragging, the highlighted cell grows around the touch area.
License: Custom
SDK to integrate to the Brightcenter backend for educational apps.
License: Apache 2
A custom view component containing a customizable UITextView that gets pushed up.
License: MIT
A set of classes based on Augmented Reality that allow you to track and display the position of the sun in real time, using the device GPS location, Gyroscope orientation and the current time and date. The marker on the view snap to the middle once the device is oriented towards the sun.
License: Custom
Tester app and driver of the Time-a-Light traffic light device, for iOS and OS X.
License: BSD
Simple grouped scroll controller for UICollectionViewController items
License: MIT
A document class that mimics UIManagedDocument
to support Core Data in all its modern glory:
License: BSD
BSON, short for Binary JSON, is a binaryencoded serialization of JSONlike documents. Like JSON, BSON supports the embedding of documents and arrays within other documents and arrays.
License: MIT
The intended usage is for hosting a timeline-like view that shows a list of messages in reverse-chronological order.
License: BSD
A UIViewController for making bitcoin donation simple.
License: Custom
Jira plugin for iOS. Upload screenshots, log files, bundle version, title, and summary.
License: MIT
Small library that parse JSON and map it to any object, works with NSManagedObject.
License: Apache 2
Small library that transform an object into a dictionary that can be send to a web service.
License: Apache 2
Controller that show a list of items that can be selectable.
License: Custom
Bypass - Bypass renders markdown directly to UIViews instead of using an intermediary HTML format.
License: Apache 2
Category which allows the usage of start and completion blocks in CAAnimation instances, instead of a delegate.
License: MIT
A circular or linear shaped view where you animate the angle changes.
License: MIT
Calabash is an automated testing technology for Android and iOS native and hybrid applications.
License: eclipse
Using the Camera+ app integration API, developers can integrate Camera+ functionality into their apps.
License: Commercial
Allows you to capture the screen, record the tester's face (using the device's front facing camera), record the tester's voice (using the device's microphone), record user input and touch events, and export as a single video to your camera roll. Its intended to be used to perform basic usability testing.
License: Commercial
It is an open source project with a collection of libraries for iOS platform, written in Objective-C. Its goal is to help programmers with common functionalities needed daily in most projects, making developing mobile apps easier. Basically, it is a result of refactoring on projects that I have worked on. There are utility categories for NSDate, NSException, NSString, UIAlertView, UIButton and so on. It also has class helper to execute blocks based on your current version of iOS.
License: MIT
Introspect is a tool for iOS that aids in debugging user interfaces built with UIKit. Communicates with View Introspector, a desktop app.
License: MIT
CBLParseDate exposes the C functions that implement date and
time functions for SQLite. The source files were extracted from the Couchbase Lite project.
License: Apache 2
An important feature of iOS applications is the ability to respond to incoming URLs. Your application can register a URL scheme that it knows how to handle. But then what? CCFURLResponder allows you to declare patterns of URLs that are based on the application's declared scheme and turn the received URLs into NSNotification objects.
License: MIT
UICollectionView layout for both horizontal and vertical management of hexagonal cells
License: MIT
Simple, easy and very powerful way to use context and dependency injection and interception for Objective-C development. CDI is designed to solve some common software development patterns like Dependency Injection / Inversion of Control, Singleton and Interception (an minimalistic AOP approach).
The main features are:
Using CDI will reduce the boilerplate code in many classes, increase readability and allow better testing. The intreception functionality will also provide the ability to separate the implementation code by aspects like security, logging and other facets. CDI does not depend on another framework, which means you can use any unit testing, mocking or other framework (see Limitation chapter).
License: MIT
CDOForceKeyboardLayout lets you easily add 'Force Keyboard Layout' functionality into your app.
If you are working on a keyboard-based productivity app that requires input in ASCII, but you also have users that don't primarily use an ASCII-capable layout, this is for you.
CDOForceKeyboardLayout handles saving a user's preferred layout, as well as exposes properties that make it easy to bind available keyboard layouts to a NSPopUpButton.
Only tested in 10.8
License: MIT
CDSParticleFilter implements a simple particle filter in Objective C, for use on iOS or OSX platforms. It includes a simple particle filter, as well as a 2-dimensional state (X-Y) particle filter with more defaults set up that's simpler to use.
License: GPL 3
A custom UITextField that implements a UIPicker as its keyboard and allows for simple interaction.
License: MIT
CedarAsync lets you use [Cedar](http://github.com/pivotal/cedar) matchers to
test asynchronous code. This becomes useful when writing intergration tests rather than plain unit tests. (CedarAsync only supports Cedar's should syntax.)
Instead of
client.lastResponse should contain(@"Google");
in_time(client.lastResponse) should contain(@"Google");
to force contain
matcher check client.lastResponse
multiple times until
it succeeds or times out.
License: MIT
CERoundProgressView shows a progress as a pie share diagram. While it does not inherit UIProgressView, its API is quite similar.
The view is graphically very simple, consisting of only a background circle and a coloured arc:
However, used in conjunction with other elements, it becomes quite interesting. For example, the sample program uses it as the background of a button which uses an image, transparent in some parts:
Drag the following files to your Xcode project: * CERoundProgressView.h and .m * CERoundProgressLayer.h and .m
Because the progress view uses Core Animation, your target must also link with the QuartzCore framework.
I could not find a way to add a custom animatable property to a UIView. As a result, the following sample code has no effect on the animation's duration:
[UIView animateWithDuration:3.0 animations:^{ self.roundProgressView.progress = 12.0; }];
Therefore, CERoundProgressView an animationDuration property was added for that purpose.
CERoundProgressView is compatible with iOS 5 and iOS 6.
ARC is not enabled in the sample project, and the classes manage memory the old way.
If ARC is activated in your project, the compiler will complain about the -dealloc method in CERoundProgressLayer.m. You should disable ARC for this file using the -fno-objc-arc compiler flag.
CERoundProgressView makes use of the UIAppearance API which is only available from iOS 5.0. Should you want to link with older SDKs, you may modify CERoundProgressView.h so the class does not conform to the UIAppearanceContainer protocol, and its properties are not declared as UIAPPEARANCESELECTOR.
The sample program shows a button which toggles between Play and Pause. The CERoundProgressView is below it.
CEPlayer is the most interesting class. It makes its position evolve from 0 to 1 on a duration of 20 seconds. The position changes abruptly every 0.5 s, on purpose: you can notice that the slider jumps from value to value, while the progress view animates smoothly.
CEViewController is the delegate of CEPlayer. Its purpose is to catch the actions of the button and set the progress of the slider and the progress view.
License: MIT
CFShareCircle is a user interface component for iOS that can be integrated into an app as a sharing mechanism for any kind of content.
License: MIT
ChatHeads is a new feature in Facebook.app 6.0 where little bubbles appear when somebody sends you a message.
License: Custom
Have you ever lamented the absence of queues, stacks, and trees from the Cocoa API? How many times have you considered writing your own, or scoured the web to see if someone else had? Well, look no further, the work has been done for you! CHDataStructures is a library of standard data structures which can be used in any Objective-C program, for educational purposes, or as a foundation for other data structures to build on. Data structures in this library adopt Objective-C protocols that define the functionality of and API for interacting with any implementation thereof, regardless of its internals.
License: Custom
The background automatically detect the network connection , When the network status have changed show HUD
License: MIT
Add async functions to your iOS models so you don't have to worry about another library.
License: MIT
Easy to use and highly customizable View that displays selector controls for (e.g.) UITableView Sections. This project is inspired by the iPads Address Book application.
License: Apache 2
CHTumblrMenu is a Tumblr iOS app like menu view completely created using core animation.
License: MIT
A Twitter UIButton which can be configured to open a designated users profile in the native Twitter App that the user has installed
License: MIT
Scheme url for iOS. Parsing URL and launch an application on a specified controller.
License: MIT
A pull-to-refresh view for iOS 5, 100% API-compatible with UIRefreshControl in iOS 6.
License: MIT
A simple obj-c library for converting classes which follow Key-Value Coding (KVC) conventions to other objects.
License: BSD
No hassle Objective-C blocks-based KVO library with automatic removal
License: MIT
A block-based navigational UIViewController designed for app startup, login and onboarding scenarios
License: MIT
A CLLocation category to handle various representations of map coordinates.
With this category, you can:
License: MIT
CLPKittenPlaceholder is a category on UIImageView which leverages the awesome power of [placekitten](placekitten.com) to give you quick access to the cutest placeholder images of all time. Usage is simple:
``` #import "UIImageView+CLPKittenPlaceholder.h"
/* ... */
//Set a kitten using the imageView size [imageView setImageToKitten];
//Set a kitten with a specific size [imageView setImageToKittenWithSize:CGSizeMake(100,100)]; ```
License: MIT
Easily add a stationary footer image when you reach the bottom of your UIScrollView or UITableView. It will remain put when the content bounces up and hide when scrolling up.
License: MIT
Example Here's how you might use it for simple A/B testing:
[ClutchAB testWithName:@"signUpBtnColor" A:^{ // Display green sign-up button } B:^{ // Display blue sign-up button }]; Documentation More documentation can be found at: http://docs.clutch.io/
License: Custom
Simple and powerful API for read / write NSData from / to iOS Cache / Documents / Tmp folder.
License: MIT
Single class that easily initializes a Core Data environment.
License: MIT
CMHTMLView is UIWebView wrapper to provide easy access to show rich text content (HTML) with native look and feel.
License: MIT
Using CNTreeNode is a convenient and easy way to build a tree of nested objects.
License: MIT
This is a fork of Jeff Lamarche's Cocoa Barcodes project, with the code modified to work on the iPhone and iPad. In my testing, a CCD and laser scanner can read UPC and Code 128 barcodes directly from the screen w/ no issue. I haven't tested other barcodes yet.
License: MIT
CocoaLibSpotify is an Objective-C wrapper around our libspotify library. It provides easy access to libspotify's features in a friendly, KVC/O compliant Objective-C wrapper.
License: BSD 3.0
CocoaOniguruma is an Objective-C binding of Oniguruma regular expression engine. It's simple and tiny compared to the other bindings.
It supports iOS 4+ and Mac OS X 10.6+ on both ARC and non ARC environments.
License: BSD
An attempt at a more expressive syntax for Objective-C. Heavily borrowed (stolen) from Ruby.
License: MIT
Simple Service Discovery Protocol client library for Mac and iOS. SSDP allow client app to discover devices on local network (ex: UPnP, DLNA..)
License: MIT
CODialog is a completely configurable, almost pixel perfect replacement for UIAlertView.
License: MIT
A simple set of classes to parse the JSON response to a Collection+JSON call into simple objects.
License: Custom
A ColorPopover is a very simple component for iPhone/iPad that provides a "Popover" color picker.
License: MIT
This implements a category on NSData for performing digest, HMAC, and cryptographic operations on the contents of the receiver, all of which are based on the CommonCrypto C API.
License: MIT
A set of Objective-C additions and macros that lets you write code more quickly.
License: MIT
This is a set of categories for performing concurrent map and filter operations on Foundation data structures, currently NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet.
Concurrency is achieved using Grand Central Dispatch's (GCD) dispatch_apply.
By default, operations are run on the default priority global concurrent
queue. The operations can be performed on any concurrent queue. This library
provides similar functionality to pmap
as found in other languages.
License: MIT
Tokenized People Picker. Re-implementation of the email address picker of iCal (work in progress).
License: MIT
Eliminates boilerplate code involved with an NSFetchedResultsController and a UITableView.
License: MIT
CoreParse is a parsing library for Mac OS X and iOS. It supports a wide range of grammars thanks to its shift/reduce parsing schemes. Currently CoreParse supports SLR, LR(1) and LALR(1) parsers.
For full documentation see http://beelsebob.github.com/CoreParse.
You may wonder why and/or when you should use CoreParse. There are already a number of parsers available in the wild, why should you use this one?
License: MIT
CoreParse is a parsing library for Mac OS X and iOS. It supports a wide range of grammars thanks to its shift/reduce parsing schemes. Currently CoreParse supports SLR, LR(1) and LALR(1) parsers.
For full documentation see http://beelsebob.github.com/CoreParse.
You may wonder why and/or when you should use CoreParse. There are already a number of parsers available in the wild, why should you use this one?
License: MIT
This codebase implements CCoreTextLabel, a UILabel style class that supports attributed strings and simple HTML.
License: BSD 2.0
CREasyStyleTextStorage is a concrete NSTextStore subclass that allows for fast exact string match styling.
License: MIT
An Objective-C library for talking to the Campaign Monitor API from Cocoa & Cocoa Touch applications.
License: MIT
CRFAQTableViewController allows you to quickly and easily display a clickable interface to navigate question and answer style content. All lines automatically account for the required height to display a question or answer, and an indexed table of contents appears at the top for quick navigation.
License: MIT
Custom UINavigationBar subclass which allows gradient coloured navigation bar on iOS 6/7.
License: MIT
CRLoom is a framework for helping with the import, update and querying of NSManagedObjects.
License: MIT
A custom photo viewer that implements device motion scrolling, inspired by Facebook Paper.
License: MIT
CRNavigationController is a UINavigationController subclass that brings about a more vivid, brighter UINavigationBar. In light of iOS 7 bringing us the wonders of translucency, it's difficult to obtain bright and flush colors. This library solves that predicament.
License: MIT
This is a simple STOMP client based on [https://github.com/juretta/objc-stomp] that supports Stomp v1.1 and v1.2.
License: MIT
A convenient NSProgress subclass that provides blocky callbacks for progress changes. (No need to use KVO)
License: MIT
This is a light weight line graph drawing framework,it is easy to use.
License: MIT
Boilerplate code for simple core data stack setup. We support different databases for distinct users
License: MIT
A simple class category that implements hash and isEqual: for every Objective-C object.
License: MIT
Simple subclass of UICollectionViewFlowLayout that gives you Floating (Sticky) Headers at the top of a UICollectionView like UITableView's header view.
License: MIT
CSNNotificationObserver is wrapping NSNotification for convenience.
License: MIT
Subclass of UITextView with placeholder property like UITextField has.
License: MIT
Simple superclass for custom tableview cells that works on convention and removes the need for a lot of code.
License: MIT
A Objective-C wrapper for Connexionz Transportation Systems (i.e. Corvallis Transportation System)
License: MIT
Cumulus is a simple, powerful and blazing🔥 fast Cocoa HTTP+REST client that makes creating Cloud-backed apps stupidly easy.
License: BSD
light weight of client for RESTFul server.Including objectives mapper.
License: MIT
a collection of share interface including sina、qq and renren include renren2.0 sdk and qq connect 2.0.0
License: MIT
CWDropDownMenu is a block based UIButton subclass that uses UIActionSheet to present a drop down menu.
License: MIT
Functional operations for Objective-C objects inspired by Haskell
* functors (cx_map
* foldables (cx_fold*
License: MIT
A Cocos2d CCNode subclass that lets you draw arbitrary collections of triangles.
License: MIT
A cocos2d class for drawing textures with Core Graphics and Core Text.
License: MIT
DALinedTextView is a UITextView subclass that draws ruled lines to the view, similar to iOS' built-in Notes app. The lines conform to the appropriate line-height for the currently set UIFont.
License: MIT
A UIView subclass displaying download progress. Looks similarly to springboard icons of apps being downloaded in iOS 7.
License: MIT
A subclass of NSWindowController that provides an easy way to create preference windows.
License: CC
DCFSQLite is an Objective-C wrapper to SQLite making it easy to use the database.
License: MIT
A UITableViewController subclass that can hide sections of a grouped table without displaying random padding where the section should be.
License: MIT
A custom segue which makes a 'pushed back' modal presenting animation.
License: MIT
DCTTextFieldValidator takes an array of UITextFields and switches the return key on the keyboard if the text fields are valid.
License: BSD
Objective-C Cocoa Wrapper for javascript google analytics tracking. a demo on github shows how to easily use it into your app.
License: MIT
Sync your NSUserDefaults to iCloud automatically (rewrite of MKiCloudSync with conflict handling).
License: MIT
iOS 'Utility' Class that monitors the microphone and watches for hissing noises and sends start/stop notifications. a demo on github shows how to easily use it in a viewController.
License: MIT
DDProgressView works on both iOS and Mac OS, and provides a round edged progress view.
License: BSD
An extension for the OSX cocoa class QLPreviewPanel which is used to show and control Apple's Quicklook panel. (10.7+). The Category provides two new properties to the PreviewPanel to set additional views in the titlebar. (iOS-like)
License: MIT
A random quote service that accesses iheartquotes.com and can optionally use a local file as backup.
License: MIT
This is a simple web server written in Objective C using the CCFNetwork (for OSX and iOS).
License: CC
DebugKit contains debugging and data dumping helper functions. In particular, the 0.x.x of this library contains a way to dump binary data in conanical hexadecimal and text output format.
License: Apache 2
Facebook compose sheet view controller like in iOS 6.0.
License: Custom
DejalActivityView conveniently displays a horizontal, bezel-style, or keyboard-covering view with a spinning activity indicator and adjustable text.
License: BSD 2.0
DerpKit is a set of categories and classes that should've been included in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.
License: MIT
DETweetComposeViewController is an iOS 4 compatible version of the TWTweetComposeView controller. Otherwise known as the Tweet Sheet.
License: Custom
A library to parse the apple receipt file in iOS 7 as defined here:
https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/releasenotes/General/ValidateAppStoreReceipt/Chapters/ValidateLocally.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010573-CH1-SW3 This library does not handle validation -- by Apple's design, it is necessary to provide your own validation code for security reasons.
This library *does* make it easier to fetch in-app purchase data stored
on the device, which could be used for server side receipt validation.
License: MIT
Count Events and get notifications when that count changes, per event.
License: MIT
a category on NSObject to allow for runtime introspection.
License: MIT
A simple category that allows you set a block to fire when an object is dealloced..
License: MIT
This is an Objective-C port (with a C interface) of the Diff, Match and Patch library. It's a rather enthusiastic refactoring of Jan Weiß's https://github.com/JanX2/google-diff-match-patch-Objective-C.
License: MIT
DirectoryWatchdog is a simple utility tool to monitor real time changes in local folders. Most common use is the monitoring of an applications documents directory in combination with iTunes file sharing support. This code uses the BSD kqueue API and should work on OSX as well as iOS.
License: Apache 2
A set of functions to modify the attributes of a CGRect structure in an easier way
License: MIT
The project has been created by Moqod team to help many developers searching for this solution on Stackoverflow and else where. Special thanks to Disqus for answering support questions promptly! When integrating this solution to your project, please, spare us a like on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or spread a good word about us!
License: MIT
Drop-in UIImagePickerController replacement w/ landscape support.
License: Apache 2
A “keep it simple, stupid” approach to handling photo and video capture with AVFoundation.
License: Apache 2
A turn-key camera capture solution built on top of DIYAV (on top of AVFoundation).
License: Apache 2
Was surprised that I couldn't find one so I made a simple control for searching/selecting countries. Especially useful for using in signup forms where you need to select a country for a phone number or postal address.
License: MIT
Sources of DKLiveBlur and Demo app to show live blur effect similar to yahoo weather iOS app.
License: MIT
iOS modal back button, that looks like standart navbar back button, but can be added in navbar/toolBar, without nav controller.
License: MIT
A demonstration of UICollectionView with waterfall (pinterest like) layout and UIKit Dynamics. Uses tiling in order to maintain high-performance even with ten thousand cells.
License: MIT
Animated NSScrollView with collapsible sections like in XCode Inspector.
License: MIT
This CLLocationManager wrapper allows you to query for the devices location in a convenient way. Control the caching behaviour by disallowing cache or setting the maximum cache age. Loop the location determination for permanent location updates in a defined interval.
