AIQSDK 0.2.7

AIQSDK 0.2.7

Maintained by AIQKit, raymond.

AIQSDK 0.2.7

  • By
  • AIQ


AIQSDK is a cocoapod for AIQ's iOS SDK.

Full documentation

AIQSDK full documentation is hosted on a github page, you can acess it here:

Integration using Cocoapods

AIQSDK is structure with subspecs with the default being AIQApi, the iOS library for using AIQ's API.

Just with any other Cocoapod's project, to use AIQ's API for your iOS application, all you need is to include AIQSDK in your podfile.

Using CocoaPods, add to your podfile:

pod 'AIQSDK'

Run pod install to download AIQSDK and install it into your project. AIQSDK currently has no third party dependencies.


In your App Delegate, initialise the SDK with the App ID and secret you obtained from the AIQ Dashboard Portal:

    #import <AIQApi/AIQApi.h>
    [AIQApi initializeWithAppKey:@"appID" appSecret:@"appSecret"];

Search using Image

AS part of AIQAiq framework, you can easily make API calls to AIQ's platform API using AIQApiClient.

This is especially useful when you have built your own camera / scanner view.

    [[AIQApiClient sharedClient] scanWithImage:[UIImage imageWithData:imageData] 
                               withCompletion:^(AIQScanAPIResponse * _Nullable result, NSError * _Nullable error)
        // no matches found
        if (error) {
            // handle it
            // display no image found
        } else {

            if (result.payloadUrl)
                NSURL *payloadURL = [NSURL URLWithString:result.payloadUrl];
                // present and load trigger url in your webview controller

Search using Url

If you have an url for an image that you like to perform a search query, you can use the scanWithUrl method of AIQApiClient.

    [[AIQApiClient sharedClient] scanWithUrl:imageUrl 
                              withCompletion:^(AIQScanAPIResponse * _Nullable result, NSError * _Nullable error)
        // no matches found
        if (error) {
            // handle it
            // display no image found
        } else {

            if (result.payloadUrl)
                NSURL *payloadURL = [NSURL URLWithString:result.payloadUrl];
                // present and load trigger url in your webview controller