TextField 0.5.3

TextField 0.5.3

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2015
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Elvis Nuñez.

Depends on:
Formatter~> 0.3.2
InputValidator~> 0.8.5
Hex~> 2.0

TextField 0.5.3


This a TextField subclass that supports styling for valid / invalid just using a boolean, formatters so you can easily format for example credit card numbers, phone numbers and so on. It supports input validators so you can limit the contents of a UITextField to maximum_length, maximum_value or even regex (perfect for validating emails).

Payment example



lazy var emailTextField: TextField = {
    let textField = TextField(frame: frame)
    textField.inputType = .Email
    textField.placeholder = "Email"

    let validation = Validation()
    validation.required = true
    let inputValidator = InputValidator(validation: validation)
    textField.inputValidator = inputValidator

    return textField

lazy var cardNumberTextField: TextField = {
    let textField = TextField(frame: frame)
    textField.inputType = .Integer
    textField.formatter = CardNumberFormatter()
    textField.placeholder = "Card Number"

    let validation = Validation()
    validation.maximumLength = "1234 5678 1234 5678".characters.count
    validation.required = true
    let inputValidator = NumberInputValidator(validation: validation)
    textField.inputValidator = inputValidator

    return textField

lazy var cardExpirationDateTextField: TextField = {
    let textField = TextField(frame: frame)
    textField.inputType = .Integer
    textField.formatter = CardExpirationDateFormatter()
    textField.placeholder = "Expiration Date (MM/YY)"

    let validation = Validation()
    validation.maximumLength = "MM/YY".characters.count
    validation.required = true
    let inputValidator = NumberInputValidator(validation: validation)
    textField.inputValidator = inputValidator

    return textField

lazy var cvcTextField: TextField = {
    let textField = TextField(frame: frame)
    textField.inputType = .Number
    textField.placeholder = "CVC"

    let validation = Validation()
    validation.maximumLength = "CVC".characters.count
    validation.required = true
    let inputValidator = NumberInputValidator(validation: validation)
    textField.inputValidator = inputValidator

    return textField


TextField also supports styling using UIAppearance protocol. The example shown above uses this for styling.

let enabledBackgroundColor = UIColor(hex: "E1F5FF")
let enabledBorderColor = UIColor(hex: "3DAFEB")
let enabledTextColor = UIColor(hex: "455C73")
let activeBorderColor = UIColor(hex: "3DAFEB")

TextField.appearance().borderWidth = 1
TextField.appearance().cornerRadius = 5
TextField.appearance().accessoryButtonColor = activeBorderColor
TextField.appearance().font = UIFont(name: "AvenirNext-Regular", size: 15)

TextField.appearance().enabledBackgroundColor = enabledBackgroundColor
TextField.appearance().enabledBorderColor = enabledBorderColor
TextField.appearance().enabledTextColor = enabledTextColor

TextField.appearance().validBackgroundColor = enabledBackgroundColor
TextField.appearance().validBorderColor = enabledBorderColor
TextField.appearance().validTextColor = enabledTextColor

TextField.appearance().activeBackgroundColor = enabledBackgroundColor
TextField.appearance().activeBorderColor = activeBorderColor
TextField.appearance().activeTextColor = enabledTextColor

TextField.appearance().inactiveBackgroundColor = enabledBackgroundColor
TextField.appearance().inactiveBorderColor = enabledBorderColor
TextField.appearance().inactiveTextColor = enabledTextColor

TextField.appearance().disabledBackgroundColor = UIColor(hex: "F5F5F8")
TextField.appearance().disabledBorderColor = UIColor(hex: "DEDEDE")
TextField.appearance().disabledTextColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

TextField.appearance().invalidBackgroundColor = UIColor(hex: "FFD7D7")
TextField.appearance().invalidBorderColor = UIColor(hex: "EC3031")
TextField.appearance().invalidTextColor = UIColor(hex: "EC3031")


TextField is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'TextField'


TextField is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Elvis Nuñez, @3lvis