License: Apache 2
An iOS 6 UIActivity subclass implementing uploads to Douban.com
License: MIT
A reusable graphing view for iOS to easily plot continuous functions.
License: MIT
Extension for the UICollectionView and UICollectionViewLayout that allows a user to move items with drag and drop.
License: MIT
DRBOperationTree is an iOS and OSX API to organize work (NSOperations) into a tree such that the output of each parent is passed to it's children for further processing.
License: MIT
A UIScrollView subclass to easily implement an amazing swiping interactive slide show, as IFTTT's.
License: Custom
Implement a paginated scroll view really easily using blocks.
License: Custom
DSLCalendar view is an iOS control that displays a calendar similar to the system calendar. It allows the user to select a single date or a date range.
License: BSD 3.0
A CMStepCounter Category that adds methods for step queries to make daily step counts easy
License: MIT
A drop-in replacement for UITableViewCell with horizontal scrolling to reveal a custom view
License: MIT
Custom rounded activity indicator - colorized from tintColor
License: MIT
DVFloatingWindow is a simple and effective tool for reviewing your application logs just from within. You can manage them by creating a separate tab for each log, quickly switch between tabs and see all the details you need. Also there is an opportunity to add buttons with your custom handlers for helping you to debug your app (e.g. send a network request, reset settings, etc.).
License: MIT
DXTableViewModel is useful for building complex UITableView based forms
with lots of different cell subclasses. It acts like configuration toolbox for table view providing objects that represent sections and rows with block-based API which wrap up delegate and datasource methods.
License: MIT
use NSJSONSerialization to change json strong to object or change object to json string * Think: Why did you write this? What is the focus? What does it do? * CocoaPods will be using this to generate tags, and improve search results. * Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point. * Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it!
License: MIT
a Library for iOS developer and designer for simply replace the image files in resource bundle without rebuild the app.
License: MIT
A custom iOS rate view control similar to the one used in Apple's App Store app.
License: BSD
DZPopupController is a floating UI component. It is a customizable modal view controller with custom presentation, ranging from that of UIPopoverController to UIAlertView.
License: MIT
DZProgressController is a drop-in iOS class that displays a translucent HUD with a progress indicator and an optional label while work is being done. It is meant as an easy-to-use replacement for the undocumented, private class UIProgressHUD.
License: MIT
A neat, beautiful and flat style column chart or bar chart with event handling enable, animation enable and extendable. A neat, beautiful and flat style line chart with event handling enable, animation enable, scorll enable, scale enable and extendable. Both are easy to use, just like how you use UITableView.
License: Apache 2
License: MIT
a category for UIColor that can use Hex color code with UIColor Class.
just import the category, and:
UIColor* theColor = [UIColor colorWithHexString:@"#3a93d8"];
UIColor* theColor = [UIColor colorWithHexString:@"#3a93d8" withAlpha:0.5];
both #3a93d8
or 3a93d8
would be ok :)
License: Custom
EDSideBar is a customizable Sidebar View like those seen in apps like Sparrow or Twitter.
License: MIT
A configurable star rating control for OSX and iOS, similar to those found in iTunes and the App Store.
License: MIT
some helpers for NSString.
Method list:
- (BOOL) isEmpty;
- (BOOL) isNotEmpty;
- (BOOL) isEmail;
- (BOOL) isNotEmail;
- (NSString *) trimmedString;
- (NSString *) truncatedString:(NSUInteger) numberOfCharacters;
- (NSString *) md5String;
- (NSString *) sha1String;
+ (NSString *) randomString:(NSInteger) length;
+ (NSString *) numberToThousandSeparatorFormat:(NSInteger) number;
License: Custom
UINavigationController category to allow the UIViewController to determine if it should be popped off the stack.
License: MIT
A Simple, easily customizable, lightweight notification system for iOS Apps.
License: MIT
EKStreamView renders a number of columns containing multiple cells by reusing the cell views whenever possible, similar to UITableView. It's fast even you have hundreds of cells since only a small number of cells are actually created.
License: MIT
Accessing and manipulating HTML and XML in Cocoa can be incredibly frustrating. There are two existing choices (NSXMLParser and lib2xml) but neither work with HTML or "real-world" XML documents that are often not "perfect". Their interfaces put all the work on you to map between the document and your programs domain objects. They force you to write code that is hard to write and maintain. Somehow, something that starts out looking straightforward ends up becoming a science project or worse. ElementParser is lightweight framework to provide easy access to xml and html content. Rather than get lost in the complexities of the HTML and XML specifications, it aspires to not obscure their essential simplicity. It does not do everything, but aspires to do "just enough".
License: Commercial
A Simple Pull to refresh component, you can use or change it very easily!
License: MIT
A Encapsulation to the UITableView with EGORefreshTableHeaderView and LoadMoreTableFooterView and download image async.
License: MIT
Container view controller which manage multiple child view controllers using storyboards
License: MIT
Converts a given string with common chat smileys like :) to emoji symbols.
License: Custom
C-based Engineering Notation Formatter with a Objective-C wrapper, and handles variable digits, style, and step capability. Can also format numbers with SI-style suffixes.
Can output strings like 7.14e3, 3.43 M, or 6.32 m.
License: BSD
I use this extened NSLog mechanism in my projects, because I want control on console debug colors and information to be displayed. I know there are huge libraries out there. But once you don´t have the needed files while delivering, the special log commands like logWarning(.....) and so on can´t be used.
What I do is to extend NSLog. So if you install EnrichNSLog ... fine, you get all the formatted individual information and layout. If not ... well, no error. No problem, The original NSLog will work as well
License: MIT
Checker Collection such as email, id card(mainland China) and phone number(mainland China).
License: MIT
The ePOS-Print SDK for iOS is an SDK aimed at development engineers who are developing iOS applications for printing on an EPSON TM printer. Applications are developed using the APIs provided by ePOS-Print SDK. ePOS-Print SDK for Android for Android devices is also provided in ePOS-Print SDK. For detailed information, please see ePOS-Print SDK for iOS User's Manual.
License: Commercial
ErnKit is a framework for simplifying the development of well structured Objective-C apps.
License: MIT
This category implements some basic methods to modify the dimensions of a given UILabel.
License: Custom
Creates NSCursors with 2/3/4-pronged resize cursors, possibly rounded and rotated.
License: MIT
EvalJS lets you run JavaScript code from your iOS app, without rely on UIWebView.
License: MIT
A re-usable class that manages pub/sub events using blocks in Obj-C.
License: MIT
BoltsFramework Tasks additions for Evernote iOS SDK. Allow you to use BoltsFramework Tasks with Evernote API for iOS.
License: MIT
This is a simple Evernote Notebook Picker UI. It includes several features: 1. Stack the notebooks 2. Expand / collapse stack 3. Search by keyword
License: MIT
A "drop in" photo viewer for iOS, SUPER easy to use, it has the "zoom the rest of the app away effect"
It works with any UIImageView, just laying around, in a table, in a cell in a custom made carousel, everywhere!
Whats the "EX" for? it is for EXTRA AWESOME!!!
It will take the image and:
Then if for example "anImageView" contains the image you would like to show, just do:
[EXPhotoViewer showImageFrom:anImageView];
License: MIT
A very lightweight subset of the official Facebook iOS SDK useful just for tracking mobile app installations and being able to attribute them to Facebook Mobile App Ads For Installs. Specifically it implements a single initial ping and tracking event to your Facebook App using the Facebook Graph API. This flows the (iOS6+) advertiser identifier and the fb_app_attribution
data which the Facebook iOS app places on the system pasteboard if an install occured from the Facebook iOS app. The tracking data about use and installs will show up with a 2-day lag as daily-/weekly-/monthly-active user information and daily installs in your applications Insights, and it will show up as installs in near real-time during active Mobile App Ads campaigns. (Update: the new Insights dashboard no longer has 2-day lag, find it at https://www.facebook.com/insights/)
The code consolidates and compacts the logic found in FBUtility.m which is called from FBSettings.m and uses a standard NSURLConnection
instead of the heavier (but more useful in general cases) FBRequest
object of the full SDK.
If you are only interested in running Facebook Mobile App Install Ad Campaigns, this is all the Facebook SDK logic you need.
License: zlib
Face++ uses the cutting-edge technology of computer vision and data mining to provide 3 core vision services (Detection, Recognition, and Analysis). With the service and huge database of celebrity from Face++, the developers can apply the face technology into their own websites, mobile Apps, and smart TVs, increasing incredible user experience.
License: MIT
Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. Bindings to more than 15 programming languages are available. An easy to read introduction article and a reference manual accompanies the library with examples and recommendations on how to use the library. Several graphical user interfaces are also available for the library.
License: Custom
The University of Michigan has an awesome live bus tracking system for students. This is an Objective-C wrapper around their API.
License: MIT
This library includes some kind of digital fonts. They're not font-file, just draw with CoreGraphics.
License: MIT
This library supports glow effect on to UILabel
Not only outer glow (shadow), but also inner glow.
License: MIT
Remember the pane-based navigation paradigm of Twitter's iPad app? This library looks a bit like that, and tries to replicate that behavior on iPhone instead. Of course, given the small screen real estate there is on iPhone, this library actually lays out the views vertically, and displays only the current and the next one.
License: Custom
FCMutableArray is a composite class that behaves in the same way than an NSMutableArray, adding a delegate to it. The delegate is informed each time an object is added or removed from the array, and is also asked the permission to do so. That makes FCMutableArray a very good candidate to manage object queues.
License: Custom
FCPostOffice makes it possible for remote parts of your application to communicate in a structured way. Usually you would not need something like FCPostOffice, but if your app is really complex with a lot of view controllers that sometimes need to be talking to each other, FCPostOffice offers a nice solution. Ofcourse there is NSNotificationCenter, but notifications are not very specific.
License: MIT
FDStatusBarNotifier is a UIView subclass that lets you display notifications using the space in which the status bar resides.
License: MIT
Calculate sunrise, sunset, and twilight times for a given location and date. Provides sunrise, sunset, solar noon, civil twilight, nautical twilight, and astronomical twilight times. Calculations can be limited to only those the developer is interested in.
License: MIT
Higher-level collections and other objects to make Firebase easier.
License: BSD
Preloading UIWebviews in UIViewControllers for faster loadtime.
License: MIT
A modified grapefrukt-export creates xml descriptions of timeline animations. Flash2Cocos2D imports that xml and recreates what were timeline animations.
License: MIT
A collection of custom draw controls inspired by the Flat theme. Built off UICustomizeKit.
License: Apache 2
The Flexile Database is a set of classes to help manage information in a SQLite database (iPhone only at the moment) in an object oriented fasion. The header files are fully documented, so you can learn a lot about usage there.
The is one dependency: FlxToolkit. It a collection of classes, defines, functions, etc I use in most of my projects.
Warning: At the moment, while these classes handle just about all types of updates you can do on a SQLite database, they only handle single-table queries. I intend on adding joined queries in the near future... as soon as I can get to it.
License: MIT
This include mostly a hodpodge of extensions, common classes, defines, macros and functions I use for my development. There are some interdependencies within the classes, but that is kept to a minimum.
License: MIT
A new navigation controller inspired by Flipboard.
License: MIT
The fmemopen() function opens a stream that permits the access specified by mode. The stream allows I/O to be performed on the string or memory buffer pointed to by buf. This buffer must be at least size bytes long.
License: Apache 2
An iOS UITableView subclass that allows you to move rows without being in edit mode simply by tapping and holding the appropriate row.
License: BSD
Dynamic forms on iOS with support for:
License: MIT
A folding view controller for the iOS platform based on the excellent ECSlidingViewController and XYOrigami projects.
License: Custom
A project that includes a module for drawing arbitrary .ttf fonts for iPhone.
License: Apache 2
Since iOS 3.2, you can use custom fonts in your apps but unfortunately, you can't use these custom fonts in Interface Builder. FontReplacer is a solution to this problem.
If your project contains nibs with a lot of labels, it becomes tedious to setup an outlet for every label and change the font in the code for each outlet. Instead choose a font that you won't be using anywhere in your app, e.g. Arial and use it in Interface Builder. Then create a mapping from Arial to your custom font, e.g. Caviar Dreams and let FontReplacer handle the replacement.
License: Custom
An open source implementation of the Fountain screenplay formatting language.
License: MIT
FPLinearLayout is a view container that automatically handles children positions for you in a linear fashion.
License: BSD
FPLog is a simple logger that help you trace the value of CGRect, CGSize and CGPoint. This reduces your pain when you want to inspect uiview's frame.
License: BSD
Alternative to the native iOS UIPopoverController, with iPhone support and look and feel customization.
License: BSD
FreeXL is an open source library to extract valid data from within an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet.
License: Custom
You can use FruitMaskedTextfield to format strings using a mask, or use a convinient UITextField category to enable masked-edition inside UITextField.
License: Custom
UIView subclass for rendering static content with CoreText using Objective-C interface and highly customisable markup syntax.
License: MIT
Utility class for simple block-based getting of current user's location on iOS.
License: MIT
The code in FTUtils is common utility code extracted from Free Time Studios iPhone projects. Currently, there is only one primary utility (FTAnimation) and some simple preprocessor macros. Some unit tests exist for the code, but more are needed.
License: MIT
An awesome flat vertical tab bar controller for iOS.
License: MIT
Objective-C library to access FullContact's v2 API endpoints via iOS and Mac OS X.
License: Custom
A library providing functional operations for Objective C collections.
License: WTFPL
Library allows You easy iterate through UIImage pixel as any other high level container.
License: MIT
Lightweight, ARC-friendly JSON library, supporting both DOM and SAX style parsing.
License: zlib
GAJavaScript is a Cocoa Touch library that makes working with JavaScript easier from native code. It has a couple of important design goals: 1. Make working with JavaScript objects and functions more like working with Objective-C objects and methods. 2. Allow native applications on iOS devices to take advantage of JavaScript to support sharing code across platforms or making applications more dynamic. 3. Let native iOS developers take advantage of some of the great web technologies inside WebKit.
License: BSD
GameCenter Manager helps to manage Game Center in iOS and Mac apps
License: MIT
iBooks-style 3D flip transition animation rendered in OpenGL ES 2.0 and wrapped in a UIStoryboardSegue subclass
License: zlib
A subclass of UIActionSheet that lets you attach blocks to its buttons.
License: MIT
A subclass of UIAlertView that lets you attach blocks to its buttons.
License: MIT
Simple object wrappers providing a safer, more error-graceful interface to libdispatch (GCD).
License: WTFPL
Easy threadsafeing + the performance of Grand Central Dispatch.
License: WTFPL
GCNetworkReachability monitors the network state on iOS and OS X devices. Supports ARC, GCD, Blocks, IPv4/IPv6 and OS X/iOS.
License: MIT
An easy-to-use asynchronous HTTP networking library for iOS and OS X.
License: MIT
GDFileManagerKit lets you access Dropbox, Google Drive, SugarSync and WebDAV with a consistent, NSFileManager-like API.
Features of GDFileManagerKit include:
License: MIT
Gen is a code generating framework for creating Objective-C and based on modelling classes, protocols, methods, properties, etc.. using Gen classes. The final result being converted into .m/.h files.
License: BSD
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) was a method used primarily by the US Army Corp of Engineers for determining positions based on a grid system. It has the advantage of being able to determine distances with very simple math. However, converting between this system and the more familar LatLon system used in most modern software is a pain.
License: BSD
A clone of the new Facebook iOS UI paradigm; a sidebar navigation table that is revealed by sliding the main content panel to the right. The search goes full-screen and everything supports the standard orientations.
This project uses the Container View Controller methods introduced in iOS 5.0 so, it won't work on any version prior. This project uses ARC so, you'll need Mac OS 10.7+ (Lion) and Xcode 4.2.1+ to build it.
License: Apache 2
A fork of GKImagePicker (0.0.1) updated for iOS 7, that also takes care of the default sources.
License: MIT
Display an image gallery on top of a view with parallax scrolling effect.
License: MIT
GMCodeEditor is a NSTextView subclass that allows for editing source code.
It has the folowing features, that are extracted as subspecs: - syntax highlighting - autocompletion
License: MIT
This unofficial SDK allows you to track usage of your OS X applications. Google built an Analytics SDK for iOS and Android but hasn't yet built one for desktop apps. As far as I can tell, we are not violating Google's Terms of Service.
License: MIT
Use a Google Docs spreadsheet as a read-only backend to your app!
License: Custom
RESTFul network library in objective-c. Built on NSURLConnection.
License: Apache 2
Versioned fork of GPUImage. OpenGL ES 2-based image and real-time camera filters for iOS.
License: BSD
GrabKit allows you to retrieve photos from : * Facebook * FlickR * Picasa * Instagram * iPhone/iPad * ... and more to come.
License: MIT
GrannySmith is Hulu's Objective C open source project. The first tool provided in GrannySmith is GSFancyText. It allows you to format rich text in iOS in HTML/CSS fashion.
License: MIT
Minimal patched grid view from UITableView, for iOS5 compatibility.
License: BSD 2.0
Given two NSArrays, an old and current, GRKArrayDiff will report all deletions, insertions, moves, and modifications. This is specifically targeted for array backed data models which are used to support Table Views and Collection Views, but is generally applicable as well.
A UIView subclass which renders a one-item bar graph with an animatable percentage property and configurable orientation, colors, etc. CALayers are used for drawing efficiency and implicit animation.
A UIView subclass which renders a one-item circular bar graph with an animatable percentage property and configurable start angle, colors, etc. CALayers are used for drawing efficiency and implicit animation.
A simple utility, which when given the content of an HTML file, will extract the text content from the body, stripping HTML tags, and format the plaintext in such a way as to be used as a "preview" of the body content.
A UIImage category which provides "visible" pixel cropping capabilities. A given image can be rectangularly cropped based on calculated insets to "visible" pixels. Visible pixels are those whose alpha component are greater than or equal to a given alpha threshold.
A handy logger library:
License: MIT
An iOS 6 UIActivity subclass implementing uploads to Dropbox – as used in Zippity.app.
License: CC
A simple Objective-C wrapper around common use cases for the iOS keychain
License: CC
A controller for implementing radio buttons in Cocoa.
License: CC
An objective-C implementation of Mailgun's Guardpost email validation service.
License: MIT
Used to build a hash result from contributed objects or hashes (presumably
properties on your object which should be considered in the isEqual: override).
The intention is for the hash result to be returned from an override to the
- (NSUInteger)hash
HBShare is a simple share helper built on UIActivityViewController with WeChat support
License: MIT
subclass that highlights all search results (Safari-style wannabe).
License: MIT
HJCache is library for asynchronous download of images and other data over the net, and for sharing and caching them.
License: Custom
An extended view with a single line separator like UITableViewCell.
License: MIT
License: MIT
HLLFont allows you to easily change font style.
License: MIT
HMGLTransitions is set of classes which can animate transition between two UIViews, or presentation / dismissing of UIViewControllers.
License: MIT
Hockey is a iOS Ad-Hoc updater framework. It can be used for all apps that target the Apple AppStore and improves the beta testing process dramatically. NOTES: You will need to add a dependency on JSONKit or SBJson yourself. If you want the framework to try again when a network is available, add a dependency on Reachability and send a notification with the name NetworkDidBecomeReachable
yourself when the network becomse reachable.
License: MIT
This project allows you to create a simple and small UIView
with some 'holes' :)
License: MIT
An UITextView which grows/shrinks with the text and starts scrolling when the content reaches a certain number of lines.
License: MIT
HPLChatViewController is for making sms like views on iOS. It is a fork of https://github.com/AlexBarinov/UIBubbleTableView.
