JJPluralForm 2.1

JJPluralForm 2.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Custom
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Unclaimed.

JJPluralForm 2.1

by Lin Junjie (@jjlin)

JJPluralForm Example Project Screenshot

What is JJPluralForm?

In English, a word can either be singular or plural (e.g. 1 day, 2 days, 10 days). Some languages like Chinese have only one form (eg. 1 天, 2 天, 10 天), while others like Russian have three (1 день, 2 дня, 10 дней).

Mozilla has codified a set of 17 plural rules across all languages. The rules can be found over here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Localization_and_Plurals

JJPluralForm is adapted from Mozilla's PluralForm to handle plural forms in your Objective-C projects.

Certain plural rules have been extended to include additional plural rules. For example, even though Chinese usually have only one plural form, some scenarios call for up to three different plural forms.

For example, the phrase 'Every N months' can be localized in English as 'Every 1 month', 'Every 2 months' and 'Every 6 months'. Or more naturally, it can be localized as 'Monthly', 'Every 2 months' and 'Every 6 months'.

In Chinese, this would be '每月', '每两个月' and '每 6 个月'. A single plural form would result in an unnatural sounding phrase such as '每 2 个月' to a native speaker.



Import the JJPluralForm header file to any implementation file that requires localizing of plural forms.

#import "JJPluralForm.h"

Choose a Plural Rule

Pick a suitable rule from JJPluralForm.h, and add it to the top of each Localizable.strings file.

For example, adding the following:


to the English version of Localizable.strings file would specify that the English localization file uses plural rule number 1, which has 2 forms: 1) is one, and 2) everything else.

A convenience macro kJJPluralFormRule is defined in JJPluralForm.h, which macro can be used to obtain the plural rule as defined in your Localizable.strings. Since this macro returns a string, you'd need to convert this to an integer with [kJJPluralFormRule integerValue] when passing the rule to JJPluralForm.

Setting a Default Plural Rule (2.0)

Starting from JJPluralForm 2.0, you can configure JJPluralForm with a default plural rule with:

[JJPluralForm setPluralRule:[kJJPluralFormRule integerValue]];

This allows you to use the new method +pluralStringForNumber:withPluralForms: without specifying the plural rule each time you need to localize a string.

Localizing a Phrase

To localize a phrase such as 'N day(s)', provide all plural forms in the Localizable.strings file in the order as listed in JJPluralForm.h, separated by semicolons:

"%@ day;%@ days";

To obtain the correct plural form for the 'N day(s)' expression, use either:

[JJPluralForm pluralStringForNumber:N
                    withPluralForms:NSLocalizedString(@"N_DAYS_PLURAL_STRING", @"")
                    usingPluralRule:[kJJPluralFormRule integerValue]

where N is the qualifying number. If you'd like the numbers in the returned string to be localized in the current region format, pass YES to localizeNumeral. This primarily affects locales using a different set of numeral symbols such as Arabic.

If you've earlier configured a default plural rule with +setPluralRule:, you can use the shorter method to obtain the correct plural form without having to specify the plural rule each time:

[JJPluralForm pluralStringForNumber:N
                    withPluralForms:NSLocalizedString(@"N_DAYS_PLURAL_STRING", @"")];

Using a Custom Separator (2.0)

By default, JJPluralForm uses semicolons to separate plural forms. New in 2.0, you can specify a custom separator. For example, if N_DAYS_PLURAL_STRING is separated by pipe character (|), i.e. %@ day|%@ days, you can use this method to obtain the correct plural form:

[JJPluralForm pluralStringForNumber:N
                    withPluralForms:NSLocalizedString(@"N_DAYS_PLURAL_STRING", @"")
                    usingPluralRule:[kJJPluralFormRule integerValue]

Using a Custom Number Formatter (2.1)

By default, JJPluralForms initializes and caches an NSNumberFormatter set to a numberStyle of NSNumberFormatterNoStyle. Despite the style name, formatting numbers with this formatter has the effect of making numerals appear in the correct script of the region (eg. Eastern Arabic numerals for Arabic users).

New in 2.1, you can provide your own cached number formatter using +setDefaultNumberFormatter:. This allows you to customize all aspects of how numbers are formatted when they are localized with JJPluralForm, for instance, by separating groups of numbers (eg. 1,000,000 vs 1000000).

When calling the following method

- pluralStringForNumber:withPluralForms:

the number is formatted and localized with the cached number formatter unless it has been disabled with +setShouldLocalizeNumeral:. When calling the following methods

- pluralStringForNumber:withPluralForms:usingPluralRule:localizeNumeral:
- pluralStringForNumber:withPluralForms:separatedBy:usingPluralRule:localizeNumeral:

the number is formatted and localized with the cached number formatter only if localizedNumeral is YES.

New in 2.1, you can provide an ad-hoc NSNumberFormatter to format the number for each call of pluralStringForNumber: using the following method:

- pluralStringForNumber:withPluralForms:separatedBy:usingPluralRule:numberFormatter:

The sample code further illustrates the use of this method.

Downloading the code

The code can be downloaded at: https://github.com/junjie/JJPluralForm


This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

Suggested Attribution Format

Attribution in your app's About page is appreciated.

Includes JJPluralForm code by Lin Junjie