DigiAdzMediation 1.0.10

DigiAdzMediation 1.0.10

Maintained by ‘Ketan’.

Depends on:
AdColony>= 0
Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK>= 0
AppLovinSDK>= 0
ChartboostSDK>= 0
FBAudienceNetwork>= 0
InMobiSDK>= 0
UnityAds>= 0
VungleSDK-iOS>= 0

  • By

DigiAdz runs multiple premium network under one integration so you can dynamically test ad network against each other and visualize their combined performance. Following document gives detail of how to integrate the iOS SDK with application system.

We have support for following networks in current version:

1. AdMob
2. Vungle
3. InMobi
4. Jmedi
5. Leadbolt
6. Adcolony
7. Unity
8. FaceBook
9. IronSource
10. ChartBoost
11. HyprMX
12. Applovin