License: CC
Objective-C implementation of a k-dimensional binary space partitioning tree.
License: MIT
The category for UIColor that you always wanted even if you didn't realize it. * You can turn any format of hex string representations of a color (0x and #) into a UIColor object. * You can do just the reverse if for example you want to turn your color into JSON and attatch both prefixes if you so desire. * This also contains support for converting a 32 bit integer and a alpha value into a UIColor object as well as seperating an UIColor object into it's components.
License: MIT
HTCopyableLabel is a subclass of UILabel that makes it easy to allow users to copy a label's text.
License: MIT
A set of convenience categories to simplify use of Core Image on iOS.
License: MIT
Asynchronous blurring of images, with an optional gradient mask to only blur part of the image.
License: MIT
Apply a variety of easing functions from the AHEasing project to CAGradientLayers.
License: MIT
A small set of graphics tools for drawing custom UI. Highlight arbitrary shapes, create radial gradients, etc.
License: MIT
A state-aware cached component rasterization system (continuation of project HTStateAwareRasterImageView).
License: MIT
A state-aware cached component rasterization system.
License: MIT
updateContent, setNeedsUpdate, and updateIfNeeded, KVO observation to avoid overriding setters.
License: MIT
License: MIT
A highly customizable drop-in replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView
License: BSD
iOS download manager, Download a set of files in parallel and sequential order.
License: MIT
iOS In-App Purchase Validation - improved and modular version of Apple's VerificationController.
License: MIT
Objects for building iOS apps (IATApps.com). Of particular interest is probably the classes for building 3D Cover-Flow-Like Carousels.
License: MIT
Specify beacon info file, then Beacon Event posted as NSNotification
License: MIT
Tutorial overlay which allows you to make specifix views transparent (highlited).
License: MIT
This pro used to collect code that most of time we use it in our own project.
License: MIT
IdentityManager maintains multiple accounts on each oauth platform, bundled with facebook, twitter, linkedin support. But you can register as many OAuth 1.0a services as you can.
This project was inspired by the following projects:
AFOAuth1Client TWiOS5ReverseAuthExample RSOAuthEngine SwitchUserSample from FacebookSDK
License: MIT
Takes a BLE device as input and allows you to send and receive Firmata
through it. Also includes an example host implementation for ios.
License: Apache 2
iOS component for displaying a fullscreen image gallery Supports orientation changes.
License: MIT
IFUnicodeURL is a category for NSURL which will allow it to support Internationalized domain names in URLs.
License: Custom
Igor is a query engine that selects views in a iOS application, based on each view's class, properties, containment relationship to other views, and other characteristics.
License: MIT
A shared cache class that saves UIImages to a Key/Value store.
License: MIT
License: MIT
A window to which other views can be docked to and separated into their own windows
License: MIT
iOS color picker view controller which presents a hue bar and a saturation/brightness box to allow selection of any RGB color.
License: MIT
InfinitePagingView is a subclass of UIView. It contains an endlessly scrollable UIScrollView.on't worry about the indent, we strip it!
License: MIT
Inflections is a port of several of the ActiveSupport Inflector methods into Objective C.
License: MIT
InformaticToolbar is mainly an UIViewController Category which allows you to add several UIBarButtonItems set to your toolbar.
The sets are defined as subclasses of ITBarItemSet. All ITBarItemSet can have a dismiss button if the target and action has been defined. If more than one set has been added, a switch button (an arrow) will be displayed on the left for user to switch between sets.
For now, there are three pre-defined set:
You can easily create new sets by extending ITBarItemSet yourself.
License: MIT
Cocoa / Cocoa Touch Dependency Injection framework with features for simpler TDD.
License: MIT
Simplifies integration of testing frameworks with Xcode and SenTestingKit.
License: MIT
自建关系链?网络营销?App Store SEO?不用了!成为微信开放平台开发者,让拥有亿级用户的微信平台成为你的免费推广平台,让用户帮你口碑营销。下载数、活跃数、评价数、网站流量,一切都来得那么自然。
License: Custom
iOS Collection Utilities extend NSArray and NSDictionary functionality via categories.
License: MIT
Very simple read-only (no OAUTH) library to connect to a few Etsy services.
License: Custom
A bare bone implementation of a pull to refresh for you to subclass.
License: MIT
Auto-generated Google GTL library for accessing YouTube's new JSON API.
License: WTFPL
iOS QR encoder, generates an UIImage from NSString with one line of code. Uses libqrencode to encode a string into qr.
License: MIT
UserPreferences provides convenience methods to get and set user preferences.
```objc BOOL soundOn = [UserPreferences getBoolWithKey:@"soundOn" withDefault:YES]; [UserPreferences setInt:11 withKey:@"volume"];
if ([UserPreferences isKeyUndefinedThenDefine:@"firstTime"]) { // show intro } ```
License: Apache 2
Fancy menu that fits ios7 perfectly! See http://monavari.de/fileadmin/data_archive/images/iOS7Menu/iOS7Menu%20-%20Breitband.m4v
License: MIT
Objective-C block replacement for some Cocoa Touch APIs depending on delegation.
License: MIT
Utility functions to assist with iOS app reading by checking running processes and identifying whether apps implement a custom URL Scheme.
License: BSD
IOS LinkedIn API capable of accessing LinkedIn using oauth2. Using a UIWebView to fetch the authorization code.
License: MIT
ios-queryable is an implementation of IQueryable/IEnumerable for Core Data.
License: MIT
A template for binding to webservices using NSOperation and NSOperationQueue.
License: Custom
Objective C Zip tool, base on ZipArchive MIT licence need to add libz.1.2.5.dylib to your project IPaZipArchiveWriter can create zip file IPaZipArchiveReader can unzip your file simple zip tool
License: MIT
When using a font outside those that are built into iOS, it's often necessary to set fonts on labels, buttons, and text fields programatically. There are many solutions to this, including subclassing, categories, or utility classes. It would be cleaner if interface builder allowed you to set custom fonts directly in the nib or storyboard. With IPCustomFont, you can leverage the "User-defined runtime attributes" in interface builder's identity inspector to do just that.
License: BSD
Quick way to display a modal view controller on iOS. Includes a default animation that requires iOS7. Does not restrict the modal size. Animations can be customized. It has callbacks for dismissal.
License: MIT
Making linguistics easy, A set of classes and categories for analyzing your data.
License: MIT
Why ISOLogger?
Other people add log entries with only the best intentions. But sometimes they drown out your own voice.
The most useful entries are the ones you add yourself, right before you run the code.
ISOLogger is a simple tool that sends all existing log output to a file. It's still there if you need it. But your Xcode console is reserved so you can hear yourself think.
For a more detailed explanation, read the blog post.
License: MIT
ISPageScrollView is a UIScrollView subclass optimised for huge number of pages display. It uses lazy-loading mechanism to maintain only the previous few pages and the next few pages in order to minimize the memory usage.
License: MIT
We at Guru software really love toast notifications available on android OS, so we've built a similar feature for the IOS enabled devices.
License: Custom
is a very lightweight progress bar replacement for OS X.
License: MIT
ITPullToRefreshScrollView is a subclass of NSScrollView which allows iOS 7 style refreshing by pulling.
License: MIT
ITSidebar is a control for Mac OS X similar to the one of Sparrow.
License: Custom
iTunesConnectHelper is a drop-in helper class for working with iTunes Connect and iTunes In-App Purchases. It makes the iTunes In-App Purchase process simplified and easy.
License: MIT
Small Objective-C library for easily adding/removing bundles from login items.
License: MIT
With minimal configuration, JAGPropertyConverter allows easy persistence, copying, or API serialization of your Model objects. It also allows run-time querying of an object's properties and their attributes.
License: MIT
Auto translates NSDictionary to instances of Objective-C classes, supporting nested types and arrays.
License: MIT
JBTabBarController aims to be a drop-in replacement of UITabBarController with the intention of letting developers easily customise its appearance. JBTabBar uses images for all UI elements except for the labels on TabBar items. This gives the Developer/Designer the freedom to customise all aspects of the TabBar.
License: MIT
JBWhatsAppActivity is a UIActivity subclass that provides an “Share in WhatsApp" action to a UIActivityViewController.
License: MIT
Simple, helpful library for using your Objective-C variables within a bundled AppleScript or OSAScript.
License: MIT
Simple util to load 'beans' from plist configuration file. For how to use, use '''pod try'''.
License: MIT
Helper class that allows you to draw views (a)synchronously to a UIImage with caching for great performance.
License: Custom
General graphics utilities, including generic inset effect classes.
License: MIT
A utility library for iOS and Mac OS projects, which includes useful string methods and a lot more!
License: MIT
In English, a word can either be singular or plural (e.g. 1 day, 2 days, 10 days). Some languages like Chinese have only one form (eg. 1 天, 2 天, 10 天), while others like Russian have three (1 день, 2 дня, 10 дней).
JJPluralForm is adapted from Mozilla's PluralForm to handle plural forms in your Objective-C projects.
License: Custom
Helper class to make managing TableView Delegate/Datasource easier.
License: MIT
This code is a simple Objective-C Category implemention of NSArray and NSDictionary which replaces NSNull values from NSArray and NSDictionary.
License: MIT
JKSegueActionViewController allows the use of simple blocks and methods instead of -[UIViewController prepareForSegue:sender:].
License: MIT
NSCache based remote-image caching and downloading mechanism for iOS. Is block based and uses a simple UIImageView category to handle loading images with placeholders. With fix to the placeholder behaviour
License: MIT
Stylish and animated tab view for iOS rendered entirely using core graphics.
License: BSD
An Objective-C port of the Latitude/longitude spherical geodesy formulae & scripts by Chris Veness.
License: Custom
JPImagePickerController is the attempt to copy apples UIImagePickerController for the iPhone with dataSource methods, so you can use it for remote images and images bundeld with your app.
License: MIT
JPSDisplayLink provides an easy block interface to CADisplayLink-based animations. This is ideal for animating properties that dont support UIView-based animations like font size on a UILabel or UITextView.
License: MIT
A pixel-perfect clone of iOS 7's UIImagePickerController
, with a few improvements. I built this because Apple's image picker is difficult to modify. Works on both iPad & iPhone.
License: MIT
JPSThumbnailAnnotation is a simple mapkit annotation view for displaying images with clean design and animations.
License: MIT
JREnum is a macro that automates creation of functions that blast enums from boring primitive compile-time-land to the fun-filled party environment of runtime.
License: MIT
A simple class for iOS that provides users with notifications in a simple way.
License: Apache 2
This repository contains a set of JSON objects that implementors of JSON Schema validation libraries can use to test their validators. It is meant to be language agnostic and should require only a JSON parser. The conversion of the JSON objects into tests within your test framework of choice is still the job of the validator implementor.
License: MIT
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithBundleJSONFilename:@"filename.json"]; NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithBundleJSONFilename:@"filename.json"];
NSString *jsonString = array.jsonString; NSString *jsonString = array.jsonStringPrettyPrinted;
NSString *jsonString = dict.jsonString; NSString *jsonString = dict.jsonStringPrettyPrinted;
License: MIT
Add syntax highlighting to JSON objects in Objective C for both Cocoa and iOS without using HTML.
License: MIT
JSWSimpleJSONTable is a subclass of UITableViewController that allows you to populate an entire table view using a JSON file, and not deal with UITableViews, delegates and data sources. Populate it with a local file or from a server.
License: MIT
An improved keyboard for iOS supporting gestures, highlighting and suggestions. Built to be used in any iOS text editor and all text-intensive iOS apps.
License: CC
An activity indicator view to be used in the place of the standard UIActivityIndicatorView.
License: MIT
JVArgumentParser is a simple command line argument parser. It respects the POSIX and GNU command line conventions and has an easy yet versantile API.
License: MIT
JWFolders is a class that attempts to mimic the folder animation present on the iOS SpringBoard.
License: BSD
It allows you to add subviews in a layout and it will automatically stack them, vertically for the UIVerticalLayout and horizontally for the UIHorizontal layout, with no need for frame adjustments on your side.
License: Apache 2
KASeparatorLine does one thing and one thing only:
Draw a horizontal separator line.
License: MIT
This keychain wrapper was originally created by Apple and modified to be ARC compatible.
License: Custom
keylime provides data-driven dynamic UITableView and UICollectionViews for iOS.
License: MIT
KFAppleScriptHandlerAdditions makes it easy to call subroutines (with arguments) of compiled AppleScript scripts. With these additions, applescripts can become easily accessed helper objects within a mostly cocoa app. Extra script compilation is also avoided.
License: Commercial
KGNoise forked from kgn/KGNoise to use the latest version 1.2.0 with UIImage support.
License: MIT
Similar to the status bar seen in the MailBox app, it covers the top status bar and appears like the message is embedded within.
License: MIT
Includes not only utilities for developing on Kii Cloud, but also general utilities for nice UI elements and other convenient utilities that we find useful in app development.
License: Apache 2
An easy way to use the Key-Value Observing (KVO) pattern with blocks and selectors.
License: MIT
Keep NSUserDefaults simple, stupid. Access NSUserDefaults key using property, subclassing is not required.
License: MIT
is a simple grid layout manager for views in an iOS application.
It can be used in a UIViewController subclass to arrange views, or can be used in the implementation of -[UIView layoutSubviews]
in a UIView subclass.
is a UIView subclass which uses a KJGridLayout
in its -layoutSubviews
implementation. It allows one to add a subview at a particular grid position, and the grid's layout will automatically be updated whenever the view is resized or when a new subview is added.
License: Custom
KJSimpleBinding makes it easy to use key-value coding (KVC) and key-value observing (KVO) for simple data-binding in iOS applications.
License: MIT
Subclass of UIActionSheet for setting text color in buttons for given indexes
License: MIT
A longer description of KKNavigationController in Markdown format.
License: MIT
A control that allows panning between view controllers as inspired by the Circle app.
License: Apache 2
Have a menu appear exposing beautiful and easy to access buttons to the user without removing them from where they want to be.
License: Apache 2
Scroll left and right on the section scroller to make a selection. Inspiration for this project came from 8tracks iPhone application.
License: Apache 2
A control that organizes multiple navigation controllers in a stack inspired by Evernote 5.0 app.
License: Apache 2
A control that infinitely scrolls up and down at variable speeds inspired by Expedia 3.0 app.
License: Apache 2
Add this custom, flat, minimal, modern pull-to-refresh control to your app. You can change the font, colors, size and even replace the spinning icon using FontAwesome. This library is very easy to add and customize. Enjoy.
License: MIT
An extended and improved version of the popular Cocos2D for iPhone game engine.
License: MIT
Inspired by Matt Thompson's GroundControl, Konfig provides a JSON based alternative for remote configuration of iOS apps
License: MIT
With KOTabs you can easily create a tabbed document interface. The user can switch between tabs with a single tap. The tabs can be closed with the "x" icon in the corner. When there are more tabs than the screen can show, the whole bar can be scrolled to the side. It was developed for Kodiak PHP, an app which allows you to write and run PHP code directly on the iPad.
To see the component in action, take a look at the video at http://www.becomekodiak.com/ or try our app called Kodiak PHP on the App Store.
License: MIT
KOTree allows you to show a tree of hierarchical data, e.g. files and folders. It was developed for Kodiak PHP, an app which allows you to write and run PHP code directly on the iPad.
License: MIT
https://github.com/Kratos28/KratosExtension.git this is KratosExtensions https://github.com/Kratos28/KratosExtension.gihttps://github.com/Kratos28/KratosExtension.git
License: MIT
Example project showing how to customize UIPopover with images.
License: MIT
Additions to NSError for easier creation of errors, and querying existing ones.
License: MIT
Extends NSManagedObject
to provide an additional store for non-modelled properties.
License: MIT
An NSSecureTextField
subclass that cleans up pasted passwords, and provides easy access for a 'Show Password' checkbox.
License: MIT
Re-usable class to support drawing and event handling of iWork-like selection border.
License: MIT
A clone of NSURLComponents
for Cocoa releases older than iOS 7.
License: MIT
Renders using just a CGShapeLayer
and background color behaves properly when embedded in a UITableViewCell
License: MIT
KTOneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer is a custom UIGestureRecognizer for doing one finger rotations in iOS apps. It tracks finger movement around a central point.
License: MIT
A Library to map one NSDictionary to another that can transform BOTH keys and values with a single map.
License: MIT
A category on NSObject that allows you observe a keypath passing in a block to execute when the keypath changes instead of using a callback method.
This works on iOS and OS X.
Why? Blocks are funky. They let you define an action at the same time as you are setting up a observation. In most cases this leads to clearer code than using a callback.
License: MIT
Experimental Implementations of UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning
License: MIT
A event emitter for objc internally using NSNotificationCenter.
License: MIT
Lasagna Cookies is a UI theme for iOS that provide multiple view object.
License: BSD
A view controller class for iOS designed to simplify the creation of a walkthrough.
License: MIT
Library designed to simplify the use of sprite sheets in UIKit applications without using OpenGL or 3rd-party game libraries.
License: zlib
Thin API and concept on top of libdispatch (aka Grand Central Dispatch) for Cocoa Objective-C code.
License: MIT
LBActionSheet is a drop-in replacement for UIActionSheet. However, its API makes it very easy to customize it. It's designed for this sole purpose only which makes it redundant when you don't need to implement a custom theme.
License: MIT
This is a small category that creates an animated UIImage out of a gif image.
License: MIT
A UIView subclass that displays YouTube videos using a MPMoviePlayerController.
License: MIT
A UIView subclass that allows you not to have to subclass UIView in order to draw. It allows you to pass in drawing / layout blocks that will get called appropriately.
License: MIT
LDGradientButton is meant to be a replacement for the Apple stock UIButton. It can easily be created either programmatically or with the Storyboard. It also supports the UIAppearence protocol for setting the tint color.
License: MIT
Controller helping to manage a form on iOS by avoiding the keyboard and adapte the size of UITextViews
License: MIT
A Cocoa-Touch system for iOS to get a color scheme in function of an image, like iTunes 11 does.
License: MIT
Leech is a suite of testing helpers for Xcode 5+ that aids in the use of the XCTest framework. It includes mocks for some commonly used classes and auditor classes for many key system components.
License: MIT
Category on UIView
called Explode that will take the uiview and explode it into pieces.
License: MIT
This is a simple wrapper for Google's LevelDB. LevelDB is a fast key-value store written by Google. This is a forked version for updated leveldb and XCode after 4.2.
License: MIT
round or annular ProgressView, base on DACircularProgress and MBRoundProgressView .
License: MIT
LFSAskForReview is a class that you can add to your iOS app in order to ask the user to review it. Its main features are that it doesn't ask the user to review the app more than once per version and that it's fully customizable, you can:
License: MIT
Universal iOS placeholder with pixel perfect centered components (image or spinner or/and title or/and button).
License: MIT
C++ decoder for Automatic Identification System for tracking ships and decoding maritime information.
License: LGPL 3
LibComponentLogging-Crashlytics is a logging back-end for LibComponentLogging which redirects log messages to Crashlytics' logging subsystem.
License: MIT
A library to communicate with services of Apple iOS devices using native protocols.
License: Custom
Replace libintl part of gettext runtime with NSBundle localizedString: for OSX/iOS.
License: BSD 2.0
libodium-ios is an API-compatible iOS version of the crypto lib NaCl (com, encryption & signatures). Based on libsodium.
License: BSD
The libspotify C API package allows third-party developers to write applications that utilize the Spotify music streaming service. Hopefully, this will enable and inspire you to build some really cool stuff. We’re looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.
License: Commercial
The libspotify C API package allows third-party developers to write applications that utilize the Spotify music streaming service. Hopefully, this will enable and inspire you to build some really cool stuff. We’re looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.
