BSManagedDocument 0.3.2

BSManagedDocument 0.3.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License BSD
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Unclaimed.

  • By
  • Mike Abdullah and Sasmito Adibowo

A document class that mimics UIManagedDocument to support Core Data in all its modern glory:

  • Saves to a file package

  • On 10.7+, asynchronous saving is supported. We set up a parent/child pair of contexts; the parent saves on its own thread

  • Full support for concurrent document opening too

  • Subclasses can hook in to manage additional content inside the package

  • A hook is also provided at the best time to set metadata for the store

  • New docs have the bundle bit set on them. It means that if the doc gets transferred to a Mac without your app installed, with the bundle bit still intact, it will still appear in the Finder as a file package rather than a folder

  • If the document moves on disk, Core Data is kept informed of the new location

  • If multiple validation errors occur during saving, the presented error is adjusted to make debugging a little easier

  • And of course, full support for Autosave-In-Place and Versions

License (BSD)

Standard BSD licence.

Please see the header file for the full text.