Engr. Ahsan Ali



AACameraView is a lightweight, easy-to-use and customizable camera view framework, written in Swift. It uses AVFoundation framework and construct a camera view with basic options.

License: MIT

  • Swift


AACoreData is a lightweight data persistence wrapper designed to provide an easier solution for CRUD operations using CoreData, written in Swift. It provides a singleton instance to access CoreData objects anywhere in the code and uses 'value types' to define CoreData entities.

License: MIT

  • Swift


License: MIT


AAFragmentManager is a child view manager responsible to add child subviews in UIView, designed for easy switching between child view controllers with animations.

License: MIT

  • Swift


License: MIT


AAPickerView allows to transform UITextField as UIPickerView and UIDatePicker to pick data easily. It is designed to present a picker view to select data in UITextField.

License: MIT

  • Swift


AAPopUp is a simple and easy-to-use popup view controller designed to present customizable storyboard based view controller as a modal alert, written in Swift. It supports tag-based and dedicated view controller based implementation.

License: MIT

  • Swift


AAViewAnimator is a collection of animations and transitions for UIView designed to apply animations on every UIView with options in iOS, written in Swift. It allows various options for animations and parameters to make them unique!

License: MIT

  • Swift


License: MIT


License: MIT