License: Commercial
ØMQ (also known as ZeroMQ, 0MQ, or zmq) looks like an embeddable networking library but acts like a concurrency framework. It gives you sockets that carry atomic messages across various transports like in-process, inter-process, TCP, and multicast. You can connect sockets N-to-N with patterns like fan-out, pub-sub, task distribution, and request-reply. It's fast enough to be the fabric for clustered products. Its asynchronous I/O model gives you scalable multicore applications, built as asynchronous message-processing tasks. It has a score of language APIs and runs on most operating systems. ØMQ is from iMatix and is LGPLv3 open source.
License: Custom
Binary Enumeration Operators, since NSArray only supports object equality.
License: MIT
LLModel is a library for mapping the JSON data to object properties. It works perfectly well alongside with AFNetwoking.
LLModel: supports recursive model initializations (see examples below) supports primitive values such as bool, char, integer, float and others handles NULL values gracefully handles Date and URL values without any problem
License: MIT
Customize the on/off text, the color of the background, supports event delegation, all with ARC in-mind.
License: MIT
A library for simplifying and removing a lot of the cruft needed to drive a UITableView.
License: MIT
Adds block methods to Obj-C Lock objects. Also adds a Read/Write Lock class.
License: BSD
UIButton / UIView category that add a progress indicator overlay simply with single line of code.
License: MIT
Simple library that fills imageViews with images from www.lorempixel.com
License: MIT
LWF is an animation engine which can play animation data converted from FLASH contents in HTML5, Unity, Cocos2d-x, iOS UIKit, and more. LWF is designed to make game development easy and fun.
License: zlib
A small, efficient and flexible implementation for common paging scroll view patterns.
License: MIT
Componente para setar tamanho máximo de caracteres no UITextField.
License: MIT
MABlockClosure uses libffi to generate function pointers wrapping Objective-C blocks.
License: BSD
Load images from a URL into a local cache before displaying them and show a fancy loading indicator in the meantime.
License: MIT
MapKit for Mac is a framework for displaying maps in a Cocoa application that is API-compatible with Apple's MapKit framework for iOS.
License: MIT
MAConfirmButton is an animated subclass of UIButton that replicates and improves upon the behavior of the AppStore “Buy Now” buttons. Built and animated with Core Animation layers, it is completely image free.
License: MIT
An Objective-C port of Kicksend's Mailcheck. Suggest corrections for misspelled email addresses.
License: MIT
The Mailgun SDK allows your Mac OS X or iOS application to connect with the programmable email platform.
License: MIT
MAMirroredQueue is a ring buffer implementation that uses virtual memory tricks to achieve fast operation, avoid copying data, and thread safety without using locks.
License: BSD
MAObjCRuntime is an ObjC wrapper around the Objective-C runtime APIs. If that's confusing, it provides a nice object-oriented interface around (some of) the C functions in /usr/include/objc.
License: BSD
This is very easy interaction trasitioion library. This is the OSS that provide interacition transition like FlipBoard.
License: MIT
Open source alternative to MapKit supporting custom tile sources, offline use, and complete cache control.
License: BSD
Marvelous is an unofficial native interface to the Marvel Comics API for both iOS and OSX platforms. It is built on top of the Foundation framework and it uses the high-level operation and networking abstractions built into the Cocoa framework. The design of this interface aims to be easy-to-use in your projects and semantically related to the API.
License: MIT
NSMutableAttributedString helper for easy to add attributes for the substring.
License: MIT
MASimplestSemiModalViewController The simplest Semi Modal implementation possible. Very, very simplified version based on KNSemiModalViewController.
License: MIT
This is a simple open source project to make interfacing with social APIs easier.
License: MIT
MBAlertView is a fun and simple block-based alert and HUD library for iOS, as seen in Notestand.
License: MIT
MBGithubOAuthClient is a dead simple wrapper class for performing OAuth requests on Github. In addition to authentication, it offers 2 ways of saving access token - user defaults or iOS keychain.
MBGithubOAuthClient takes advantage of NSURLSession and a singleton pattern to setup proper authorization requests.
The easiest way to implement MBGithubOAuthClient is as a cocoa pod. Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod “MBGithubOAuthClient”
Register your app with GitHub to get client ID and client secret code.
Get a pointer to your singleton instance.
MBGithubOAuthClient *githubClient = [MBGithubOAuthClient clientWithID:kGithubClientID andSecret:kGithubClientSecret];
[githubClient oauthRequestWithParameters:@{ @"client_id" : githubClient.githubClientID, @"scope" : @"email,user" }];
[[MBGithubOAuthClient sharedClient]accessToken];
Feel free to send pull requests for fixes or create issues to request a new feature.
Thank you.
License: MIT
MBImageConstants is a simple XCode 5 precompile script that generates precompiler defines corresponding to image sets found in a project's assets.
License: MIT
License: MIT
Lightweight Mapbox integration with MapKit on iOS for custom map styles and complete offline control.
License: BSD
An scalable and updatable progress well suited for applications with limited space.
License: MIT
MCGraylog is a Cocoa C library for logging to a Graylog2 server or any other service that can grok GELF.
License: BSD
Provides a carousel for arbitrary views. Allows the user to scroll and swipe through the views. Animates the scrolling in a rotating appearance.
License: MIT
Categories for NSArray, NSSet and NSDictionary which take advantage from blocks.
License: Custom
A simple UITableViewController subclass and helper classes for programmatically creating coded UITableViews.
License: BSD
A lightweight, easy to use replacement for UILabel which allows you to fully customize the appearence of text using HTML.
License: MIT
This UITextView is a lightweight solution for everyone looking for a control to mimic the iOS Messages behaviour. It has a placeholder which is shown when the text view is empty. The placeholder color can be customized. The text view has a border which tint color and thickness can be changed. The best thing about this control is the fact that it can be placed in a storyboard like a regular text view. The positioning and resizing is magically handled by the underlying auto layout system. Refer to the example project to see how its supposed to be used. For the example add Example subspec to your Podfile.
License: Apache 2
An iOS manager for presenting system-wide notifications via a dropdown message bar.
License: MIT
This is a wrapper for the C MessagePack parser, building the bridge to Objective-C. In a similar way to the JSON framework, this parses MessagePack into NSDictionaries, NSArrays, NSNumbers, NSStrings, and NSNulls. This contains a small patch to the C library so that it doesn't segfault with a byte alignment error when running on the iPhone in armv7 mode. Please note that the parser has been extensively tested, however the packer has not been. Please get in touch if it has issues.
License: Apache 2
A UIViewController category implementing a modal "fade back" animation similar to the iOS Gmail app's compose functionality.
License: BSD
A framework to speedup development when you can't (or don't want to) use Interface Builder.
License: MIT
Simple, customizable, and easy-to-use UIView subclass that allows developers to easily embed a drawing view within their app.
License: MIT
MGTileMenu is an iOS GUI component, providing a pop-up tile-based contextual menu. It's designed for iOS 5, and uses ARC. It supports Retina and non-Retina devices, and works with VoiceOver. MGTileMenu is designed for use on iPad, but it will also work on iPhone and iPod touch.
License: Custom
Easy to use twitter timeline manager & parser - Uses async twitter api fetches - see demo for capabilities/example useage.
License: MIT
automatically sets the background with a blur effect and you can dismiss all modal views with a gesture
License: MIT
Lots of cool iOS classes globbed together in one (soon-to-be) mega repository. Currency field delegate updates.
License: MIT
A new ViewController transition inspired by NatGeo City Guides by National Geographic
License: MIT
An iOS framework that provides a simple mechanism to get "Pretty Dates" ("Yesterday", "Today", etc.) from NSDate objects.
License: MIT
MHRadialProgressView is an iOS drop-in class radial animated progress view.
MHRadialProgressView works on iOS 6 and above and is compatible with ARC projects. It depends on the following Apple frameworks:
You can directly add the MHRadialProgressView.h
and MHRadialProgressView.m
source files to your project.
and MHRadialProgressView.m
onto your project (use the "Product Navigator view"). Make sure to select Copy items when asked if you extracted the code archive outside of your project. #import "MHRadialProgressView.h"
.CocoaPods is the recommended way to add MHRadialProgressView to your project.
pod 'MHRadialProgressView', '~> 0.1'
pod install
.#import "MHRadialProgressView.h"
Initialize the view with steps that define a particular operation complete.
self.progressView = [[MHRadialProgressView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 150, 150) points:@[@5, @10, @2, @9]];
Add it as subview:
[self.view addSubview:self.progressView];
Make progress by calling the following method:
[self.progressView moveNext];
By default, the progress view displays % value. However you can override the style by calling the following method:
// Default is MHProgressStylePercentage. Sets the progress style
- (void)setProgressStyle:(MHProgressStyle)style;
It is also possible to format the label that displays the progress value using the folloiwng method:
- (void)setLabelWithFormat:(NSString*)format;
For unordered progres (often by steps associated wtih user action), you can increase the progress by value:
- (void) moveNext:(NSNumber*)value;
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the [MIT license](LICENSE).
License: MIT
Validates objects in a view. You just have to set the classes which you want to validate.
License: MIT
An UINaviagtionController subclass to easily implement push and pop actions with neat animation.
License: MIT
A set of controls with a minimal design style. Suitable for use on UI's that require a control panel type of interface.
License: MIT
Provides a clean, novel, friendly way to auto-marshall JSON to objects, and vice versa.
License: MIT
A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.
License: MIT
Demo of MKHorizMenu a simple, drop-in replacement for the Three20 fame horizontal menus used in news apps.
License: Custom
Drop in classes for adding a info panel (or error panel) like TweetBot
License: zlib
A MKMapView category that adds a method to obtain the AttributionView.
License: MIT
Adds blocks to all MKMapView delegate methods with a simple and easy to use category, no subclassing. Also allows the use of delegate methods if no block is set for a particular method.
License: MIT
This lib is based on http://troybrant.net/blog/2010/01/set-the-zoom-level-of-an-mkmapview.
License: MIT
This pod provides a MKMapView category for setting the zoom level in a mapView.
License: MIT
Extension of the MKNetworkKit framework to support ReactiveCocoa signals.
License: MIT
Use this class to display a badge containing an integer value. Similar to the app icon badges that the iPhone OS permits.
License: Apache 2
MKParallaxView is an easy to use framework used to create the IOS 7 Parallax Effect (Dynamic Background) on any of your apps!
Treat it just like a UIImageView and by simply assigning an image to it with 1 line you have the exact same effect for the background of your app.
License: MIT
MKPolygon-GPC is an Objective-C Category that adds polygon boolean operators to the MKPolygon class.
License: MIT
An NSOperationQueue subclass automatically responding to changes in internet connection with thanks to Apple's Reachability.
License: MIT
A customizable widget for displaying metadata, especially in UITableViewCells.
License: MIT
!!!SWITCH TO HexColors!!! DEPRECATED!!! Additions for UIColor for easy handling with hex- and rgb-colors.
License: MIT
A 'high score'-style counting view that animates between different displayed integers.
License: CC
A simple wrapper around the keychain that securely stores NSStrings.
License: MIT
MMMWhatsAppActivity is a UIActivity subclass providing WhatsApp support for text (NSString) or image (UIImage).
License: MIT
An easy to use and customizable view component that presents a UIPickerView
with a toolbar, Done button, animation, design options, selected value and previously selected value functionality.
License: MIT
to return a CGSize
structure for the native size of the vector graphic.contentMode
property as desired before the view is drawn. This can be done in Interface Builder or programatically.License: MIT
MNMBottomPullToRefresh is a solution to add pull-to-refresh feature to the bottom of an UITableView instead of the top, as usual.
License: MIT
Solution to add pull-to-refresh feature at the top of an UITableView.
License: Custom
An NSInputStream that allows data to be pushed back into the stream.
License: MIT
This project is the iOS library component of the MobileDeepLinking specification, the industry standard for mobile application deeplinking. This specification and accompanying libraries simplify and reduce implementation of deep links as well as provide flexible and powerful features for routing to custom behavior.
License: MIT
Mobpartner publisher is an advertising fmk of mobile applications.
License: Commercial
An iOS field that offers specialized input for decimal numbers and currency values.
License: Apache 2
MosaicUI is a tiled UI for iOS that automatic layouts according to the elements' sizes.
License: MIT
It is a menu with the same look as snapseed image adjustment menu.
License: MIT
MotionJpegImageView creates a connection to the stream and receives JPEG frames one at a time over the network. It turns out this approach is typically seven or eight times faster than using UIWebView to render MJPEG streams.
Just provide a URL for the video stream and you're good. Internally, MotionJpegImageView achieves better performance by avoiding overheads of parsing and rendering each frame as if it were a web page which UIView does.
Internally, MotionJpegImageView creates a connection to the stream and receives frames one at a time over the network. As it receives each frame, it hydrates the stream data into a UIImage object, and then sets its inherited image property. Thus the only bottlenecks to getting high framerates are:
License: MIT
Wrapper around MultipeerConnectivity to simplify common use cases. Very early work in progress, use at your own peril.
License: MIT
A custom container view controller following the iOS 5 containment API that navigates between child view controllers via touch gestures and page-flip animations.
License: BSD
Custom circular UIView that allow set progress similar to AppStore control.
License: MIT
A block-based, lightweight UIAlertView subclass for requesting user confirmation.
License: MIT
Set of categories on Foundation objects that simplify your life while
working on parsed JSON objects. You no longer need to check -isKindOfClass
and cast data to the type you expect.
License: MIT
It is like iOS 7 Phone app button and also provided MRoundedButtonAppearanceManager and MRHollowView for to extend the its usage
License: MIT
A panel of UIButtons that dynamically expand and collapse when selected
License: MIT
A piece of code that will automatically format a UITextField with a numberpad to behave like an ATM.
License: MIT
Checksums are a useful way to quickly check the contents of a bunch of data. The MD5 checksum spits out 16 bytes of random numbers. While this is great for computers, humans don't want to look at a huge hex string. The emoji checksum calculator spits out 4 emoji character hash.
The caclulator uses 845 different emoji characters for a total of 509,831,700,625 unique hash codes. Good enough.
License: MIT
Custom label that allows you to specify line height and text anchoring.
License: MIT
Returns a random index path valid for one of the arrays you specify.
License: MIT
Kiwi Spec with support to inject mocks using Objection.
A series of macros also make using Objection much easier:
License: BSD
MSStringifyMacros provides a convenient alternative to the normally tedious and potentially error-prone standard approach to coding for NSUserDefaults and NSCoding.
License: MIT
A UITextField subclass that takes custom formatting and verification blocks.
License: MIT
MTAnimatedLabel is a UILabel subclass that supports animated text similar to the iPhone/iPad lock screen.
License: MIT
Did you ever wonder why Apple didn't provide a way to show directions directly on top of MKMapView and force you to switch to their built-in Maps.app just to guide your users somewhere? We too, that's why we built MTDirectionsKit.
MTDirectionsKit is a full-featured and easy to use solution to show directions in your App, directly on top of MKMapView and works pre-iOS7.
Convinced? Let's get you started.
MTDirectionsKit can use the following three APIs for gathering routing information:
License: Commercial
PickerView and Delegate with accessories to handle gratuity in dollar amount or percentages for a given subtotal.
License: MIT
By default, UIKit's UILabel provides many limitations, such as unable to customize line height attribute. This is a simple sublass of UIView which uses CoreText framework to draw text. It's still a work in progress so use it at your own risk.
License: Apache 2
These classes aim to mimic some of the functions of the built-in Google Maps App on iOS for you. Currently the library contains a simple Location Manager-Singleton that sends out notifications when CLLocationManager-Delegate-Methods are called and a UIBarButtonItem/UIButton that acts as a Locate-Me Button that behaves similar to the one in the Google Maps App. The switch from one mode to another is animated, just like in the Google Maps App. It can also be customized to support Heading-Updates or not, by setting property headingEnabled.
License: MIT
A container view controller which provides Facebook / Path style navigation.
License: MIT
A class to help you create unit tests that test asynchronous methods.
License: MIT
This class provides a simple way to zoom a specific UIView and display it fullscreen, upon a defined action of the user (uses UIGestureRecognizer to detect actions). If the user performs the action on the specified UIView the view gets zoomed in animated and is displayed fullscreen, with a black background. If the user performs the same gesture again, the UIView gets zoomed back out and everything is like it was before.
License: MIT
MultipleStyleCheckBoxKit have multiple style check box, due with multiple line text, network photo, local photo, useful on news vote.
License: MIT
Objective-C implementation of MurmurHash based on the official CPP implmentation.
License: MIT
This project includes a simple UIView Category that can be used to add bouncing animations to your UIViews.
License: MIT
This project includes a simple Cocoa control that can be used as an alternative for the standard UISegmentedControl provided by UIKit.
The control is made by a simple UIScrollView that can be scrolled horizontally to select amongst a set of NSString values.
The advantage over a traditional UISegmentedControl is that with MVSelectorScrollView it's easy to select up to a dozen of values.
License: MIT
This library can read any given text in the box. Also, It will highlight the text being read.
License: Custom
Extension to UITableViewController in attempt to provide additional features that are reusable in most scenarios.
License: MIT
This is fork and modification from mwaterfall/MWPhotoBrowser version 1.0.1 to allow customization of UI.
License: MIT
A custom top navigation controller with customizable attributes.
License: MIT
Core Bluetooth wrapper with block and simple interface wrapper - blocks coding - core bluetooth is very complex flow. more simple interface wrapper. - beacon and beacon client
License: MIT
A "drop-in" solution for building stylish app introductions and tutorials. Now supports left-to-right and right-to-left languages.
License: MIT
simplify application view transition. original API make very easy and more useful. - simplify code. - Support for UINavigationController transition completion. not use delegate - Support with parameters transtion - Support with parameters transtion - Support url base transition like web service
License: MIT
A UITextView subclass automaticalliy adjusts self frame when keyboard appears.
License: MIT
MZRSlideInMenu is a simple slide-in menu for iOS. When a button is tapped, the menu comes from left/right with animation. Easy installation and use. Add your app an additional flavour with MZRSlideInMenu.
License: MIT
NanoStore is an open source, lightweight schema-less local key-value document store written in Objective-C for Mac OS X and iOS.
License: BSD
The UINavigationController missing methods, push/pop with completionBlocks.
License: MIT
Simple, zoom, dynamic and graph with ranges for iOS. Highly customizable grid and axis. Support smooth line.
License: Apache 2
The following two instance methods are added to NSMutableDictionary
and NSUserDefaults
` - (void)setObject:(id)object forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
The first method is a convenience method for the second – passing YES
as both parameters – as that is likely the most wanted behavior.
License: MIT
NGGraphView allows you to show how data changes over time using a graph.
License: MIT
UIViewController subclass using SDSegmentedControl and View Controller Containment API's to switch between child view controllers.
License: MIT
A GridView which allows to set individual Rects for the Cells.
License: MIT
UIFlowLayout defaults to a justified layout with no way to change this behavior. NHAlignmentFLowLayout comes to fill this need allowing you to set the alignment to left or right (in a vertical scrolling layout) and top or bottom (in a horizontal scrolling layout).
License: MIT
With NHLinearShadow you can add a linear shadow on your UIImageView with a simple way.
License: MIT
NHLocalize help you to localize your apps, without coding for all propreties.
License: MIT
It is just a simple way to make HTTP requests like POST, PUT, GET and DELETE.
License: MIT
NHSeeThroughView is a set of classes to make see-through views on iOS. (views that let see content behind them with a shape carved out). A generic category on UIVIew is provided to achieve this effect on any view. A UIButton subclass is also provided as an easy way to get the same look directly form Interface Builder.
