SpreadKit 1.1

SpreadKit 1.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Unclaimed.

Depends on:
RestKit~> 0.20.0
SBJson= 3.2
GMGridView>= 0

  • By
  • sprd.net AG

Welcome to SpreadKit. SpreadKit is an iOS Framework to interact with the Spreadshirt API.

With SpreadKit, you can integrate catalog browsing, product creation and basket management into your iOS App. This guide will help you to get up and running with SpreadKit.

For useful information regarding the Spreadshirt API and a reference of all the resources, have a look at the Spreadshirt Developer Network (SDN). There you can find out what is possible with the Spreadshirt API and get ideas for what you want to build using it.


SpreadKit was written exclusively for iOS, starting with Version 5.0. Currently, there are no plans for a Mac OS X framework.

In order to be able to, for example, create products and baskets, you need to apply for an API key at the SDN.

It is strongly encouraged that you use CocoaPods for managing your project's dependencies, mainly for two reasons: (1) SpreadKit installation will be much easier this way and (2) It is awesome :).


The following features have not been implemented yet, but are planned:

  • support for the Spreadshirt Order API
  • support for text configurations on products
  • support for supplying search queries on get requests
  • session support


The only supported way to install SpreadKit into your project is via CocoaPods, and it is quite simple. If you have not already, create a file named Podfile in your project root and include the following lines:

platform :ios, '5.0'
pod 'SpreadKit', '~> 1.0'

Assuming you have installed CocoaPods (sudo gem install cocoapods && pod setup), you can run pod install and open the created .xcworkspace file with Xcode. This will have installed the current SpreadKit version (~> 1.0 means it will install the most recent 1.x version).

In your code, wherever you need SpreadKit, just:

#import <SpreadKit/SpreadKit.h>

(or do it in your prefix header) and you are ready to roll.


The Main entry point for SpreadKit is the SPClient class. It represents the main interface for all your calls to the Spreadshirt API. It can be either initialized scoped to a user or a shop, depending on your application. The initialization is done with:

[SPClient clientWithShopId:@"yourShopID"


[SPClient clientWithUserId:@"yourShopID"

Please note that the platform parameter can only be either one of SPPlatformEU for the EU platform or SPPlatformNA for the NA Platform.

The first client to be initialized is later available via the [SPClient sharedClient] selector. In case you need to use more than one client at a time (e.g. one for EU and one for NA), just initialize them and store them in variables in your application. You can not use the [SPClient sharedClient] in that case.



SpreadKit uses Objective-C Blocks nearly everywhere. They provide a convenient programming envirnoment when dealing with asynchronous calls, such as with web services like the Spreadshirt API. If you are not familiar with Blocks it is highly recommended you read up on them.

Basically every call you make to the Spreadshirt API will include a block parameter named completion. This Block will have an NSError object and the data you requested as parameters. It is up to you to handle potential erros and process the delivered data. To illustrate this programming model, have a look at the following code:

[client getShopAndOnCompletion:^(SPShop *shop, NSError *error) {
    if (error) {
        // do some error handling
    } else {
        [controller shopLoaded:shop]

This gets the SPShop object associated with the client and notifies a view controller about the availability of that object (e.g. for displaying information of the shop or initiating further requests). There is no need for delegate methods, since the action on a completed request can be specified right at the location in the code where the request is made.


SpreadKit includes corresponding Objective-C classes for every resource type of the Spreadshirt API. You can check out the available resource types at the SDN.

Main entry point

Your gate to the all the things you do with Spreadshirt resources is determined by how you initialize your SPClient. It can be either a shop or a user, depending on what you want to achieve. From there on, you will access all other resources based on this main one. For example, you retrieve the SPShop object of a shop-scoped client like this:

SPClient *client = [SPClient clientWithShopId:...];
[client getShopAndOnCompletion:^(SPShop *shop, NSError *error) {
    // do something with your retrieved shop object

For a user-scoped client, this can be done in a similar fashion using the getUserAndOnCompletion:completion method.

Browsing and getting objects

Once you got hold of your main object, you probably want to browse the API. The general way to do this is the get method of SPClient.

get is a wonderful and intuitive way to get resources from the Spreadshirt API. You can pass it an existing object stub to fill out the details, a list to get a number of objects in that list or just the type and ID of the object you want. In its completion block, get will return what you requested.


At the beginning, most of the attributes of your main object are of the class SPList. These are references to paginated lists of objects. Assuming you have an SPShop object named shop, you could access the first page of the shops products like this:

[client get:shop.products completion:^(id loaded, NSError *error) {
    NSArray *products = (NSArray *)loaded;
   // do something with the first page of products

If you want the next page of the lists objects, just get it via the moreproperty (this automatically points to the next page from the last one loaded):

[client get:shop.products.more completion:^(id loaded, NSError *error) {
    NSArray *productsPage2 = (NSArray *)loaded;

You can access the NSArray the previously loaded objects at any time using the elements property of SPList:

NSArray *alreadyLoadedProducts = shop.products.elements;

To get an overview of the available pages, you can use the pages property of SPList. Please note that this will be available only after loading at least the first page.

You can check if there are more availabe pages to load at any time, using the hasNextPage property of SPList.

