CLHoppingViewController 0.1.5

CLHoppingViewController 0.1.5

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Unclaimed.

A block-based custom container view controller designed for app startup, login and onboarding scenarios.


A common problem we keep running into is how to handle an app's start up flow. The standard container view controllers (such as UINavigationController and UITabBarController) do not provide a good solution for handling the conditional flows related to app start up.

Here's a typical flow for an app start up sequence:

  1. Show some beautiful splash screen while reloading cached state (or maybe refreshing from network).
  2. If this is the user's first time, show the onboarding UX.
  3. If there's no stored user session, show the sign-up/login UX.
  4. Go to the main app flow (usually some UINavigationController within a storyboard).

A common solution to this is to embed some conditional/one-off logic inside the various UIViewControllers involved in the flow and use a UINavigationController to push/pop the desired UX elements based on these conditionals. Another way to approach this is to use modal controllers, or even replace the rootViewController of the key window. All of these approaches result is a spaghetti solution with the actual logic of the startup sequence distributed across multiple source files, hard-to-control transitions and annoying bugs.

Enters CLHoppingViewController

The idea behind this custom container is that each UX element of the flow is self-contained and decoupled from the other parts of the flow. It only reports when it had finished using the unhop method and yields the flow control back to the parent view controller.

So, for example. We can create a subclass CLHoppingViewController that "hops" to the splash screen. Then, when the splash screen calls unhop, it hops to the onboarding UX (if this is the first use) or to the log-in/sign-up UX if there's no saved session, etc, etc.



Hop to Another View Controller

- (void)hopToViewController:(UIViewController *)newViewController then:(void(^)(void))block;

Immediately transitions to the specified view controller (cross-fade). When unhop will be called block will be invoked. If block is nil, nothing will happen.

Unhop Back to the then Block

- (void)unhop;

Causes the then block defined in the last hopToViewController:then: to be invoked.

Usually, this is called from a child view controller by accessing the parent hopping view controller like this:

#import <CLHoppingViewController.h>

- (void)readyToHopBack
  [self.hoppingViewController unhop];

Custom Transitions

CLHoppingViewController supports custom transition via a block that may be passed to the various hopping functions.

- (void)hopToViewController:(UIViewController *)newViewController

This will invoke the transition block during the hop. The transition block has the following signature:

typedef void(^CLHoppingViewControllerTransitionBlock)(UIViewController *fromViewController, UIViewController *toViewController, void(^completion)(BOOL finished));
  • fromViewController: The source UIViewController
  • toViewController: The destination UIViewController
  • completion: A block that must be called when the transition is finished

NOTE: toViewController.view will be inserted to the view hierarchy of the container (containerViewForChildViewController) before the transition is started, so no need to add it manually.

Custom Container View

By default, CLHoppingViewController will add the destination view controller's view as a child of [self view]. If you wish to change this, override [CLHoppingViewController containerViewForChildViewController] and return any view you wish to use a container for the child view controllers.


Elad Ben-Israel, [email protected]


CLHoppingViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.