Ash Furrow

Encapsulates an action to be performed, usually by a button press, but also useful to pass actions to execute later (once or multiple times) without having to expose other objects.
License: MIT
Downloads JPEG images asynchronously and decompresses them on a background thread.
License: MIT
ARAnalytics is a analytics abstraction library offering a sane API for tracking events and user data. It currently supports on iOS: Mixpanel, Localytics, Flurry, GoogleAnalytics, KISSmetrics, Crittercism, Crashlytics, Fabric, Bugsnag, Countly, Helpshift, Tapstream, NewRelic, Amplitude, HockeyApp, HockeyAppLib, ParseAnalytics, HeapAnalytics, Chartbeat, UMengAnalytics, Librato, Segmentio, Swrve, YandexMobileMetrica, Adjust, AppsFlyer, Branch, Snowplow, Sentry, Intercom, Keen, Adobe, InstallTracker, Appsee, MobileAppTracker, LaunchKit, Firebase, Leanplum and Appboy. And for OS X: KISSmetrics, Mixpanel, HockeyAppOSX and ParseAnalytics. It does this by using CocoaPods subspecs to let you decide which libraries you'd like to use. You are free to also use the official API for any provider too. Also, comes with an amazing DSL to clear up your methods.
License: MIT
ARCollectionViewMasonryLayout is a UICollectionViewLayout subclass for creating masonry / pintrest / flow-like layouts with dynamic widths or heights. Supports sticky headers too.
License: MIT
Swift µframework of the ubiquitous Box & MutableBox reference types, for recursive value types & misc. other purposes.
License: MIT
Use ios-snapshot-test-case's FBSnapshotTest with Expecta matchers for readability.
License: MIT
Forgeries is a library that makes unit testing iOS applications easier. UIKit has lots of limitations that make sense in production code, but make testing difficult. Forgeries fixes that problem. Currently it includes subclasses for UIGestureRecognizers, NSUserDefaults and NSFileManager.
License: MIT
Everyone has made NSTimer categories for NSTimer
in Objective-C.
But who has done it in Swift? Well, probably lots of people,
but the point is that it is not as straightforward as you might think.
License: MIT
Collection of must-have functional tools. Trying to be as lightweight as possible, hopefully providing a simple foundation that more advanced systems can build on. LlamaKit is very Cocoa-focused. It is designed to work with common Cocoa paradigms, use names that are understandable to Cocoa devs, integrate with Cocoa tools like GCD, and in general strive for a low-to-modest learning curve for devs familiar with ObjC and Swift rather than Haskell and ML.
License: MIT
Moya abstracts network commands using Swift Generics to provide developers with more compile-time confidence.
ReactiveSwift and RxSwift extensions exist as well. Instructions for installation are in the README.
License: MIT
Use Nimble to express the expected outcomes of Swift or Objective-C expressions. Inspired by Cedar.
License: Apache-2.0
Nimble matchers for FBSnapshotTestCase. Highly derivative of Expecta Matchers for FBSnapshotTestCase.
License: MIT
Right now, we just have a rx_disposeBag
property, but we're open to PRs!
License: MIT
Vertically stack views using Auto Layout, also includes an order specific subclass that uses view tags for ordering.
License: MIT
Quick is a behavior-driven development framework for Swift and Objective-C. Inspired by RSpec, Specta, and Ginkgo.
License: Apache-2.0
iOS 8 introduced UIAlertController
, an abstraction above and replacement
for UIAlertView
. UIAlertController
uses UIAlertAction
to represent buttons (and actions for those buttons). But the interface
doesn't lend itself to naturally fit in the ReactiveCocoa world
Instead, we need to subclass it to ensure that certain things are set at initialization time. That's what this library does.
License: MIT
ReactiveCocoa (RAC) is a Cocoa framework built on top of ReactiveSwift. It provides APIs for using ReactiveSwift with Apple's Cocoa frameworks.
ReactiveObjC (formally ReactiveCocoa or RAC) is an Objective-C framework inspired by Functional Reactive Programming. It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of values.
ReactiveSwift is a Swift framework inspired by Functional Reactive Programming. It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of values over time.
License: MIT
This is an Rx extension that provides an easy and straight-forward way to use Apple iOS CoreMotion responses as Observables
License: MIT
This library includes functions that make testing RxSwift projects easier with Nimble.
License: MIT
Swift 2 struct called "RAC" replaces the RAC macro from
ReactiveCocoa 2.x. A Swift function named RACObserve replaces
that macro. Combined with the custom <~
operator, you can
bind to dynamic
License: MIT
Perform changes to UI with or without animations, depending on a variable. This is really useful for performing unit tests on view controllers without a delay.
License: MIT