Elvis Nuñez

This category of AFHTTPSessionManager adds the uniqueGET
method, which is useful if you want to avoid making multiple calls at the same resource if the operation is still in progress.
We achieve this by checking on-going operations before creating new ones.
License: MIT
License: MIT
License: MIT
License: MIT
A super basic clone of Passbook's card UI using UICollectionView, it features a custom collection view layout for your reusability or learning use.
License: MIT
The fastest way to get a group of objectIDs and primary keys from Core Data
License: MIT
Filters inserts, updates and deletions from your JSON response. Returns every insert and update in a block, handles deletions and uniquing internally.
License: MIT
The fastest way to get a group of objectIDs and primary keys from Core Data
License: MIT
If you are not familiarized with NSFetchedResultsController, it allows you to efficiently manage the results returned from a Core Data fetch request to provide data for a UITableView or a UICollectionView. NSFetchedResultsController monitors changes in Core Data objects and notifies the view about those changes allowing you to be reactive about them.
Using NSFetchedResultsController and NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate is awesome, but sadly it involves a lot of boilerplate. Well, luckily with DATASource not anymore.
Finjinon is a custom AVFoundation based camera UI, focused on quickly adding several photos. Selecting existing photos from the camera roll is supported through a pluggable interface, a default implementation using UIImagePickerController is provided.
License: MIT
A UITextField that supports formatters and input validators such as maximum length and regex
A Cocoa NSFormatter subclass to convert dates to and from ISO-8601-formatted strings. Supports calendar, week, and ordinal formats.
License: BSD
UIImagePickerController without the tears. HYPImagePicker is the simplest way to access camera capabilities, at the same time supporting fallbacks for when the user doesn't have access to a camera.
License: MIT
A fork of DDMathParser but with a Podfile, more info in https://github.com/davedelong/DDMathParser
License: MIT
License: MIT
License: MIT
License: MIT
License: MIT
This is a category that eases your every day job of parsing an API and getting it into Core Data.
License: MIT
A a convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app, packed with all the features you expect
A library that helps managing the network activity indicator state.
License: MIT
Simple NSURLSession wrapper with support for image caching and faking network requests
A sweet bulletproof vest for your NSDictionary.
License: MIT
Mutable operations on NSDictionary that return immutable results
License: MIT
NSDictionary category that converts the flat relationships in a dictionary to a nested attributes format
License: MIT
License: MIT
Maps inserts, updates and deletions from your JSON response.
Returns every insert and update in a block, handles deletions and uniquing internally.
License: MIT
The fastest way to get a group of objectIDs and primary keys from Core Data
License: MIT
Helpers for evaluating NSManagedObject's attributes
License: MIT
License: MIT
License: MIT
When doing [context save:&error]
warns you about:
License: MIT
API similar to containsString found in iOS 8, compatible with iOS 7
License: MIT
License: MIT
Parse string representations of model relationships
License: MIT
License: MIT
Paginated UIScrollView, a simple UIPageViewController alternative written in Swift.
License: MIT
Adds a convenience method for presenting network alerts to PSTAlertController :)
License: MIT
A library to calculate Sunrise, Sunset, and Twilight times based on the user's current location and time zone.
License: MIT
A library to calculate Suntimes, Sunset, and Twilight times based on the user's current location and time zone.
License: MIT
A collection of sugar and helpers for UIKit, CoreData, Foundation, Swift and more.
License: MIT
Sync eases your everyday job of parsing a JSON
response and getting it into Core Data. It uses a convention-over-configuration paradigm to facilitate your workflow.
s if the server values are different (useful when using NSFetchedResultsController
s, we use your primary key (such as id
) for thisLicense: NOASSERTION
License: MIT
A TextField that supports formatters and input validators such as maximum length and regex
License: MIT
Image viewer (or Lightbox) with support for local and remote videos and images
Whisper is a component that will make the task of display messages and in-app notifications simple.