Endpoints makes it easy to write a type-safe network abstraction layer for any Web-API.
It requires Swift 5, makes heavy use of generics (and generalized existentials) and protocols (and protocol extensions). It also encourages a clean separation of concerns and the use of value types (i.e. structs).
Here's how to load a random image from Giphy.
// A client is responsible for encoding and parsing all calls for a given Web-API.
let client = AnyClient(baseURL: URL(string: "https://api.giphy.com/v1/")!)
// A call encapsulates the request that is sent to the server and the type that is expected in the response.
let call = AnyCall<DataResponseParser>(Request(.get, "gifs/random", query: ["tag": "cat", "api_key": "dc6zaTOxFJmzC"]))
// A session wraps `URLSession` and allows you to start the request for the call and get the parsed response object (or an error) in a completion block.
let session = Session(with: client)
// enable debug-mode to log network traffic
session.debug = true
// start call
session.start(call: call) { result in
result.onSuccess { value in
//value is an object of the type specified in `Call`
}.onError { error in
//something went wrong
Response Parsing
A call is supposed to know exactly what response to expect from its request. It delegates the parsing of the response to a ResponseParser
Some built-in types already adopt the ResponseParser
protocol (using protocol extensions), so you can for example turn any response into a JSON array or dictionary:
// Replace `DataResponseParser` with any `ResponseParser` implementation
let call = AnyCall<DictionaryParser<String, Any>>(Request(.get, "gifs/random", query: ["tag": "cat", "api_key": "dc6zaTOxFJmzC"]))
session.start(call: call) { result in
result.onSuccess { value in
//value is now a JSON dictionary 🎉
let call = AnyCall<JSONParser<GiphyGif>>(Request(.get, "gifs/random", query: ["tag": "cat", "api_key": "dc6zaTOxFJmzC"]))
session.start(call: call) { result in
result.onSuccess { value in
//value is now a `GiphyGif` dictionary 🎉
Provided Look up the documentation in the code for further explanations of the types.
JSON Codable Integration
has a built in JSON Codable support.
The ResponseParser
responsible for handling decodable types is the JSONParser
The JSONParser
uses the default JSONDecoder()
, however, the JSONParser
can be subclassed, and the jsonDecoder
can be overwritten with your configured JSONDecoder
// Decode a type using the default decoder
struct GiphyCall: Call {
typealias Parser = JSONParser<GiphyGif>
// custom decoder
struct GiphyParser<T>: JSONParser<T> {
override public var jsonDecoder: JSONDecoder {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
// configure...
return decoder
struct GiphyCall: Call {
typealias Parser = GiphyParser<GiphyGif>
Every encodable is able to provide a JSONEncoder()
to encode itself via the toJSON()
Dedicated Calls
is the default implementation of the Call
protocol, which you can use as-is. But if you want to make your networking layer really type-safe you'll want to create a dedicated Call
type for each operation of your Web-API:
struct GetRandomImage: Call {
typealias Parser = DictionaryParser<String, Any>
var tag: String
var request: URLRequestEncodable {
return Request(.get, "gifs/random", query: [ "tag": tag, "api_key": "dc6zaTOxFJmzC" ])
// `GetRandomImage` is much safer and easier to use than `AnyCall`
let call = GetRandomImage(tag: "cat")
Dedicated Clients
A client is responsible for handling things that are common for all operations of a given Web-API. Typically this includes appending API tokens or authentication tokens to a request or validating responses and handling errors.
is the default implementation of the Client
protocol and can be used as-is or as a starting point for your own dedicated client.
You'll usually need to create your own dedicated client that either subclasses AnyClient
or delegates the encoding of requests and parsing of responses to an AnyClient
instance, as done here:
class GiphyClient: Client {
private let anyClient = AnyClient(baseURL: URL(string: "https://api.giphy.com/v1/")!)
var apiKey = "dc6zaTOxFJmzC"
func encode<C: Call>(call: C) -> URLRequest {
var request = anyClient.encode(call: call)
// Append the API key to every request
request.append(query: ["api_key": apiKey])
return request
public func parse<C : Call>(sessionTaskResult result: URLSessionTaskResult, for call: C) throws -> C.Parser.OutputType {
do {
// Use `AnyClient` to parse the response
// If this fails, try to read error details from response body
return try anyClient.parse(sessionTaskResult: result, for: call)
} catch {
// See if the backend sent detailed error information
let response = result.httpResponse,
let data = result.data,
let errorDict = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments) as? [String: Any],
let meta = errorDict?["meta"] as? [String: Any],
let errorCode = meta["error_code"] as? String else {
// no error info from backend -> rethrow default error
throw error
// Propagate error that contains errorCode as reason from backend
throw StatusCodeError.unacceptable(code: response.statusCode, reason: errorCode)
Dedicated Response Types
You usually want your networking layer to provide a dedicated response type for every supported call. In our example this could look like this:
struct RandomImage: Decodable {
struct Data: Decodable {
let url: URL
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case url = "image_url"
let data: Data
struct GetRandomImage: Call {
typealias Parser = JSONParser<RandomImage>
With all the parts in place, users of your networking layer can now perform type-safe requests and get a type-safe response with a few lines of code:
let client = GiphyClient()
let call = GetRandomImage(tag: "cat")
let session = Session(with: client)
session.start(call: call) { result in
result.onSuccess { value in
print("image url: \(value.data.url)")
}.onError { error in
print("error: \(error)")
There are multiple ways to make performing a call more convenient. You could write a dedicated GiphyCall
that creates the correct Client
and Session
for your users:
protocol GiphyCall: Call {}
extension GiphyCall {
func start(completion: @escaping (Result<Parser.OutputType>)->()) {
let client = GiphyClient()
let session = Session(with: client)
session.start(call: self, completion: completion)
When GiphyCall
is adopted by GetRandomImage
instead of Call
, performing a request is much simpler:
GetRandomImage(tag: "cat").start { result in ... }
To make it easer to find supported calls, you could namespace your calls using an extension of your Client
extension GiphyClient {
struct GetRandomImage: GiphyCall { ... }
Xcode can now help developers find the right Call
GiphyClient.GetRandomImage(tag: "cat").start { result in ... }
pod "Endpoints"
github "tailoredmedia/Endpoints.git"
Swift Package Manager:
.package(url: "https://github.com/tailoredmedia/Endpoints.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0"))
To compile examples you need to open the project in Xcode, the dependencies are added via the Swift Package Manager, Xcode will download them automatically.
- Swift 5
- iOS 8
- tvOS 9
- macOS 10.11
- watchOS 2.0