HYPNorwegianSSN 1.10.2

HYPNorwegianSSN 1.10.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release May 2015

Maintained by Christoffer Winterkvist, Elvis Nuñez.

A convenient way of validating and extracting info from a Norwegian Social Security Number

Reference http://www.kith.no/upload/5588/KITH1001-2010_Identifikatorer-for-personer_v1.pdf

HYPNorwegianSSN *ssn = [[HYPNorwegianSSN alloc] initWithString:@"xxxxxxxxxxx"];

if (ssn.isValid) {
    NSLog(@"Yeap, this is valid alright, tell me more about this so called person.");
    [self gainInterest:YES];

// Or the shorthand version

if ([HYPNorwegianSSN validateWithString:@"xxxxxxxxxxx"]) {
    NSLog(@"Yeap, this is valid alright, tell me more about this so called person.");

if (ssn.isDNumber) {
    NSLog(@"OMG! A potential swede");
    [self runAndHide];

if (ssn.isFemale) {
    NSLog(@"Oh, it's a woman!");
    [self comesBack];

NSLog(@"Are you sure? Remember what happened last time?");

if (!ssn.isMale) {
    NSLog(@"Yeah I'm sure, this is not an Aerosmith song!");
    [self startWhistlingOnTune:@"Aerosmith -  Dude (looks like a lady)"];

if (ssn.age >= 18 && ssn.age < 35) {
    NSLog(@"Dear diary, jackpot");
    [self enableTheSmoulder:YES];


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Hyper made this. We're a digital communications agency with a passion for good code, and if you're using this library we probably want to hire you.


HYPNorwegianSSN is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.