Single objects

Often times, the Spreadshirt API returns stub objects to keep responses small and fast. Stub objects are objects where not all properties are set yet. If you encounter a property of an object with the nil value, chances are pretty high it is just a stub and you can get more info using the get method of SPClient:

SPShop *shop;
// in this example, we fill out the stub objects of a shops user
[client get:shop.user completion^(id loaded, NSError *error) {
    SPUser *user = (SPUser *)loaded;

If you know what you want, it is also possible to get something from the Spreadshirt API just with the type and ID of the object:

[client get:[SPProduct class] identifier:@"22169128" completion:^(id loaded, NSError *error) {
    SPProduct *product = (SPProduct *)loaded;
    // do something with the product

Image resources

Most objects returned by the Spreadshirt API have a resources NSArray associated with them. This contains image resources of products, designs etc. to display within your app. You can browse this array to find suitable images.

The most important property of an SPResource is the type of the resource. You can find more information about the available resource types at the SDN.

Once you have picked the resource you wish to display, you can use the special SPImageLoader class to get an UIImage to display. Simply get yourself an instance

SPImageLoader *loader = [[SPImageLoader alloc] init]

and load the desired resource with a specified size (the size you want to display the image with)

[self loadImageForResource:resource withSize:size completion:^(UIImage *image, NSURL *imageURL, NSError *error) {
    // do something with your image 

In the completion block, the URL from which the image is also returned, in case you want to use it (for example preventing switching images in a UITableView).

The image is loaded automatically with the correct resolution for the device (retina or non-retina). Just specify the size needed in points, SpreadKit will figure it out.

Optionally, it is possible to specify an appearance used for loading the image resource. This is needed, when you get a product image for a product with customizable color (appearance). In that case, you can use the loadImageForResource:withSize:andAppearanceId:completion: method of SPImageLoader.

Creating, updating and deleting Objects

Just like getting objects, you can also create, update and delete them. This is done via the post, put and delete methods of SPClient. Note that for most operations that change objects, you need a properly configured API key.

For creating a new object, just use the post method, for example for a design:

SPDesign *design = [[SPDesign alloc] init];
design.name = @"Super Cool Test Design";
design.description = @"This is a Design created with SpreadKit";
[client post:design completion:^(id newObject, NSError *error){
    if (error) {
        // something went wrong, check the error
    // newObject should be the object you just created

Updating works the same way, just use the put method:

design.description = @"I totally updated that description!"
[client put:design completion:^(id updatedObject, NSError *error) {
   if (error) {
        // something went wrong, check the error
    // updatedObject should be the object you just updated

There a certain objects that can be deleted using the Spreadshirt API, for example Baskets or self-created products. This can be achieved using the delete method of SPClient.

SPDesign *design;
[client delete:design completion:^(NSError *error) {
    if (error) {
        // something went wrong during deletion, check error
    // if object was deleted, error is nil


To enable your users to buy products, it essential to be able to handle shopping baskets and lead them to checkout. This can be easily done with the SPBasketManager.

Managing Basket Items

To start off with basket management, get yourself a shiny new instance of SPBasketManager:

SPBasketManager *basketManager = [SPBasketManager alloc] init];

For each item you want to add, call the addToBasket:withSize:andAppearance method of SPBasketManager. An item can be either an SPArticleor an SPProduct. To learn more about the difference between the two, check the SDN.

addToBasket:withSize:andAppearance return an instance of SPBasketItem, that you can use to further specify the contents of you basket. In the following example, an SPProduct is added and then the quantity in the basket is changed:

SPProduct *product;
SPBasketManager *basketManager = [SPBasketManager alloc] init];
SPBasketItem *item = [basketManager addToBasket:product 
                                       withSize:[product.productType.sizes objectAtIndex:0] 
item.quantity = @2;

(This example uses the new Objective-C literals for NSNumber. If you don't know them, I highly recommend to check them out!)

You can check the items currently in your basket with basketManager.items and remove them using the removeItem method of SPBasketManager.


Currently, the Spreadshirt API only supports checkout via a webpage. To retrieve the checkout URL, you can use your SPBasketManager:

[basketManagerm checkoutURLWithCompletion:^(NSURL *checkoutURL, NSError *error) {
    if (error) {
        // something is wrong with your basket, check the error messages
    } else {
        // for example, show a UIWebView for the checkoutURL

Product Creation

Creating custom Products via the Spreadshirt API is complex. To make it easier for you to create products, SpreadKit includes the SPProductCreator. Currently, this class supports creating a Product with one image configuration, positioned on the default print area of the selected product type.

Using the SPProductCreator is straight-forward:

SPProductCreator *creator = [[SPProductCreator alloc] init];
UIImage *image; // for example a picture taken with the camera
SPProductType *type; // a product type you have previosuly loaded from the API
SPProduct *product = [creator createProductWithProductType:type andImage:image];

After creation, you can still change the product to your liking. When you are done, upload it to Spreadshirt:

[creator uploadProduct:self.product completion:^(SPProduct *uploaded, NSError *error) {
    if (error) {
        // something is wrong woth your product, check the error
    // use your product, e.g. put it in a basket! 

For more complex products, you have to modify the Configurations of the product. Read up on it on the SDN.


This was a whirlwind tour of SpreadKit. You are welcome to explore the code for more things to do with it. For understanding the Spreadshirt domain model and what you can achieve with the Spreadshirt API, read the full documentation at the SDN.