AIQKit 1.0.1

AIQKit 1.0.1

Maintained by AIQKit.

Depends on:
NFAllocInit~> 1.0
SVProgressHUD~> 2.0
SDWebImage= 4.4.1
SBJson~> 5.0
Masonry= 1.1.0
OpenCV= 3.2.0
FBSDKCoreKit= 4.40.0
FBSDKLoginKit= 4.40.0
FBSDKShareKit= 4.40.0

AIQKit 1.0.1

  • By
  • AIQ


The AIQKit iOS SDK gives you access to the powerful AIQ Vision Search platform to integrate into your iOS app.


With CocoaPods

Using CocoaPods, add to your podfile:

pod 'AIQKit'

Run pod install to download the SDK and install it into your project, along with the SDK's dependencies.



In your App Delegate, initialise the SDK with the App ID and secret you obtained from the AIQ Developer Portal:

#import "iQKit.h"
[iQKit setAppID:@"APP-ID"


For best results, report some further information about the user:

[iQKit setUserAge:@(42)];
[iQKit setUserGender:@"f"]; 

The age and gender can be updated at anytime with these functions.


Vision Search

To initiate a vision search, add the following code to an appropriate view controller:

iQScannerViewController *scannerViewController = [[iQScannerViewController alloc] init];
scannerViewController.delegate = self;
[self presentViewController:scannerViewController animated:NO completion:nil];

When the search is complete, you will get a callback via the iQScannerViewControllerDelegate protocol:

- (void)scannerViewController:(iQScannerViewController *)scannerViewController didLoadSearchResponse:(iQAPISearchResponse *)searchResponse
    [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
		NSLog(@"Payload URL: %@", searchResponse.payload);

In the callback, the iQAPISearchResponse object has a payload property which is the URL returned by the search. Use this URL, typically to load in a web view or to open the iQNECT app.

Image Search

This is the same as the Keyword search, except the parameter is of type UIImage.

[[iQAPISearchRequest requestWithImage:image] runWithCompletionHandler:^(iQAPISearchResponse *response) {
    NSLog(@"Payload: %@", response.payload); 

Resource Requirements

As SDK requires access to camera and photo library, these two keys need to be declared in info.plist file of your project,

  • Privacy - Camera Usage Description ----> This app requries access to your camera
  • Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description ----> This app requires access to your photos


  • Error "This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data" This is caused by missing of declaration of privacy resource, please refer to 'Resource Requirements' section