License: MIT
NHSlidingController is a simple class that allows you to create User Interface with a top and bottom view controller. It is completely self contained, can be opened by sliding or by pressing a button.
License: MIT
Here is the list of classes included:
License: MIT
A category on NS(Mutable)Array and NS(Mutable)Dictionary for handling nil objects.
License: MIT
A UILabel substitute with data detectors, links, inline images, and Core Text attributes available right out of the box.
License: BSD
This library lets you create fake objects of any class at runtime, which can have different behaviour than real objects. You can define different behaviour by overriding implemented instace methods.
License: MIT
NJSNotificationCenter replaces NSNotificationCenter and takes out some of the boiler-plate code of handling notifications, such as - handling it asynchronously - handling what threads a notification is handled on - handle notifications using blocks - ordering of notifications - finding out what observers are left
License: BSD
OSX resizable image similar to UIKit [UIImage resizableImageWithInsets], imageview and button for it.
License: WTFPL
NLBURLAction is a library to open custom scheme URLs easily. It can convert URL to custom scheme URL.
License: MIT
NODE+ is a wireless modular sensor platform made by Variable, Inc. NodeConnectionHelper speeds up NODE+ app development by providing common CoreBluetooth initialization and device discovery code in an easy to use class.
More details on NODE+ can be found at http://www.variableinc.com/
License: BSD 2.0
This is a random collection of classes and categories that I am making public. Most of this code has been posted on noodlesoft blog: http://www.noodlesoft.com/blog
License: MIT
Behaves like an ordinary SKLabelNode with the one difference that adding newline characters to the text- property actually adds line-breaks. This is achieved by creating SKLabelNodes as child-nodes, but keeping these as part of the internal (private) logic.
License: MIT
Instagram-like UIImageView subclass. Progress view and activity view appear during image download. Support memory and disk caching. Inspired by FXImageView and Tapku's TKImageCache. Using AFNetworking.
License: MIT
Tweetbot like blurry modal view transitioning module for iOS7.
License: MIT
A simple block-based library to access all the functions of the Instagram API.
License: MIT
Easy library to fetch and edit data from and to plists on the fly (XCode).
License: MIT
A category on NSArray that finds the indexes of the longest common subsequence with another array.
License: MIT
NSAssert-based macros that perform some backing actions when NSBLOCKASSERTIONS is defined.
License: MIT
This is a Markdown => NSAttributedString parser built on top of a flex parser. It takes an NSString and returns an NSAttributedString with markdown tags replaced by CoreText formatting attributes.
License: Apache 2
NSDate+ServerDate ================
NSDate+ServerDate is a NSDate Category that allows you to make sure your time is synced up to a remote server regardless of the User's local settings.
It does this by performing a one-time-per-session HTTP HEAD Request to the supplied server, getting a "Base" date, and keep counting from there - Making sure you're in sync with the remote server even when the user's clock isn't.
## Definitions Modify SDSERVER If you want to sync your time to a specific server (e.g. your API server).
Modify SDFORMAT If for some reason the Date format your HTTP Server returns is different than the one specified.
NSDate *serverDate = [NSDate serverDate];
An example Xcode project is part of this Repository.
License: MIT
NSDate category which have many useful utility methods and properties with NSGregorianCalendar.
NSDate-Extentions and NSDate-Escort have many useful utility methods.
But these libs uses system current calendar.
In Japanese calendar, these libs are broken. So, this library always use NSGregorianCalendar.
License: MIT
For NSDateFormatter to initialize in the Gregorian calendar using the category.
License: MIT
Type safe accessors for NSDictionary, better used with dictionary parsed from JSON.
License: MIT
Convert NSDictionary keys to/from under_score/camelCase. Useful when working with JSON APIs, etc.
License: MIT
A handy wrapper for throwing NSErrors as NSExceptions (if you're into that kind of thing)
Suppose you have the following code:
NSError *error;
BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:@"/start"
And error is non-nil but most of your logic deals with NSExceptions rather than NSErrors. Rather than having a corner case where you need to pass in NSErrors, you can simply throw the NSError
if (!success) {
[error throw];
Your code will either crash or be handled by your @try/@catch/@finally block.
The logic used is along the lines of:
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"NSError" reason:self.debugDescription userInfo:@{ @"NSError" : self }];
You can provide a more informative exception name by sending the - (void)throwWithName:(NSString*)name message instead.
NSException/NSError information:
License: MIT
License: MIT
A category on NSLayoutConstraint that adds a new class method that allows you to create constraints using a simple string-based syntax.
License: Custom
NSNumber+CGFloat is an category to get CGFloat value from NSNumber object and create NSNumber object with CGFloat value.
License: BSD
NSNumber+NSTimeInterval is a category to convert between values of types NSTimeInterval and NSNumber.
License: BSD
A light-weight Objective-C category that adds a mutable dictionary for arbitrary, ad-hoc properties that can be associated with any object. The dictionary, called properties, is created just-in-time (the first time it's accessed).
License: MIT
NSObject+AutoDescription is an category that greatly simplifies the process of writing description method for data models.
License: BSD
Very easy to use NSCoding replacement for Mac and iOS Projects.
License: MIT
Automatically serialize JSON response to your object model. It also works with NSManagedObjects
License: Custom
ObjectIO is an NSObject Category for writing and reading objects to and from files, with encryption support.
License: Custom
Added methods "classForPropertyNamed" and "namesForPropertiesOfClass" to AQToolkit's NSObject+Properties category
License: MIT
All of which can be accessed by index, or key. This class is not a minimally finished class, with one or two methods. It follows Apple's subclassing protocols for NSArray and NSDictionary. It has methods comparable to all of NSArray's methods and all of NSDictionary's methods. It also supports NSCoding, NSCopying, KVO, and supports NSFastEnumeration over the objects or keys. It is the only fully implemented ordered dictionary class.
License: MIT
A few helpful additions to, and macros related to NSPointerArray (including getting an NSPointerArray from a C function or Objective-C method variable args pointer).
License: MIT
A simple implementation of NSUserDefaults with shorter getting and setting methods
License: BSD 3.0
Add Levenshtein distance methods to NSString.
License: MIT
Trims a string to a given length, including support for prefixes and suffixes.
License: MIT
A simple category on NSString
that enables easy conversion from camelCase
(like in Objective-C attributes) to underscore_case
(like in JSON API calls
or database fields) and vice versa.
Note that this does simple byte-string manipulation and will not do the right thing with non-ASCII strings. Since it's mostly working with keys / attribute names, this isn't that much of an issue since they're usually simple ASCII.
At Social Tables, our app does a fair bit of talking to an API and marshaling
data back and forth, with some custom logic involved. It became very useful
for marshaling and introspection to be able to turn an attribute_name
an attributeName
http://walkingsmarts.com/camelcasing-and-underscoring-strings-in-objectivec/ provided the basis for our code.
License: MIT
Validates:- Polish PESEL number (Personal Number)- Polish NIP number- Polish REGON number- Email address using regular expression- Telephone number- Credit Card numbers - Luhn numbers- Bank Account numbers.
License: Custom
A category on NSString to turn codes from Emoji Cheat Sheet (http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/) into Unicode emoji characters.
License: Apache 2
I figure if you're using a block, you probably won't need to pass any userinfo object into the timer... you can get to whatever you need just from the block. So, I just hijack the +scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats: class method and it's brother -init..., setting it to use itself as the target, and to execute the class method +jdExecuteSimpleBlock: (which is part of the category) then pass the block you specify as the userInfo object which is then uses in the execute method. Pretty straightforward stuff.
License: Custom
NSUnit is a unit testing framework for Objective-C projects. NSUnit builds on top of SenTestingKit and provides a more Objective-C friendly API, particularly for testing against Foundation classes.
License: MIT
Record and replay NSURLConnection requests/responses in tests.
License: BSD
NTDAppStoreRoundFramedButton is like the round framed button found in iOS 7's App Store, more specifically, the button which says '$0.99' or 'OPEN'. Though the code is simple, it took some time to adjust the apperance of the button to look like the button in App Store.
License: MIT
NTMonthYearPicker is a simple month / year picker component for use in iOS applications.
License: MIT
List of HTTP status codes as typedef enum. kHTTPStatusCodeOK, kHTTPStatusCodeNotFound, and so on..
License: Custom
NVCalendar is simply 2*2 view to display months,you can click on any date with beautiful animation.
License: MIT
Provides ready to use UIActivity implementations with login UI for popular webservices. Currently it supports Instapaper and Pocket.
License: BSD
Because traditional NSLog() is not debug-friendly et al. NXVLogFormatter simplify that with following pattern:
(Date, Time) -[FileName MethodName](line number): "LogMessage"
License: MIT
Save, delete and load images from specific album or device folder.
License: MIT
Easily access and manipulate the the Info.plist file of your project.
License: MIT
The easiest and simplest networking library for iOS and OS X, combining AFNetworking, EGOCache and JSONKit.
License: MIT
NSNotification wrapper that keeps track of state and notifies new observers of state immediately.
License: WTFPL
Set of macros and constants that speed up development without adding any new classes and categories.
License: MIT
A Pocket Miku (NSX-39) helper library for Objective-C. Currently in BETA.
License: MIT
An objective c wrapper around libxml for parsing HTMLr.
License: MIT
Objective C Generics is an effort to try to support basic generics in Objective C.
License: MIT
Tumblr API Client for Objective-C with minimal features, based on Tumblr API v2 (OAuth).
License: MIT
Allows the use of ZeroMQ from modern Objective-C 2.0 projects.
Wraps low-level arrays, messages, and polling with NSData, blocks, and Grand Central Dispatch queues.
License: Custom
Fast and easy to use tool in simple OBJECTIVE-C to avoid memory cheating by scanning (searching).
License: MIT
OBMenuBarWindow is an NSWindow subclass that adds the ability to attach the window to an icon in the menu bar in OS X. It emulates much of the look and feel of NSPopover but retains the appearance and functionality of a regular window, including the title bar and traffic light controls. You can drag the window to and from the menu bar icon to attach and detach it from the menu bar.
License: BSD
OCCalendar is a very simple component for iPhone/iPad that provides a 'Popover' date picker controller.
License: BSD
OCDSpec is a unit testing framework for Objective-C, usable with iOS and OSX projects.
Unlike other testing frameworks it does not depend on OCUnit and is less susceptible to the whims of Apple's support, and runs its iOS tests in an invisible simulator which is much faster than Apple's default.
All that with a Jasmine/Rspec inspired syntax!
License: MIT
OCFWeb is a web application framework written in Objective-C. You can use OCFWeb to create web applications with just a few lines of code. Although OCFWeb is developed and used by Objective-Cloud.com it does not depend on Objective-Cloud.com.
License: MIT
Original author: Pierre-Olivier Latour OCFWebServer is a fork of GCDWebServer. OCFWebServer is used by Objective-Cloud.com.
License: BSD
Used with OCLint, this CocoaPod will intelligently warn you about missing calls to super
or unimplemented abstract methods in UIKit. You can even annotate your own code, marking methods as protected or prohibited. An easy way to keep everyone using your code on the right track.
Usage: add #import <OCLint-Annotations/OCLint-Annotations.h>
to your PCH, and in addition #import <OCLint-Annotations/UIKit+OCLintStaticChecks.h>
on iOS.
License: BSD
Objective-C client for the Thumbor image service which allows you to build URIs in an expressive fashion using a fluent API.
License: MIT
OCTotallyLazy is a framework that adds functional behaviour to Objective C collection objects, as well as a lazy collection object called Sequence. It's a partial port of Java's TotallyLazy.
License: Apache 2
What is the Open Device Identification Number?
The Open Device Identification Number (ODIN) is a number designed for mobile app developers and service providers to uniquely identify their users’ devices in a convenient and interoperable manner. Unlike existing device identification schemes, ODIN is:
Maintenance of ODIN is administered by an ODIN Working Group (http://www.odinmobile.org) comprised of industry developers and service providers.
License: Custom
OGImage provides a simple abstraction for loading images from the network, processing them, and caching them locally.
License: MIT
A segmented progress view to easily replace UIProgressView.
License: MIT
OKRESTClient is designed to match with certain REST Server written in PHP by me. I'll publish REST Server code too
License: MIT
OLCategoryHelper is a Library contain many helpful categoris. To Exned Cocoa Framework or some popular Framework. Jusy use specified category you need.
License: MIT
OMGFramework is a set of convenience classes and tools that are commonly used when developing iOS applications.
License: Apache 2
OpenBLE allows your ios app to connect to data service BLE devices,
for instance Arduino BLE modules. The Example is an up to date open BLE scanner app because everyone was building one and few to none were releasing their work for others to see.
License: Apache 2
OpenCam is an easy-to-use camera library with image filters based on GPUImage working on iOS device.
License: MIT
A simple api for getting data from http://openweathermap.org.
License: MIT
A soup-to-nuts sharing library for iOS, with a little extra zest from Branch.
License: MIT
Fictorial's fork adds extra delegate methods; also see homepage for example which uses UIPageControl.
License: Custom
PaperFoldMenuController is a UITabBarController replacement, but displays the view controllers in a table view on the left side of the screen. This table view is shown/hidden using PaperFold-for-iOS.
License: MIT
Controller that allows great user experiance when scrolling collection view down and up. Instead of classic scrolling it offers scroll whole page. Inspired by Feedly.
License: MIT
UIViewController which provide navigation via a side bar. Side bar items are to select view controller and manage also actions buttons.
License: MIT
Want something to happen the first time someone views the first screen of your app? What about the third time they view the products list? PDCounter helps you track events, notify observers when they happen, and review a history of every discreet, named event.
License: MIT
PDKeychainBindingsController is intended to make using the Max OSX and iOS Keychains as easy as NSUserDefaults.
License: MIT
Pegged generates Objective-C parsers from PEG grammars. The parsers it generates are re-entrant, thread-safe, and do not leak memory: they are suitable for inclusion in other programs.
Pegged reads the grammar specified in file and will create a class of the same name. A .h and a .m file will then be created in the output directory, which may be specified from the command line and defaults to the directory containing the PEG grammar. The parser class adheres to a simple interface:
@protocol ParserDataSource;
typedef NSObject<ParserDataSource> ParserDataSource;
@interface Parser : NSObject
@property (retain) ParserDataSource *dataSource;
- (BOOL) parse;
- (BOOL) parseString:(NSString *)string;
@protocol ParserDataSource
- (NSString *) nextString;
The data to be parsed may either be provided via a data source (which responds to a single selector, -nextString) or via the -parseString: selector.
License: Custom
PEGKit is a 'Parsing Expression Grammar' toolkit for iOS and OS X written by Todd Ditchendorf in Objective-C and released under the MIT Open Source License. PEGKit is heavily influenced by ANTLR by Terence Parr and "Building Parsers with Java" by Steven John Metsker.
The PEGKit Framework offers 2 basic services of general interest to Cocoa developers:
String Tokenization via the Objective-C PKTokenizer and PKToken classes.
Objective-C parser generation via grammars - Generate source code for an Objective-C parser class from simple, intuitive, and powerful BNF-style grammars (similar to yacc or ANTLR). While parsing, the generated parser will provide callbacks to your Objective-C delegate.
License: MIT
Core Data Persistence with Parse, an NSIncrementalStore subclass.
License: MIT
TSPhoenix is a framework providing access to Tigerspike Phoenix Rest APIs at http://phoenixplatform.com.sg
License: Custom
A horizontally scrolling image picker, similar to the one found in iOS 7's Photos.app share view, complete with floating checkmark badge.
License: MIT
Posting notifications on iPhone simulator when physical keyboard is pressed. Useful for debugging
License: MIT
Developing in iOS 7 Sprite Kit with physicsBodies is fun and easy. There are no debugging options for the physics engine. You will reach the point where you have to see the physicsBodies you created to expect their behaviour. Include this PhysicsDebugger files, make an init and a render call and all your physicsBodies will be displayed. The Debugger will draw the real physicsBody, not just the shape dimensions.
License: MIT
PICircularProgressView is a subclass of UIView with circular UIProgressView properties and text in this circle representing the progress. It is based on TSPCircularProgressIndicator for OS X from thesynapseproject.
License: MIT
Picky is lightweight semantic text search engine. The Picky iOS SDK enables your iOS app to talk to a Picky server and to easily perform search operations.
License: MIT
Gives you a drop-in PIN code entry screen that looks like the entry screen seen in Settings.app.
License: MIT
PinYin4Objc is a popular objective-c library supporting convertion between Chinese(both Simplified and Tranditional) characters and most popular Pinyin systems, it's performance is very efficient, data cached at first time. The output format of pinyin could be customized.
License: Custom
A convenient way to run UIKit Animations in sequence and/or parallel using different easing equations.
License: MIT
The Playnomics SDK allows developers to easily combine raw metric analytics, predictive analytics and complex segmentation to make smarter messaging decisions (push notifications and in-game messaging) that protect VIPs and monetize non-spenders.
License: Apache 2
A SQL database access library for Objective-C, initially focused on SQLite as an application database. The library supports both OS X and iPhone development.
Plausible Database is provided free of charge under the BSD license, and may be freely integrated with any application.
This podspec written and freely contributed by Gwynne Raskind of Chaotic Moon Studios.
License: BSD
Subclass of UITableViewController to show items of not only NSArray but also NSDictionary.
License: MIT
Offers more readable and concise replacement for constraintWithItem:attribute:relatedBy:toItem:attribute:multiplier:constant: (NSLayoutConstraint, AutoLayout mechanism).
License: BSD
Compatibility stubs to enable use of weak references with ARC on older OSes.
License: BSD
#import "AudioRecorderViewController"
[AudioNoteRecorderViewController showRecorderMasterViewController:self withFinishedBlock:^(BOOL wasRecordingTaken, NSURL *recordingURL) {
if (wasRecordingTaken) {
// do whatever you want with that URL to the .caf file
License: Custom
An example use of the gate to restrict the In-App purchase:
[[PMParentalGateQuestion sharedGate] presentGateWithText:nil timeout:10 finishedBlock:^(BOOL allowPass, GateResult result) {
if (allowPass) {
[[InAppPurchaseHelper sharedInstance] buyProductWithId:@"fullpro"];
License: Custom
Ponto is comunication bridge between HTML and Native. With Ponto you can call native methods from JS inside WebView, or call JS methods from native code.
License: MIT
Objective-C control that displays a dismissible UIVIew inside of a pop up.
License: MIT
A simple UIView popover control for iPhone/iPad written with CoreGraphics.
License: MIT
PopperTools is a jumble of Objective-C's categories. You should add -ObjC flag to linker flag.
License: MIT
A Mac OSX / iOS API wrapper for the PostageApp transactional mail service.
License: MIT
It is a UITableViewCell subclass that can make images scrollable horizontally in TableView
License: MIT
Extending NSLog for more control over the visibility of the log messages across different environments.
You may already be using a lot of NSLog
to speed up your development and debugging process.
However, NSLog
logs messages to the release which ends up logging sensitive data in the end user's device.
PPLogger defines PPLog
which understants your configuration, and ignore the logs when in production release. And you may explicitly log necessary messages on the production release with macros such as PPLogError
or PPlogInfo
so that the logs would be shown on the end user's device.
License: MIT
To get the top most controller displayed, just do UIViewController *c = [UIViewController topMostController]; And you are done.
License: MIT
PPTopSLideMenu is a sliding menu that appears from the top of the screen. The original code is slightly based upon the MFSlideMenu.
The current version still needs a refactoring!
License: MIT
Promise allows you to run asynchronous code. As Promise is object oriented, it lets you get the returned value (if some) at any point in code that you wish.
Promise is thread-safe.
