Adam Fish

UICollectionViewController subclass that adds data binding support for a Realm object model.
License: MIT
The ABFRealmMapView class creates an interface object that inherits MKMapView and manages fetching and displaying annotations for a Realm object class that contains coordinate data.
License: MIT
The ABFRealmSearchViewController class creates a controller object that manages a table view and search bar to display and respond to input for text search against a Realm object class.
License: MIT
The ABFRealmTableViewController class is a subclass of UITableViewController but adds data-binding to an RLMObject subclass.
License: MIT
The RBQFetchedResultsController (FRC) is a replacement for NSFetchedResultsController when used in conjunction with RBQRealmNotificationManager and RBQRealmChangeLogger. The controller and delegate follow the same paradigm as NSFetchedResultsController, and allow the developer to monitor changes of an RLMObject subclass.
RBQFetchedResultsController supports tableview sections and implements a drop-in replacement delegate to pass the changes to the tableview for section and row animations.
License: MIT
RBQSafeRealmObject represents a RLMObject with a primary key and can be used across threads.
License: MIT
Data culled from Realm's blog. Includes Realm models for use in importing into Realm file.
License: MIT
Swift UICollectionViewController subclass that adds data binding support for a Realm object model.
License: MIT
The RealmMapView class creates an interface object that inherits MKMapView and manages fetching and displaying annotations for a Realm Swift object class that contains coordinate data.
License: MIT
Loads data from New York Times Top Stories API and parses the JSON into provided Realm models.
License: MIT
The RealmSearchViewController class creates a controller object that manages a table view and search bar to display and respond to input for text search against a Realm Swift object class.
License: MIT
Prebuilt Realm dataset composed of San Francisco restaurant scores
License: MIT
Data culled from Realm's blog. Includes Realm Swift models for use in importing into Realm file.
License: MIT
Loads data from New York Times Top Stories API and parses the JSON into provided Realm Swift models.
License: MIT
Prebuilt Realm dataset composed of San Francisco restaurant scores for Realm Swift
License: MIT
The RealmTableViewController class is a subclass of UITableViewController but adds data-binding to a Realm Swift object subclass.
License: MIT
Categories that work with various Realm classes to simplify working with Realm.
License: MIT
SafeRealmObject offers a thread-safe class that represents a Realm Swift Object subclass with a primary key and can be used across threads.
License: MIT
The FetchedResultsController (FRC) is a Swift replacement for NSFetchedResultsController when used in conjunction with the ChangeLogger class. The controller and delegate follow the same paradigm as NSFetchedResultsController, and allow the developer to monitor changes of a Realm Swift Object subclass.
FetchedResultsController supports tableview sections and implements a drop-in replacement delegate to pass the changes to the tableview for section and row animations.
License: MIT