PinEntry 0.0.1

PinEntry 0.0.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Unclaimed.

PinEntry 0.0.1

  • By
  • Vlzcimif Pouzanov

Pin Entry Classes

PinEntry is a small library that provides support for 4-digit pin code entries.


Custom UIView that implements look&feel of iOS numpad keyboard with support for additional buttion in lower left corner.

When positioning the view, best frame is CGRectMake(0, 244, 320, 216). That's the frame you get when using [[PENumpadView alloc] init];

Customizing PENumpadView

Use the property detailButton to specify the look of the optional button.

@property (nonatomic, readwrite, assign) NSUInteger detailButon
  • PEKeyboardDetailNone: no button (no events generated on tap)
  • PEKeyboardDetailDone: "DONE" button
  • PEKeyboardDetailNext: "NEXT" button
  • PEKeyboardDetailDot: "." button
  • PEKeyboardDetailEdit: "EDIT" button

Handling events

To handle key presses you need to implement PENumpadViewDelegate:

- (void)keyboardViewDidEnteredNumber:(int)num

Message is sent when digit key is tapped, num contains the value in 0..9 range.

- (void)keyboardViewDidBackspaced

Message is sent when backspace is tapped.

- (void)keyboardViewDidOptKey

Message is sent when detailButon is something other than PEKeyboardDetailNone and the lower left button is tapped.

If you define PINENTRY_KEYBOARD_SENDS_NOTIFICATIONS, each tap would also generate kPinEntryKeyboardEvent notification, where object is the PENumpadView, and detailInfo contains the key kPinEntryKeyboardCode with NSNumber value. 0..9 correspond to digit keys, -1 – lower left button, -2 – backspace.


The view controller that implements pin entry. You can use it as modal controller or present in navigation stack.

Customizing PEViewController

You can set up the prompt using prompt property:

@property (nonatomic, readwrite, copy) NSString *prompt

The promt is displaed just above the pin boxes.

Handling pin code entry

As soon as user enters 4 digits and taps "DONE", PEViewController sends pinEntryControllerDidEnteredPin: message to its delegate:

- (void)pinEntryControllerDidEnteredPin:(PEViewController *)controller

You can then get access to pin property that holds string representation of the pin code. Here's a sample implementation of pin processing:

- (void)pinEntryControllerDidEnteredPin:(PEViewController *)controller
    if([ intValue] == 1234) {
        // ...

Clearing input

You can use resetPin method to clear the current pin code, to make your PEViewController instance re-usable.


A complete implementation of navigation stack, required to ask user for a pin code, update a pin code or create new pin code.

Verifying a pin code

- (void)verifyPin
    PEPinEntryController *c = [PEPinEntryController pinVerifyController];
    c.pinDelegate = self;
    [self presentModalViewController:c animated:YES];

- (BOOL)pinEntryController:(PEPinEntryController *)c shouldAcceptPin:(NSUInteger)pin
    // Verify the pin, return NO if it's incorrect. Otherwise hide the controller and return YES
    if(pin == mypin) {
        NSLog(@"Pin is valid!");
        return YES;
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Pin is not valid (use %d)!", mypin);
        return NO;

Set the pin code (initial, without verify)

- (void)setPin
    PEPinEntryController *c = [PEPinEntryController pinCreateController];
    c.pinDelegate = self;
    [self presentModalViewController:c animated:YES];

- (void)pinEntryController:(PEPinEntryController *)c changedPin:(NSUInteger)pin
    // Update your info to new pin code
    NSLog(@"New pin is set to %d", pin);
    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

Change pin code (with verification of current pin, can be cancelled)

- (void)chagePin
    PEPinEntryController *c = [PEPinEntryController pinChangeController];
    c.pinDelegate = self;
    [self presentModalViewController:c animated:YES];

- (BOOL)pinEntryController:(PEPinEntryController *)c shouldAcceptPin:(NSUInteger)pin
    // Verify the pin, return NO if it's incorrect
    if(pin == mypin) {
        NSLog(@"Pin is valid!");
        // Do NOT not hide pinChangeController yet
        return YES;
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Pin is not valid (use %d)!", mypin);
        return NO;

- (void)pinEntryController:(PEPinEntryController *)c changedPin:(NSUInteger)pin
    // Update your info to new pin code
    NSLog(@"New pin is set to %d", pin);
    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

- (void)pinEntryControllerDidCancel:(PEPinEntryController *)c
    NSLog(@"Pin change cancelled!");
    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];


  • Add i18n support
  • Add retina images