Promise lets you chain many asynchronous blocks of code, making them serial. If you wish, you can pass the value returned by the previous chained task to the next.
Promise lets you handle errors at any point in the chain that you wish, if you wish. As the Promise tasks are throwable blocks, you are free to use the magic of swift 'try' statement. Once an error is thrown, the error the next Promises are cancelled, and the error is handled at any point in the chain that you wish (for example, a simple single error handler at the end of the chain).
However if what you wish is to run many asynchronous tasks concurrently, Promise also lets you do that. And if you wish, you can handle the error as well.
Since Promise is object oriented, this could be your method return type; or you can subclass it; you can adapt it to your own needs.
All made very simple and intuitive.
License: BSD
A class for making analog style clocks with your own provided images.
License: Custom
Zoom, Rotate, Drag ? everything at the same time. A view-container for direct manipulation, inspired by Our Choice from Push Pop Press.
License: MIT
Calling optional delegate methods usually needs lots of
boilerplate code, because we need to check if the delegate
responds to a given selector. Using NSProxy
we can reduce
such boilerplate code and just call the optional method.
We also get compiler checks for method signatures.
License: MIT
"Image Album" — or "Photo Album" if you like that better — View( Controller) for all crazy iOS developers out there...
License: Apache 2
Various classes built to make iOS testing faster, easier, and more effective.
License: Apache 2
A helpful wrapper for testing network requests using NSURLProtocol
License: MIT
When a view looks a bit out of place and you can't be tell why, use PTLViewDebugger to figure it out. PTLViewDebugger helps you debug your views by adding colored borders to your view hierarchy just use ptl_showDebugBorder
to add a randomly colored border to the view or ptl_identifyViewLayout
to add a border to the view hierarchy you're debugging. If that's not enough, PTLViewDebugger enhances the private recursiveDescription
API so that if you use that while debugging the resulting wall of text is styled with the border colors of each view.
Additional utilities are included for visually debugging views using autolayout. Use ptl_identifyViewsWithAmbiguousLayout
and ptl_startAutoLayoutDance
to easily identify which views have ambiguous layout.
License: MIT
A UIView for easily implementing pull-to-refresh functionality in a UIScrollView that doesn't suck.
License: MIT
A lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Model-View-Controller design meta-pattern.
License: BSD
A class that handles registration and handling of push notifications tokens in iOS.
License: Custom
Download images from the Web to the NSImageViews asynchronously with just 1 line of code Set a 'Placheholder Image' to be displayed on the NSImageView until the image is downloaded Set an 'Error Image' to be displayed when an error occurs while downloading the image Set ToolTips on the NSImageView for each state -> Loading Image / Image Loaded / Error Loading Image Display a Spinning Wheel on top of the NSImageView while it's downloading the image
License: MIT
Pythonic is a code candy box. It make you use Collections like python -- split, trim and random choice.
License: MIT
It's basically an UIView object that tries to mimic the behavior of the floating control used by http://sparrowmailapp.com/iphone.php. The control appears at the bottom right corner of the screen and it unfolds a menu whenever it's touched.
License: Custom
This is an implementation of a UIView that introduces the idea of 'rewinding', 'toggling' and 'forwarding' in animations.
License: MIT
An implementation of QR code encoder for Objective-C ported from Psytec library.
License: Apache 2
QUnit.m brings QUnit.js syntax to SenTestingKit for testing Objective-C projects. The is useful if you are trying to port JavaScript libraries to Objective-C or want a more familiar testing syntax.
I wrote this to help me port Underscore.js to Objective-C in _.m and to make Objective-C a little more script in Subjective-Script so you will find some good examples in those project's tests.
License: MIT
Source code for the iOS Range Slider series by Mal Curtis at BuildMobile.
License: Custom
Sliding pages side by side, infinitely. Fancy parts from the redacted bits, re-implemented for expressiveness at expense of some naïvety.
License: Custom
A simple, sensible, block-based XML API for iOS and Mac development. This fork allow users to XML manipulation.
License: MIT
UITableViewCell with 3 content layers -> Left | Center | Right that become visible on swipe
License: MIT
This lets you steal the volume up and volume down buttons on iOS.
License: Apache 2
Easy to use iOS class to manage location system, very useful.
This is allows you to tracking user location, monitoring regions and obtain the user location.
License: MIT
Customize location of image and title label in a UIButton.
License: MIT
The Rdio iOS SDK combines our Web Services API and a native playback implementation, allowing developers to make API calls, authenticate users, and stream music. The SDK handles providing full tracks to Rdio Unlimited subscribers, and 30 second samples to everyone else.
License: Commercial
Workaround for retain cycles caused by NSTimer, NSThread or CADisplayLink instances
License: MIT
Add iMessage's text input behavior (UIScrollViewKeyboardDismissModeInteractive + persistent inputAccessoryView) to any UIScrollView.
License: MIT
ReactiveCocoaLayout is a framework for describing Cocoa and Cocoa Touch layouts in a reactive way, based on ReactiveCocoa.
License: MIT
ReactiveCoreData (RCD) is an attempt to bring Core Data into the ReactiveCocoa (RAC) world.
License: BSD
ReactiveCocoa extensions for NSXMLParser: A concise, stream-based API for parsing XML with NSXMLParser.
Defines a wrapper around NSXMLParserDelegate, obsoleting the need for implementing fussy delegate methods. Apply any ReactiveCocoa magic you want.
License: MIT
Reamaze is a hosted helpdesk made for developers. This cocoapod allows you to easily integrate the Reamaze Knowledge Base to your iOS Mobile app.
Some other Reamaze features: * Reamaze.js allows you to embed a full support system into your web app * Helps you handle support requests from multiple channels including email, Facebook and Twitter * Integrates with 3rd party apps like Shopify and Slack.
License: MIT
RedGreen is an extension library for SenTestKit that makes the test output easier to parse by humans.
License: MIT
A collection of NSObject extensions that brings out Blocks latent ability.
License: MIT
RequestQueue is a simple class for managing multiple concurrent asynchronous URL requests in your applications.
License: zlib
A lightweight and simple, easy-to-use library of static functions for accessing RESTful APIs in iOS. All the methods are class methods, so functional programming with this framework is a breeze, as is using these calls in background processes. Connect to REST APIs in minutes (or hours?). Fully documented in appledoc.
License: MIT
RESTmagic is a framework for that framework you already deployed, your RESTFUL api. Light or no configuration will tell the framework how your resources are organized, and where to get the appropriate templates. Before it joins those together with your choice of mustache flavored templating, it will check if you have a native view instead to present. The whole framework is built to be easily customized with as much or as little magic as your want.
License: MIT
REVClusterMap API is a simple implementation of clustering for the iOS platform. An extra layer of functionalities that enables clustering built on top of the MapKit Framework. With a small set of customizable settings the simple cluster algorithm provides an easy way to cluster your annotations. The source code is free to use in non-commercial and commercial projects without our written consent. Additions or bug-fixes are more than welcome. Shout-outs are always encouraged. Enjoy!
License: MIT
RevMobSDK for showing ads, banners, more games link and many more.
License: Commercial
This code provides an easy way to communicate with the RFduino boards. It originally came from https://github.com/RFduino/RFduino, but I have made a few minor changes.
License: Custom
Lays out cells with various widths and heights on the page. The cells are positioned in a patch-work layout so each fits next to the other, leaving no extra spaces when possible
License: MIT
Easily set up a rate me prompt that shows up after a specific number of times or when you directly call it.
License: MIT
A simple way to add dynamic, RGB color sliders to an iOS application.
License: MIT
An iOS UIViewController subclass that allows swiping between child VCs. It also supports custom overlay views that are notified of changes to the underlying controller positions.
License: BSD
RHRefreshControl is just another simple custom RefreshControl which allow you to customize the appearance and behavior of RefreshControl for your app. With this simple library, you would save few hours to write code to implement with UIScrollView.
License: MIT
RHShareHelper is a small library for iOS to share content to social media network. It provice convenience method to present specific network sharing or list of available network to share. It was made to easy implement and set difference content for difference type of network.
License: MIT
UITableView data source based on NSFetchedResultsController.
License: MIT
Custom UIPageControl implementation using blocks to draw the indicator.
License: MIT
This subclass of NSView can be used to get an iOS 7 like blurred background to mimic a frosted glass effect — on OS X!
License: BSD
A class that conforms to the NSErrorRecoveryAttempting informal protocol and allows using blocks to provide recovery options for an error.
License: MIT
A customisable UILabel implementation that allows easily adding pop-up, context-sensitive help
License: MIT
Simple class to validate chilean security number, also known as RUT.
License: MIT
This subclass of NSView uses a NSImage as pattern or a NSColor to fill its background.
License: BSD
A side view controller with a dynamic blurred background effect which is similar to the iOS 7 control center.
License: MIT
RNPinnedCertValidator simplifies validating "pinned" SSL certificates. A pinned certificate means that your app only trusts a specific list of certificates rather than the entire trusted root store for the device. This improves security by limiting the number of trusted certificates, and frustrates attacks that modify the trusted root store.
License: MIT
A custom table view with highly detailed ripple animations.
License: MIT
A category on NSString to gather advanced statistics on text.
License: MIT
Easily manage themes and respond to theme changes by updating views in real time.
License: MIT
Implementation of a generic UITableViewDataSource that can be used to reduce the amount of code in UIViewControllers.
License: MIT
The fairest, smartest and easiest way to read all kinds of AVMetadataObjectType objects in just one method call for iOS 7+ devices.
License: MIT
With a couple of lines of code you can create a PDF view controller. This framework is very fast and easy to use.
License: MIT
RPSegmentedTextField is a UITextField, but separated in one or more segments. Segments can have one or more characters. If more characters are entered, the RPSegmentedTextField automatically jumps to the next field.
License: MIT
Some of helper function for UIImage, NSSDate, NSString are always used by most developer including myself and I felt they should not be rewritten everytime some wants to use it and again who has the time. Hence this Library was created It is very simple to use.
License: MIT
full customizable TabBarController; drop-in replacement of UITabBarController.
License: MIT
Yet another toast messages presenter for iOS with nice animations and customisation options.
License: MIT
RunKeeper-iOS provides an Objective C wrapper class for accessing the RunKeeper Health Graph API from iOS 4.0 or newer.
RunKeeper-iOS was developed for use in our iPhone fitness app "Running Intensity". It is meant to be general, but is built primarily for a Running app. The API is NOT fully supported, but more will be added based on our own needs or the requests of others.
License: BSD
Core Data is a great framework, but there's a lot of boilerplate code
necessary for even the simplest of projects. RWPCoreData simplifies
this greatly, allowing you to initialise managed objects with init
managing a global main context, and enabling you to easily synchronise
data with remote APIs.
License: MIT
SAMultisectorControl allows you to create multiselect control with beautiful design ad circule structure. It's allows users in easy way changing values. Easy in use and have high ergonomic level.
License: MIT
A simple library to create sliding menus that can be used in storyboards and supports static cells. Sliding menus are used in a number of popular applications like Path 2.0, GMail, TechCrunch and many others.
License: MIT
SAXy OX is full-featured XML and JSON marshalling framework for Objective-C.
License: Apache 2
A customizable UICollectionViewLayout to use instead of a grouped styled UITableView
License: MIT
SCPageScrubberBar is a page scrubber bar like ibooks. SCPageScrubberBar works with iOS5.0+ and ARC.
License: BSD
SCPagingGridView is a collection of iOS UIViewController containers, views, & helpers. The project is comprised of the following components:
A custom page view controller that supports both horizontal & vertical paging.
A UIView sublcass that lays out its children according to a given schema.
Screen shot:
Sample Code:
``` @implementation SCExampleGridViewController
CGFloat height = floorf(self.view.bounds.size.height * .8f); CGFloat width = floorf(self.view.bounds.size.width * .8f);
SCGridView *grid = [[SCGridView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(floorf((self.view.bounds.size.width - width)/2.0f), floorf((self.view.bounds.size.height - height)/2.0f), width, height)]; grid.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth; grid.layer.cornerRadius = 6.0f; grid.clipsToBounds = YES; grid.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; grid.schema = @[ @(1), @(1), @(2) ]; grid.rowSpacing = 5.0f; grid.colSpacing = 5.0f; [self.view addSubview:grid];
NSMutableArray *cells = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:grid.size];
UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] init]; label.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter; label.text = @"1st cell"; [cells addObject:label];
UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]; [button setTitle:@"2nd cell" forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [button setTitleColor:[UIColor blackColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [button setTitleColor:[UIColor blueColor] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted]; button.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; [cells addObject:button];
label = [[UILabel alloc] init]; label.numberOfLines = 0; label.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter; label.text = @"3rd cell"; [cells addObject:label];
label = [[UILabel alloc] init]; label.numberOfLines = 0; label.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter; label.text = @"4th cell"; [cells addObject:label];
grid.cells = cells; }
@end ```
A view controller container that supports laying out a series of cells in pageable grid views.
Screen shot:
A class that recycles views. It is similar to UITableView's reusable cells system, but can be used for any view type.
To use SCPagingGridView, add the source/
files into your XCode Project. The preferred method is to setup a git submodule and reference the files in your Xcode project. git submodule add https://github.com/scribd/SCPagingGridView.git SCPagingGridView
SCPagingGridView requires iOS 5.0+ and Xcode 4.3+ The projects uses ARC, but it may be used with non-ARC projects by setting the: -fobjc-arc
compiler flag on the *.m
files. You can set this flag under Target -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources
SCPagingGridView is used in the following apps:
License: MIT
SCPinions is a grab-bag of useful classes and categories.
License: MIT
Scrollable tab bar that highlights selected item like under magnifying glass. You can customize it as you wish!
License: MIT
An NSScrollView subclass to allow the popular "pull to refresh" from iPhone to work on Mac OS X Lion.
License: MIT
SCSlidingViewController allows you to set one (or two) view controllers to be full height on iOS7 so that the color behind the statusbar can be controlled, while the top view sits below the status bar as per iOS6. See the screenshot for an example of how it would appear.
License: MIT
Produces human-friendly JSON, which you can use for logging or debugging purposes.
License: MIT
The SDL Language Cloud provides industry-leading translation services. Using this SDK you can enable your iOS apps to translate plain text and documents. You can get a free API key at http://languagecloud.sdl.com/translation-api/sign-up
License: MIT
Handle show/hiding of the iOS network activity indicator.
License: MIT
Ridiculously simple iOS video uploader classes for YouTube, Facebook, etc.
License: WTFPL
A flow layout for UICollectionView that implements swiping-to-select gestures
License: MIT
cover apps with a blur screenshot to keep secret after double clicking iPhone's home.
License: MIT
A clone of UIImagePickerController with multiple selection support that supports swipe-to-select
License: MIT
A Framework for iOS and OS X that makes using Service Discovery a breeze.
License: MIT
Façade implementation for Facebook-iOS-SDKIt enables you to access the Facebook Platform APIs including the Graph API, FQL, and Dialogs.
License: Apache 2
PTHotKeysLib has served us well for many years, but as I was upgrading my company's applications to run natively in 64 bit I was running into issues. The original code itself used many deprecated methods, 32 bit integer types, etc. As I fixed those issues, my OCD started to get the best of me and I started reformatting and rewriting portions of the code using modern Objective-C practices and paradigms.
License: MIT
A category for showing a Messages like progress view on a UINavigationBar
License: MIT
ShakingAlertView is a UIAlertView subclass with a password entry textfield. Incorrect password entry causes a 'shake' animation similar to the OS X account login screen.
License: MIT
A sharing controller that allows anyone to implement sharing into their projects easily. iOS 5 will use action sheets and iOS 6 will use the new activity view controller. Readability, Pocket, and Instapaper are added also for read-later services to share with articles.
License: BSD
A scrollable UINavigationBar that follows a UIScrollView. This project was inspired by the navigation bar functionality seen in the Chrome, Facebook and Instagram iOS apps. This description and some implementation ideas was inspired by GTScrollNavigationBar.
License: MIT
Easy to use automatic XML Parser built on NSXMLParser. Get XML data as a single NSDictionary object or NSArray in just two steps.
License: MIT
Simple KML is a simple & lightweight parsing library for KML written in Objective-C for the iOS platform.
License: Custom
SimpleAudioPlayer is a simple wrapper for AVAudioPlayer
To use it, make:
[SimpleAudioPlayer playFile:@"filename.mp3"];
[SimpleAudioPlayer playFile:@"filename.mp3" withCompletionBlock:^(BOOL finished) {
NSLog(@"Finished playing");
License: Custom
Simple View that adds a done button above keyboard
License: MIT
SimplePurchase exposes two static methods: addObserverForProduct:block:
and buyProduct:block:
, inspired by Parse's in-app-purchase API.
License: MIT
SimpleRemoteObject is a simple Objectie-C library that can create your classes' instance from server-side JSON text.
License: MIT
Instead of having to use three classes to use the Accounts framework, you only need to use one!
License: Custom
is component which allows you to easily add bindings to your code with support for ARC.
It is designed so you can bind two objects or UIViews, or any other combination of those two. Basic purpose of this component is to enable binding between models and Views without having to write a lot of unnecessary code which handels everything.
allows you to dynamically add or remove bindings. You can specify wheather you would like one-way or two-way binding. It has an integrated support for cycle detection in your bindings. For instance if you have object A
with properties a
, b
and c
. You will not be allowed to make bindings like this A.a -> A.b -> A.c -> A.a
because that would cause bindings to refresh themselves indefinetly. You can also define specific transformations you want to do before for instance A.a
refreshes object A.b
via blocks.
Bindings are supported for any kind of user defined NSObject
subclasses and in UIKit
for UILabel
, UITextField
, UITextView
, UISwitch
and UISlider
. But you can add support for custom UIView
License: Custom
SKInputClass provides simplest way to add 'Done' button to numeric keyboard
License: MIT
SKSlideViewController is an easy to use, slide-to-navigate view controller for ios 6.0 +. It enables you to present a main view controller and an optional, direction-sensitive accessory view controller. It is easy to setup and modify.
License: MIT
SKUTouchPresenter allows you to demo your app to an audience and have them follow your touches. It displays a dot (or multiple dots) wherever the screen is touched. You can configure the dot's color and opacity, and you can also have the dot(s) appear only when the device is mirroring to a second display via AirPlay or an adapter cable.
License: MIT
A button library which able to draw it self with bezel defined by relative location.
License: MIT
This is a very simple subclass of UITextField that is designed to look like a Bootstrap input field.
License: MIT
The SlideViewFramework is a three panel slide controller that takes in three view controllers and uses a slide navigation.
License: MIT
SlimeRefresh looks like UIRefreshControl in iOS6, SlimeRefresh can also run on iOS4.0 and later...
License: MIT
Init a instance of SLNavigationBarManager with the viewController and a scrollView in you want to observer, it will automatic help you show or hidden the navigationbar
License: MIT
Create a parallax effect between an UITableView and a MapView, like the view in FourSquare.
License: MIT
A Photos Picker Controller (Objective-C & AssetsLibrary) Inspired from WeChat and Photos.
License: MIT
The runtime files of the SMC bundled into a cocoapod, to avoid potential conflicts in projects using SMC generated state machines.
License: Custom
UIScrollView subclass that uses methods similar to UITableView, UITableViewDataSource, and UITableViewDelegate.
License: MIT
Automatic Core Data change tracking for OS X (NSFetchedResultsController port).
License: BSD
SNRHUDKit is a framework that brings missing HUD controls and interface elements to AppKit. All of the controls are fully compatible with OS X 10.6 and 10.7. Each of the NSControl subclasses are completely independent (aside from a few categories) so you are free to pick and choose the controls you need instead of using the entire framework.
