Evgenii Neumerzhitckii



This is an iOS library that shows an image carousel with a page indicator. Users can scroll through local and remote images or watch them scroll automatically.

  • Allows to specify placeholder and error images for remote sources.
  • Includes ability to simulate and verify image download in unit tests.
  • Supports animated transition during screen orientation change.
  • Includes image caching.
  • Supports right-to-left languages.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This is a UI widget for iOS that shows a badge.

  • The badge is a subclass of UILabel view.
  • It can be created and customized from the Storyboard or from the code.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This library can help fading sounds in and out with AvAudioPlayer. One can set duration and velocity of the fade. Velocity can vary from linear to exponential.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This is a UI control for iOS and tvOS that shows a 5-star rating or takes rating input from the user. Cosmos is a subclass of a UIView. Let your users see and post beautiful 3-star reviews!

  • Shows star rating with an optional text label.
  • Can be used as a rating input control (iOS only).
  • Cosmos view can be customized in the Storyboard without writing code.
  • Includes different star filling modes: full, half-filled and precise.
  • Cosmos is accessible and works with voice-over.
  • Supports right-to-left languages.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This is a UI widget for showing text messages in iOS apps. It is useful for showing short messages to the user, something like: "Message sent", "Note saved", "No Internet connection".

  • Dodo includes styles for success, info, warning and error type messages.
  • The bar can have buttons with custom tap handlers.
  • Bar styles can be customized.
  • You can provide custom animations for showing and hiding the bar or use one of the default animation presets.
  • Provides a mock class for unit tests.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This is an iOS library for showing a 'no content' message over an existing view. It can be used to show a missing content message and suggest an action.

For example, consider we have an ecommerce app with a shopping cart screen that shows a list of products. If the user goes to the empty cart screen we can show an "Empty cart" message and a "Search" button.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Demo iOS project that shows how to distribute image assets with dynamic framework on iOS.

License: MIT

  • Swift


JsonSwiftson is a JSON parser that exposes just a single API method map() for mapping JSON attributes to various Swift types including arrays.

  • Maps JSON text into Swift structures or classes.
  • Keeps the library tiny by using Swift generics and taking advantage of type casting features of the language.
  • Supports casting to optional types.
  • Indicates if the mapping was successful.
  • Makes sure mapping is fast.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This is a collection of helper functions for saving text and data in the Keychain.

  • Write and read text and Data with simple functions.
  • Specify optional access rule for the keychain item.
  • Limit operations to a specific access group.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Moa is an image download library written in Swift for iOS, tvOS and macOS. It allows to download and show an image in an image view by setting its moa.url property.

  • Images are downloaded asynchronously.
  • Uses NSURLSession for networking and caching.
  • Allows to configure cache size and policy.
  • Can be used without an image view.
  • Provides closure properties for image manipulation and error handling.
  • Includes unit testing mode for faking network responses.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This an an iOS library that helps scrolling screen content vertically, similar how the content is scrolled in the web browser.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This library is a collection of functions that perform statistical calculations: average, covariance, max, min, pearson, percentile, standard deviation, sum, variance and others.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This is an iOS library written in Swift that makes it easier to test UIAlertController alerts. The library allows to check alert visibility and execute its actions from the unit tests.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This library helps moving your views when a keyboard appears and move them back in place when it hides. It includes helper class for animating a bottom Auto Layout constraint.

License: MIT

  • Swift