UnityAds 4.14.1× TestsTested ✗ LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C License Apache 2 ReleasedLast Release Mar 2025Maintained by UnityAds, Yunduan Han, Steven Bankhead, Luc Moreault, Shawn Hampton, Alex Unity, Vita Solomina.Installation Guide×Installation Guide for UnityAdsYou want to add pod 'UnityAds', '~> 4.14' similar to the following to your Podfile:target 'MyApp' do pod 'UnityAds', '~> 4.14' endThen run a pod install inside your terminal, or from CocoaPods.app.Alternatively to give it a test run, run the command:pod try UnityAdsSee PodspecHomepagePage on CocoaPods.orgUnityAds 4.14.1ByUnityAdsUnityAds Monetize your entire player base and reach new audiences with video ads. Installation pod 'UnityAds' Authors UnityAds License Apache 2