License: BSD
Category on socket.IO-objc to use block callbacks instead of delegate callbacks.
License: MIT
With SOCKit and SOCPattern you can easily transform objects into strings and vice versa.
License: Apache 2
The aim of this library is to create a simple to use, yet useful API to control Sonos Devices via SOAP. It depends on AFNetworking (iOS and OS X) and XMLReader.h/m (iOS and OS X)
License: MIT
OS Sony Camera Remote API Client Library - find device SSDP - Live Preview support
License: MIT
Converts dates in the Julian calendar into NSDates for use in other calendrical systems.
License: MIT
SparkiOS API library that allows authorized MLS members to request data through developer applications.
License: Custom
Sparrow is a pure Objective-C library that was built from ground up for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. If you have already worked with Adobe™ Flash or Starling, you will feel right at home: Sparrow uses the same concepts and naming schemes.
License: BSD
SpatiaLite is an open source library intended to extend the SQLite core to support fully fledged Spatial SQL capabilities.
License: Custom
The Spotify iOS SDK makes it easy to add audio streaming, playlist manipulation, metadata lookup and other Spotify features to iOS apps.
License: BSD 3.0
Component model and helper classess for iOS 7+ SpriteKit Framework
License: MIT
Instances of SPTScrollViewScrubberController
control a scrubber view to
quickly scroll through an UIScrollView
or any of its subclasses like
or UICollectionView
It was inspired by NSScreencast episode 97: Scrolling Nub (11/28/2013).
License: MIT
Pie chart style progress pie chart. Based from SSPieProgressView in SSToolKit.
License: Custom
SRVPickerButton allows you to have buttons that present a picker for input, similar to a drop down field on a website.
License: MIT
SSCollectionViewExchangeController manages the process of exchanging 2 items in a collection view.
License: MIT
Provide a simple wrapper over Evernote iOS SDK to allow developers to download thumbnail image of a note or a resource image.
License: MIT
This is gentler than UIAlertView and This can be changed the Appearance unlike UIAlertView.
License: MIT
This is an iOS Chinese Lunar date framework, which can convert the NSDate to a Lunar date which widely used in China. And it can support Lunar holiday calulate like Lunar new year date, etc. The code is licensed by GPL2, even I perfer some other license, but because the core of this algorithm is licensed by GPL, so I don't have another option.
Talking about the usage of this lib, you can refer the SSLunarDate.h for detail, I can give a small example Here.
SSLunarDate *lunar = [[SSLunarDate alloc] init];
NSLog(@"month:%@ day:%@", [lunar monthString], [lunar dayString]);
NSLog(@"full string:%@ %@", [lunar string], [lunar zodiacString]);
You can get this:
month:正月 day:廿九 full string:癸巳年正月廿九 蛇
For the other part of this lib, please refer SSLunarDate.h. It can now convert 1900-2049 's lunar calendar.
License: Custom
Inspired by Passport App and Reminders App for iOS 7, this is designed to have a stacked page view that uses reusable pages for efficiency. Easily scroll through UIImageViews, UIViews or your custom View with this one do-it-all class.
SSStackedPageView uses a scroll view to manage through your large list of views. By either selecting or dragging the view up, you divide the stack and highlight that view. Each view is customized to the length of the SSStackedPageView. For efficiency, I make use of a reusable array of pages so that scrolling is fast and beautiful.
License: MIT
SSUIViewMiniMe takes your UIView and creates a small version of it with an indicator of your location on the original UIView.
License: MIT
StackMob's Push SDK for sending push notifications via the StackMob Services on iOS.
License: Apache 2
iOS library with various extensions on the default iOS SDK.
, UIAlertView
and UIGestureRecognizer
selector swizzle methods.License: Apache 2
StarRatingControl is a UI control which allows you create a "rating" control for your app with ease. Use default star images/symbols, or provide
your own. When creating control with images, you can display "partial" stars.
License: MIT
Easy to use controller that makes use of the Cocoa ServiceManagement APIs. This is the required way to do login items for sandboxed applications (required for all Mac App Store apps) and works in non-sandboxed applications as well.
It's been tested on 10.7 and 10.8 (and should work on 10.6.6+). Entries set by this class do not appear in the Accounts Panel of System Preferences.
License: MIT
Threadsafe state machine library for Objective-C based on Grand Central Dispatch.
License: MIT
Add the AFNetwork and both files, call - setConsumerKey:secret: and - setAccessToken:secret to set the signing parameters and all calls after that will be signed. If you want a non-authenticated call, use either - unsignedRequestWithMethod:path:parameters: or - setSignRequests(NO).
License: MIT
StorageRoomKit is a static library (iOS) and framework (OS X) that provides helper methods and classes to make it easier to use RestKit with the StorageRoom API (http://storageroomapp.com).
License: MIT
Lightweight wrapper for Apple's StoreKit framework created with KISS concept and love ❤.
License: MIT
STPImbo is a simple helper to create image URLs for imbo Image Server.
License: MIT
Customize table view cell border and highlight colors.
License: MIT
Subjective-Script makes Objective-C more scripty!
My language of preference is CoffeeScript and whenever I develop in Objective-C, I find myself often having to look up [NSSomething reallyLongFunctionName:YES withAVerboseParameterName:YES and:[NSSomethingElse whichAddsMoreBrackets]] and it isn't very enjoyable or speedy!
While I was porting a test for _.m from the original Underscore.js that was easy to read:
var people = [{name : 'curly', age : 50}, {name : 'moe', age : 30}];
people = _.sortBy(people, function(person){ return person.age; });
equal(_.pluck(people, 'name').join(', '), 'moe, curly', 'stooges sorted by age');
It looked like this in Objective-C:
``` NSArray *people = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"moe", @"name", [NSNumber numberWithInt:30], @"age", nil], [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"curly", @"name", [NSNumber numberWithInt:50], @"age", nil], nil];
STAssertEqualObjects([_.pluck(people, @"name") componentsJoinedByString:@", "], @"moe, curly", @"stooges sorted by age"); ```
The keys were in the wrong order, there was too much typing involved, and it became unreadable. So I wrote Subjective-Script and ported QUnit.m to end up with this:
A* people = AO(OKV({@"name", @"curly"}, {@"age", N.I(50)}), OKV({@"name", @"moe"}, {@"age", N.I(30)}));
people = _.sortBy(people, ^(O* person){ return person.get(@"age"); });
equal(_.pluck(people, @"name").join(@", "), @"moe, curly", @"stooges sorted by age");
Much better! And best of all, I can reuse my knowledge of JavaScript for function names so I can stop looking things up and get stuff done!
License: MIT
Markdown parser based on the Upskirt library by Natacha Porté. Written in C with a lightweight Objective-C Wrapper.
License: MIT
Pronounced “Super Ogress” (as in a female Ogre who is also a super-hero), SuProgress is a utlitity library to show a iOS-7-Safari-style progress bar under the UINavigationBar for your app.
Crucially SuProgress is a drop-in library for common progress types eg. NSURLConnection, UIWebView, AFNetworking, and NSProgress.
License: MIT
Surikae exchanges a class or instance method with blocks. It’s helpful for unit testing of Objective-C.
License: BSD
SVBlurView is a simple reimplementation of FXBlurView for iOS 7. It uses Apple's UIImage+ImageEffects
category as well as the new drawViewHierarchyInRect:
License: MIT
SVETabBarController is a Tab Bar controller where the tabbar is displayed on the top of the screen and it auto hides it or shows it when you scroll inside the selected view.
License: MIT
SVHTTPRequest lets you easily interact with RESTful (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT) web APIs. It is blocked-based, uses NSURLConnection, ARC, as well as NSJSONSerialization to automatically parse JSON responses.
License: MIT
SVSegmentedControl is a customizable UIControl class that mimics UISegmentedControl but that looks like an UISwitch.
License: MIT
A copycat of the HUD shown on orientation and volume change in iOS.
License: MIT
Snapshot Stack View cocoa touch class decorates your UIImage's for presentation to the user with matte border, drop shadows and simulated stack of physical photos.
License: MIT
current progress:the conversion from dictionary into a class
License: Custom
SYNScrollViewObserverEffects is a collection of effects that can be easily added to view controllers containing scroll views to provide some nice visual effects.
Note: Most of the effects are compatible with iOS 6.0 but not all. The blur effect in particular requires 7.0.
License: MIT
Lightweight and magic dependency injection framework. Uses ObjC runtime to do the magic.
License: Custom
SZNetworking is meant to be (nearly) the bare minimum you need to create http requests and manage NSMutableURLRequests through NSOperation and NSOperationQueue
License: MIT
TagLib is a library for reading and editing the meta-data of several popular audio formats. Currently it supports both ID3v1 and ID3v2 for MP3 files, Ogg Vorbis comments and ID3 tags and Vorbis comments in FLAC, MPC, Speex, WavPack TrueAudio, WAV, AIFF, MP4 and ASF files.
TagLib is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) and Mozilla Public License (MPL). Essentially that means that it may be used in proprietary applications, but if changes are made to TagLib they must be contributed back to the project. Please review the licenses if you are considering using TagLib in your project.
There is some general information about the motivation and workings of TagLib that can be found in the API documentation.
License: Custom
Publisher libraries allow you to display advertisements in your app (including the offerwall) and / or acquire new users from Tapjoy.
License: Commercial
Publisher libraries allow you to display advertisements in your app (including the offerwall) and / or acquire new users from Tapjoy.
License: Commercial
A UIViewController category that enables animated keyboard dismissal with the pop gesture.
License: MIT
NSAttributedStrings are quite useful in UILabels and UITextViews, however they're not particularly user-friendly, especially with dynamic text. TaggedAttributedString is a simple way to generate NSAttributedStrings using lightweight HTML-style tags, and makes using NSAttributedStrings far less painful.
License: MIT
Painless iOS 7 alert style transition and styling. Built on UITableViewController so it is easy to use. Just subclass TBBModalViewController and implement the UITableViewDataSource methods or provide a static implementation from a storyboard.
License: MIT
A UIImagePickerController that displays a UIActionSheet to select the source type (camera or library) if the current device has a camera.
License: Apache 2
Swift extensions / helpers used in most of the projects, support iOS, OSX and tvOS
License: MIT
TBXML is a light-weight XML document parser written in Objective-C designed for use on Apple iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch devices (also Mac OSX compatible). TBXML aims to provide the fastest possible XML parsing whilst utilizing the fewest resources. This requirement for absolute efficiency is achieved at the expense of XML validation and modification. It is not possible to modify and generate valid XML from a TBXML object and no validation is performed whatsoever whilst importing and parsing an XML document.
License: MIT
TCAHP gives you an extremely lightweight networking API where you send and receive JSON-safe NSDictionaries ("hashes") back and forth between a client and server. It's layered on top of AsyncSocket.
License: Custom
A UIButton that given custom assets, functions like iOS 7 style buttons.
License: Custom
A UIView subclass containing four circles that animate towards one another.
License: Custom
TDAudioPlayer aspires to be a full featured audio playing library.
Developers shouldn't have to concern themselves with the complexities of streaming or playing audio in their app. The goal of this library is to allow developers to focus on creating great content and features around audio playing.
Currently the library provides these features: * Audio streaming from an NSInputStream (originially designed for use in Multipeer Connectivity) * Audio streaming from the internet (http) * An Audio Player interface for playing tracks and making playlists
License: MIT
TDBSplashscreen is a pod that allow you to show your splashscreen a little longer while loading new data into your app.
License: MIT
TDBWalkthrough is a pod that allows you to add a walkthrough when the app starts.
License: MIT
iOS Library used to detect a number of most used colors in a UIImage. Forked from timominous project.
License: MIT
Tesseract-ios is an Objective-C wrapper for Tesseract OCR.
License: MIT
TestFlightSDK for over-the-air beta testing and crash reporting. BETA version.
License: Commercial
TGJSBridge is a lightweight javascript bridge to cocoa. TGJSBridge is iOS4 and iPad compatible.
License: BSD
An objective C utility that lets you add a wrapper to any function.
License: BSD
THGridMenu is a UIView that is initialized with number of columns per row, gutter size, margin and row height. You can call an instance method createMenuItem
that will return a THGridMenuItem at the right origin and width for the next view. THGridMenuItem is a subclass of UIControl, which itself is a subclass of UIView, so you can put anything you'd like inside.
Note: Currently, THMenuGrid is meant to be contained inside of a navigation controller. You might have to modify to use in a standalone view or a tab controller.
License: MIT
Easy, lightweight, object-based key-value observing and -binding.
License: MIT
Automatic synchronization for Core Data Apps, between any combination of Mac OS X and iOS.
License: MIT
Simple set of macros to measure the time spent for executing a block.
License: MIT
A UI Element that hovers beside the scroll bar of a UITableView (Mimicking the Path app).
License: MIT
Allows you to swipe a UITableViewCell and reveal a back view, functions like cells in the Twitter app.
License: BSD
An iOS version of the NSTokenField (See To: field in Mail and Messages).
License: BSD
A simple 3 button menu with a nice presentation and dismissal animation that is meant to be launched from a bar button item.
License: MIT
A view with buttons arranged in a circle pattern that animate out from the center.
License: MIT
Lazy getters for object-type properties, auto generated for you.
License: MIT
A sublcass of UIProgressView that takes an NSProgress and updates automatically.
License: MIT
A manager class for the new MultipeerConnectivity framework.
License: MIT
Helper class for quick fetching random images with given size from the http://lorempixel.com/ website.
License: Custom
UIViewController container that shows bottom toolbar.
License: Custom
A simple replacement for UIAlertView with block based completion methods and a 3D dismiss animation.
License: MIT
Observer pattern with compile-time type checking for Objective-C.
License: Custom
A horizontal gradient which adjusts its appearance based on the positional attitude of an iOS device.
License: MIT
A UISlider subclass which adjusts its appearance based on the positional attitude of an iOS device.
License: MIT
This pod was created by me influenced by The iOS Design Cheat Sheet.
License: MIT
for supporting task completion, especially for multiple background tasks.
License: MIT
TOMData extends some of the most used Core Data classes with
with categories and automatic error handling.
License: MIT
TOMFoundation is a simple library that extents Foundation framework with custom classes and categories.
License: MIT
TOMKit contains a set of classes, categories and functions that simplify UIKit development. It includes block based action sheets, alert views and popover controllers.
License: MIT
NinePatch is an image file format invented as part of the Android platform. It offers a solution to the problem of creating high-quality bitmapped art assets in the case that you need lots of dentical assets in different sizes. The core idea is to take a base image (in .png format) and add a 1px border around it, then save the new image as a .9.png file. You then add black pixels along the edges to indicate the stretchable region (inferred from the marks on the top and left edges) and information about the NinePatch padding (inferred from the marks on the bottom and right edges).
More information here: this version is forked from the original by andy mcsherry ([email protected]) which fixed some issues. I simply forked from him and tagged a release.
License: Apache 2
A humane JSON Objective-C un-framework. (TouchJSON has been deprecated - see README).
License: BSD
TOValueTransition is a small and easy to use collection of classes for simple floating value "animations". Use this library for time based interpolations between two values.
License: MIT
The idea of a generic factory solution for Objective-C has been something
that has been tounting me for a while so i took a crack at it.
License: MIT
UISegmentedControl which is able to detect already selected segment touch.
License: MIT
A simple dependency injection framework for objective c, written while traveling in a train.
License: BSD
iOS library to obtain the continent of a CLPlacemark or from a country code in the ISO 3166 format
License: MIT
Improves SenTestingKit test output, and provides an API for defining custom reporters.
License: MIT
A domain specific language for CoreAnimation Transformations.
License: BSD 2.0
Flexible and highly configurable auto complete view, attachable to any UITextField.
License: BSD
TreemapKit is a treemap implementation for Cocoa Touch. You can display treemaps in iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.
License: MIT
A synchronization construct with the ability to wait until signalled that a condition has been met.
Test framework agnostic.
License: MIT
Push/Pop transition for entire UINavigationController views.
License: MIT
Animate your labels like Mario Kart's Rainbow Road. People need colorful lives.
License: MIT
Custom ImagePickerController supports selecting multiple assets and highly customizable.
License: Custom
Generic class that allows you to cache files on device's disk. Need to cache images or other files? Check this. Easy to subclass and reuse.
License: Custom
Objective-C class for importing files from user's iPod Library in iOS4.
License: MIT
In app browser. My fork supports reading from a local file.
License: MIT
UIPopover like UI (with ActionSheet) for iPhone - there is lot's of work still to do.
License: MIT
Couple of classes which you can simply use to validate strings in the project.
License: MIT
Set of extended UI components for iOS. Includes:
is UI component for displaying multi columns tabular data with support of hierarchical rows and columns structure.
It provides smooth animations for item selection and dynamic content modification.
is UI component that allows to flip left and right through pages of data. TSNavigationStripView control is used to display available pages titles/tabs and navigate between them. Custom TSNavigationStripView entity should be provided to TSTabView during initialisation. Some features are listed below:
is a navigation menu control with highly customizable design and flexible structure.
License: MIT
Simple and ready to use subclass of UITextField which uses NSRegularExpression to validate text with pattern you set.
License: MIT
Makes representing and consuming asynchronous results simpler.
License: BSD
Among other crazy features, iOS 7 enables users to have automatic updates for their apps, wiping away the infamous App Store badge. This is really convenient both for users and developers, but it comes with a couple of downsides:
TWSReleaseNotesView is a simple way to address those issues. It comes with a straightforward API which enables developers to show in-app release notes with a fully customizable popup view.
License: MIT
License: MIT
It's a simple tool to help you use CoreData in your multithreaded iOS/Mac app CORRECTLY.
License: Custom
This project demonstrates how to get a rough approximation of an iOS or Mac OS X device's location using only data stored on the device. No GPS or internet lookups are involved. The resulting data is only approximately accurate, but probably good enough to determine the country or continent where the device is located.
License: MIT
ObjC library of shortcuts for long properties
TZShortKit shortens things as self.view.frame.size.width
-> self.view.width
License: MIT
Getting device information in iOS. Battery status, network status, free size of internal memory and so on.
License: MIT
Button view which can position text caret and define text selection of a text view in parallel to its touch drag movement.
License: MIT
UIActionSheet-Blocks ================
UIActionSheet+Blocks is a simple Block implementation for UIActionSheet created by Shai Mishali. This allows you to use the power of blocks instead of implementing a delegate.
Instead of allocating a new UIActionSheet and assigning a delegate, just call one of the static methods:
UIActionSheet *sheet = [UIActionSheet presentOnView:self.view
withTitle:@"Select Picture"
otherButtons:@[@"Camera Roll", @"Take a Picture"]
onCancel:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet) {
NSLog(@"Touched cancel button");
onClickedButton:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet, NSUInteger index) {
NSLog(@"Selected button at index %d", index);
UIActionSheet *sheet = [UIActionSheet presentOnView:self.view withTitle:@"John - 555-1212" cancelButton:@"Dismiss" destructiveButton:@"Delete Contact" otherButtons:@[@"Call Contact",@"Message Contact"] onCancel:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet) { NSLog(@"Touched cancel button"); } onDestructive:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet) { NSLog(@"Touched destructive button"); } onClickedButton:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet, NSUInteger index) { NSLog(@"Selected button at index %d", index); }]; ```
The class will return the UIActionSheet object which you can manally dismiss if needed.
License: MIT
A category for UIAlertView and UIActionSheet which allows you to use blocks to handle the pressed button events rather than implementing a delegate.
License: MIT
An alternative to iOS SDK UISlider displayed as a circle. Just drop it anywhere to replace an existing UISlider, as it uses the same properties and has the same behavior. Capabilities: * Set a minimum and maximum value * Set a tint color for minimum track, maximum track and the thumb * Choose between Circle and Pie representation
License: MIT
Some categories on UIColor/NSColor to deal with hex values or css strings. Supports both ways conversion.
License: MIT
UIColor+iOS7Colors adds convenience accessors for some nice looking colors for iOS 7 I found on ios7colors.com.
Kudos: I'm using colors listed on ios7colors.com I got the idea to make an extension from Class Lange's iOS7Colors I got the idea to add gradients from Jason Grandelli's KXKiOS7ColorsAndGradients I got the idea for the macros from Tomer Shiri's Objective-C-Generics
License: MIT
A random color is sometimes useful or just plain fun, but a completely random color is rarely desired. Instead, you might want a random but fairly dark color, or a random but fairly light color.
UIColor+RandomColors adds a few methods to grab random colors, and to specify either a lower or upper bound on the value (the lightness or darkness) of the color.
Future potential ideas that would be great to branch from this and submit a pull request for: * Set a saturation or hue bound for random colors, so you can get a random color within a slice of the spectrum. * Choose a random color that matches a given color as defined by a rule such as complementary, contrasting, or triad.
License: MIT
UIColor+Copic category for Copic markers colors. I love my Copic Markers! Color codes source: http://blog.paigeedraw.com/2012/07/copic-marker-color-rgb-hex-conversion.html
License: MIT
UIColot+Crayola List of 133 Crayola crayon colours sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ListofCrayolacrayoncolors.
License: MIT
Read and write HTML/CSS colors, with support for RGB hex triplets, RGB and RGBA, HSL and HSLA and CSS3 named colors.
License: Custom
A fork of the original UIDevice-Hardware (0.1.3), adding a helper method to check if a device is performant enough to support blurring.
License: BSD
Allow developers to load custom fonts at runtime. No more plist and no more search for font postscript names. Just drag & drop and use them.
License: MIT
This project defines a category animatedGIF
on UIImage
. The category defines two methods. This method creates an animated UIImage
using the frames of the GIF in data
+[UIImage animatedImageWithAnimatedGIFData:(NSData *)data]
This method creates an animated UIImage
using the frames of the GIF loaded from url
+[UIImage animatedImageWithAnimatedGIFURL:(NSURL *)url]
License: Custom
A category on UIImage to return a blurred and/or darkened copy of the receiver.
License: MIT
UIImage+Dummy category provides method to create dummy image for iOS 6.0+.
License: MIT
UIImageCompress is an easy drop in category to compress UIImages on iOS
License: MIT
Returns the current launch image 'Default.png' for an iOS app
License: MIT
UIImage Sprite Additions
Useful UIImage category for handling sprite sheets. This add-on smoothes the way of extracting images from a sprite sheet (texture atlas).
This can be useful in UIImageView animations where animationImages array has to be filled with a set of images representing frames. UIImage-Sprite category makes this process trivial by introducing two methods:
-(NSArray *)spritesWithSpriteSheetImage:(UIImage *)image spriteSize:(CGSize)size;
-(NSArray *)spritesWithSpriteSheetImage:(UIImage *)image inRange:(NSRange)range spriteSize:(CGSize)size;
There are two methods in UIImage+Sprite category. First one:
-(NSArray *)spritesWithSpriteSheetImage:(UIImage *)image spriteSize:(CGSize)size;
The method returns an array with UIImages. Original sprite sheet (image) is sliced into smaller chunks, each of the specified size.
Second method is very similar:
-(NSArray *)spritesWithSpriteSheetImage:(UIImage *)image inRange:(NSRange)range spriteSize:(CGSize)size;
This method does exactly the same thing as the latter. However, this time we can specify the range of the chunks we want to get.
Note that for performance reasons you should not fire these methods every time you want to get the array of animation frames. You should rather fire it once and store the output array somewhere. This is because the Core Graphics image manipulation operations (especially on large images) are not so fast and your application may slow down.
I wrote this add-on to facilitate the setup of short animations using UIImageView. For more complex animations I recommend using OpenGLES.
SpriteAnimationDemo project presents the usage of the UIImage+Sprite methods. The example shows how to create an animated UIImageView. This cool explosion sprite sheet which I included in the demo can be found at http://gushh.net/blog/free-game-sprites-explosion-3/. I added some numbers to this image to make testing and debugging easier.
License: MIT
SVG images for iOS. Category on UIKit's UIImage to display SVG files.
License: Apache 2
UIImage category to convert XCode generated Texture Atlas files into UIImages. Useful for animations outside of SpriteKit.
License: MIT
Create iOS7 blur effects from an image. WWDC 2013 Apple sample code.
License: Custom
Utils For UIImageView * Markdown format. * Don't worry about the indent, we strip it!
License: BSD
Block based Category additions for AlertView and ActionSheets.
License: Custom
UIKitHellper is a collection of UIKit classes that makes some common view behaviors easily to implement, like tap background to hide keyboard, infinite scroll view, etc.
License: MIT
Set M5FillFrameFontScale and M5FillFrameHeightOnly runtime attributes on UILabels or UIButtons to have their text fill/fit to their frame.
License: MIT
Set of extended & customizable views to show Photo Gallery for iOS UIKit.
License: MIT
A simple workaround to the annoying problem of keyboard lag.
License: MIT
You can access contentOffsetX, contentOffsetY, contentInsetTop, contentInsetLeft, contentInsetBottom, contentInsetRight, contentWidth or contentHeight like properties. Like this: scrollview.contentWidth = 320;
License: MIT
Simplest darn iOS sidebar menu implementation ever. Clean, simple, sidebar panel from left or right, works with rotations, supports iOS 6+.
License: MIT
UISS stands for UIKit Style Sheets. UISS is an iOS library that provides you with a convenient way to define the style of your application. UISS is built on top of UIKit UIAppearance proxies. This version is compatible with iOS 7
License: MIT
Control UITableView animations like insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:'s.
License: Custom
It will work automatically, by just setting the dataSetSource and dataSetDelegate, and returning the data source content requiered.
License: MIT
A category on UIView that allows to use custom easing functions with block-based animations.
License: WTFPL
jQuery-like getter/setter category methods for UIView frame components.
License: Custom
UIView+Helpers is a collecion of methods that make laying out UIViews easier and readable.
License: MIT
Allows rounding of just two corners of a UIView, instead of four.
License: MIT
Category methods for UIView for easy size, center and origin manipulation.
License: Custom
UIView category that adds a viewController and navigationController property to every UIView (UIButton, UITextField, ...)
License: MIT
UIViewController category providing easy API for actions during keyboard appearing/disappearing
License: MIT
Simply call [self showHud]
or [self showHudWithTitle:@"Updating..."]
form your view controller(s).
License: MIT
Easy way to communicate between Cocoa code and JavaScript code in a UIWebView.
License: MIT
Determine whether UIViewController is presented as modal.
License: MIT
Tired of subclassing UIView just to implement drawRect? This is a category on UIView to create an instance with a block for its drawRect.
License: MIT
Adds blocks to all UIWebView delegate methods with a category, no subclassing. Also allows the use of delegate methods if no block is set.
License: MIT
UIWebView Category that adds CocoaTouch level hooks to HTML5 web storage.
License: MIT
UMeng AppNetwork promotes your app among other apps that in the network and uses advanced targeting to find the right users for your app and keep them coming back.
License: Custom
Implements a union find / disjoint set data structure for efficiently determining if two objects belong to the same set, and combining those sets together, as part of larger algorithms.
Instructions: * #import "UnionFind.h" * Place a 'UFDisjointSetNode *' field on objects you want to put in implicit mergeable sets. * Initialize the field with '[UFDisjointSetNode new]'. * Use '[obj1.nodeField unionWith:obj2.nodeField]' to merge sets. * Use '[obj1.nodeField isInSameSetAs:obj2.nodeField]' to determine if two objects are in the same set.
License: Custom
Unoffical Twitter SDK
While creating an app which needed simple twitter interactions i found that all of the exisiting libraries used OOB signon. I also found that all the libraries looked different to the facebook login method. What i have done is using the code from the facebook-ios-sdk built something that behaves the same as the facebook-ios-sdk without using OOB login for oAuth.
The license is Apache License, Version 2.0, as i copied a lot of code from the facebook-ios-sdk. All of the copied code is in TwitterDialog.h/.m
I also copied alot of code from https://github.com/jaanus/PlainOAuth as the basis of this project.
The credit here should really go to Facebook and Jaanus Kase because all i have done is put their code together and made something new.
It should be fairly self explanatory to use, but it was written quickly and might still be buggy. If you know of any bugs please tell me so i can fix them, or submit a pull request.
License: Apache 2
An easy-to-use view controller that animates thumbnail previews of your media to their full size versions with physics similar to Tweetbot 3. This is a fork of URBMediaFocusViewController that adds the sunken window effect and allows smooth scrolling of a zoomed image when presented.
License: MIT
uriparser is a strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and handling library written in C.
License: MIT
This framework allows you to validate inputs of text fields and text views in a convenient way. Add your own validators and dependencies of validations.
License: MIT
'usbmuxd' stands for "USB multiplexing daemon". This daemon is in charge of multiplexing connections over USB to an iPhone or iPod touch.
License: Custom
iOS control for creating USA states color map using Stately font.
License: MIT
UIView Category - Easy way to access view's frame, And provide easy way to layout UIViews programatically to maintain readability of code.
License: MIT
Simple Tween engine and Easing Libraries for Objective-C.
License: MIT
Allows you to display separate nibs for both landscape and portrait
License: MIT
It is multiple picker view used on iOS, which implement by Objective-C.
License: MIT
VerbalExpressions is an Objective C library that helps to construct difficult regular expressions.
License: MIT
We know how hard making a custom video player is. That is why we created VideoPlayerKit. Using VideoPlayerKit is easy. All controls, progress bar, and airplay are already set up to make everyone life easier.
License: MIT
A few superclasses and docs for making horizontal table views.
License: MIT
A basic VK SDK for sharing images and docs to vk.com. Relies on AFNetworking.
License: MIT
VKDAKeyboardControl allows you to easily add keyboard awareness and scrolling dismissal (a receding keyboard ala iMessages app) to any UIView subclass with only 1 line of code. Allows to add subview to keyboard. Based on Daniel Amitay's DAKeyboardControl. https://github.com/danielamitay/DAKeyboardControl
License: MIT
An API that uses blocks with UIAlertView(s), adds support for multiple delegates per UIAlertView and introduces local scope to a UIAlertViewDelegate.
License: MIT
A UIVIew that shows a live feed of the camera, can be used to take a picture, preview the picture and return a UIImage of that preview.
License: MIT
A library of classes used throughout the codebase of verylargebox.app
License: MIT
A UIScrollView that introduces the concept of 'pages', has built-in recycling and support for both vertical and horizontal orientations.
License: MIT
When you want to schedule actions in your app depending of an event count or some days ellapsed.
License: MIT
The vMAT library implements a grab-bag of mathematical functions inspired by MATLAB.
License: BSD 2.0
A simple Objective-C singleton to instrument, trace, and suppress selectors at runtime.
License: BSD
A simple category to use static UITableViewCells without having to use storyboards.
License: BSD
License: Custom
VPPCoreData is a Core Data wrapper with Active Record support that simplifies the task of managing data with Core Data framework. This library offers an automatic setup of Core Data and a set of methods to set and retrieve data, both in foreground and background.
License: MIT
VPPDropDown is an iOS library that allows you to create dropdown-like menus in a table view, as seen in old Tweetie.
License: MIT
VPPLocation Library for iOS simplifies the task of retrieving the user location and reverse geocoder info about it.
License: MIT
VPPMap library for iOS simplifies the creation and management of a MKMapView.
License: MIT
VPPReachability Library for iOS simplifies access to the status of a given hostname.
License: MIT
A calendar view for iOS.
Easy to use, simple, clean.
Also animated :-)
License: Custom
VSStringComposing is a simple category of NSString which allows you easily compose NSString objects.
License: MIT
The Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS is a toolkit for developers to make it easy to access Windows Azure storage services from native iOS applications.
License: Custom
WebContentView provides a simple native interface for rendering rich HTML content in an iPhone app using a UIWebView. It is not designed to work as a embedded web browser for on or offline content, it doesn't load URLs - think of it more as a "rich" version of the UITextView, where content can be set using HTML instead of plain text.
License: zlib
Versioned fork of WEPopover. Generic popover implementation for iOS with same API as the UIPopoverController for the iPad, but configurable with custom background and available for iPhone as well.
License: MIT
A simple extention to the UIImagePickerController to allow an extra gallery source type.
License: MIT
WJHXCTest extends XCTest to enable asynchronous testing. Individual tests can be run synchronously on the main thread (just like the existing mechanism), or asynchronously on either the main thread or a separate thread. This allows for great flexibility in testing various asynchronous APIs.
License: MIT
A traditional-style scrollbar for iOS that integrates with existing UIScrollView or UIScrollView subclasses.
License: MIT
WLHelpers's goal is to patch holes in native Cocoa API, to add convenience to most cumbersome of tasks. This library contains seven different helpers: WLUtilityHelper - multitude of utility and formatting methods, intended as a massive time-saver, shortening multi-line tasks into one call. Time and data formatting, string manipulation, application navigation, random generation, and many other frequently used tools at your disposal. WLKeychainHelper - a better formated KeychainWrapper from Apple's Keychain Services Programming Guide with the ability to add and retirieve basic items from the Keychain. WLVisualHelper - helper for all things visual, which performs tasks of CoreGraphics, Quartz and UIKit, so you don't have to. WLImageHelper - this tool will help you decouple image-loading from your controllers, with fallbacks and spinners and whatnot. Now you can load profile pictures of your users in one method call, even if your users have profile pictures from Facebook, VK, Twitter, and your own backend. WLLogHelper - convenience logging, which includes visual cues and automatically reports from which controller and method the log is called, greatly improving transparency of logs, so they are easy to read and navigate. WLLocationHelper - helper built around CoreLocation, which will spare you the task of doing trivial location-related tasks from scratch. WLCoreDataHelper - simple CoreData manager, that removes the need to specificly create CoreData project each time you want to use the framework, and makes it possible to add CoreData support on the fly. WLCurrentUserHelper - simple NSDefaults wrapper, which can be used to store user data as discrete fields, as well as to clean some of the fields, while leaving others intact. Perfect for storing data of the currently logged in user, and for logging the user out. WLAlertHelper - the most robust helper, providing centralized control and structure to alert messages. WLAlertHelper uses UIAlertController in a way intended by Apple, while providing compact and transparent methods that are easy to use, as well as framework for managing your own alert messages in an elegant way. You can provide your own custom alert controllers with the help of WLAlertDisplayer protocol.
AFNetworkingHelper subspec: WLServerHelper – server API helper, which bottlenecks alert generation, validity checks and server response cleaning. The subspec is dependant on the AFNetworking 3 pod, and this helper uses AFNetworking under the hood. You can subclass, override and customize the helper to the needs of your application.
License: MIT
This is a self-contained UIView subclass that renders the text portion of a tweet according to Twitter's guidelines at https://dev.twitter.com/terms/display-guidelines.
License: MIT
A helper controller to fetch translations for a given languages ).
License: MIT
This is an iOS, Objective-C alternative to UIImagePickerController that looks almost exactly the same, but provides the ability to select multiple images. It's as easy to setup as UIImagePickerController and it works in both portrait and landscape orientations. It requires the addition of AssetsLibrary.framework. This code uses ARC.
License: MIT
iOS drop-in class for interactive coach marks with cutouts to spotlight the app's existing UI.
License: MIT
A tool for building a cURL command from an NSURLRequest
License: MIT
A zooming navigation controller for iOS 7. In progress.
License: MIT
iPhone/iPad status bar with text (and optionally Foursquare-like progress bar) display.
License: MIT
UIImageView that get image using AFNetworking with various features.
License: MIT
WZLog is a iOS log system,it can output log to both console and file.It is usefull for debug.
License: MIT
Networking framework base on AFNetworking. Faster and more stable expansion
License: MIT
For the NSNotificationCenter package, with block to make the structure compact.
License: MIT
A Library to conveniently detect input of Xbox input devices.
License: MIT
iOs Menu like the app FIFA. The menu is playing with scale and alpha.
License: MIT
Integrate easily a sliding panel controller mechanism in your project!
License: MIT
XHItemScrollToolBar is a TabBar or ItemBar for rolling, used for user category select.
License: MIT
XHLoadingNavigationItemTitleView is show title conver to method swizzling display loading HUD.
License: MIT
XHNewsFramework is a fast integration and development of the framework of news app, base on Netease App build.
License: MIT
XHScrollMenu is a display column elements, base on NetEase News App.
License: MIT
XMCircleType is a UIView that allows you to display an NSString as a cicular text. Is will take font kerning into account, so no weird spacings.
License: Apache 2
An ARC compliant NSXMLParser-based XML to NSDictionary converter.
License: MIT
XPCKit is a Cocoa library for wrapping the XPC C APIs in a handy object-oriented model. It is merely meant as an object-oriented wrapper for the C library, and does not attempt to layer any additional semantics on top. It contains code to run both "clients" (which create connections to services) and "services" (which receive connections), although you can mix and match to write raw C code or Objective-C code between different clients and services.
License: Custom
YAML.framework provides support for YAML (de)serialisation similarly to standard NSPropertyListSerialization. Based on C LibYAML library by Kirill Simonov.
License: MIT
With this UICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass, your UICollectionView looks like a UITableView if you are using cells with dynamic heights.
License: MIT
Drop-in UITableView subclass that supports left-swipe cell deletion like in iOS7. (works both in iOS6 and iOS7).
License: MIT
Button with round border and animation just like those in AppStore app
License: MIT
Layout subviews first, then its container. Not using AutoLayout, works on iOS5+.
License: Custom
YQUpdateHelper is an iOS toolkit, it can notify user if there is an new version of your app in app store.
License: MIT
A pull refresh control with RAC
guide * create a ZCWPullRefreshControl view use initWithFrame: * subscibe pullRefreshState signal * give a rac command to do refresh * add it to tableview or scrollview use addToScrollView: * ! warning , this version has a bug , you must implement scrollViewDidScroll: methods. I'll fix it soon.
License: MIT
Marcus Zarra mentioned some of this in his Core Data book, but I found the library is unmaintained, so I fixed the bugs I cared about and here we are.
License: BSD
ZGParallelView is the easiest way to add a Parallax effect to a UITableView.
License: MIT
The cool thing about ZGPullDragTableView is that, the header and the footer view is a complete functional UIView
over which you have complete control.
Is also super easy to use, the API is very thright forward.
After import UITableView+ZGPullDrag.h
to you source file, UITableView
will have two more method.
- (void)addZGPullView:(UIView *)pullView;
- (void)addZGDragView:(UIView *)dragView;
and also two more Delegate
@property (nonatomic) id <ZGPullViewDelegate> ZGPullViewDelegate;
@property (nonatomic) id <ZGDragViewDelegate> ZGDragViewDelegate;
all of its delegate method are optional.
License: MIT
Simple iOS UIView Category to create a Pulse (Breathing light) Effect
License: MIT
A different kind of swipe-to-reveal that pans with your finger and works left and right to reveal a background view.
License: MIT
ZMScrollSprite is built to be super easy-to-use: * One-liner instantiation passing only a size and a contentSize * Every node added as a child to the ZMScrollSprite will scroll
v1.0.1 removes all UIScrollView dependencies! * We lose some of the UIScrollView refinements (which are in the process of being reintegrated). * We win more flexibilility and the ability to use ZMScrollSprite in a fullscreen SpriteKit-only app.
License: MIT