Cem Olcay




Easy to use AutoLayout wrapper around NSLayoutConstraints.



ruby !use_frameworks pod 'ALKit'


Copy the ALKit folder into your project



Initialzes autolayout ready views.

swift convenience init (withAutolayout: Bool) { self.init(frame: CGRect.zero) translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false }

swift class func AutoLayout() -> UIView { let view = UIView(frame: CGRect.zero) view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false return view }


The main function of all kit. Wraps addConstraint: method of autolayout.

swift public func pin( edge: NSLayoutAttribute, toEdge: NSLayoutAttribute, ofView: UIView?, withInset: CGFloat = 0) { guard let view = superview else { return assertionFailure("view must be added as subview in view hierarchy") } view.addConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint( item: self, attribute: edge, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: ofView, attribute: toEdge, multiplier: 1, constant: withInset)) }


override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad()

// setup views

let box = UIView.AutoLayout() box.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor() view.addSubview(box)

let blue = UIView.AutoLayout() blue.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor() box.addSubview(blue)

let red = UIView.AutoLayout() red.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor() box.addSubview(red)

let yellow = UIView.AutoLayout() yellow.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor() box.addSubview(yellow)

// setup constraints

box.fill(toView: view)

blue.pinTop(toView: box, withInset: 10) blue.fillHorizontal(toView: box, withInset: 10) blue.pinHeight(90)

red.pinBottom(toView: box, withInset: 10) red.fillHorizontal(toView: box, withInset: 10) red.pinHeight(90)

yellow.pinToTop(ofView: red, withOffset: 10) yellow.pinCenterX(toView: red) yellow.pinSize(width: 50, height: 50) }


License: MIT

  • Swift



single line UITableView creation in Swift with power of the closures


Copy & paste BlockTableView.swift into your project.

let table = BlockTableView (frame: self.view.frame, numberOfRowsInSection: { (section) -> Int in return dataSource.count }, cellForRowAtIndexPath: { (tableView, indexPath) -> UITableViewCell in var cell = UITableViewCell (style: .Default, reuseIdentifier: "Identifer")

let current = dataSource[indexPath.row] cell.textLabel.text = current

return cell }, didSelectRowAtIndexPath: { (tableView, indexPath) -> () in let selected = dataSource[indexPath.row] println("(selected) selected")

tableView.deselectRowAtIndexPath(indexPath, animated: true) } )


convenience init(frame: CGRect, numberOfRowsInSection : (section: Int) -> Int, cellForRowAtIndexPath : (tableView: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell, didSelectRowAtIndexPath : (tableView: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> ())

convenience init(frame: CGRect, numberOfSections : Int, titleForHeaderInSection : (section: Int) -> String, numberOfRowsInSection : (section: Int) -> Int, cellForRowAtIndexPath : (tableView: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell, didSelectRowAtIndexPath : (tableView: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> ())

convenience init(frame: CGRect, registeredCells : [String: AnyClass], numberOfRowsInSection : (section: Int) -> Int, cellForRowAtIndexPath : (tableView: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell, didSelectRowAtIndexPath : (tableView: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> ())

init(frame: CGRect, registeredCells : [String: AnyClass]?, numberOfSections : Int?, titleForHeaderInSection : ((section: Int) -> String)?, numberOfRowsInSection : (section: Int) -> Int, cellForRowAtIndexPath : (tableView: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell, didSelectRowAtIndexPath : (tableView: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> ())

  • You can easily add more initilizers with more UITableViewDelegate/UITableViewDataSource methods

Search Bar

Search bar implementation never been easier

func addSearchBar (searchResultTableView tableView: BlockTableView, didSearch: (String)->())

Just create another BlockTableView for displaying results and implement the filtering or searching function in didSearch, like

var filtered: [String]! // search result dataSource

table.addSearchBar(searchResultTableView: BlockTableView (frame: self.view.frame, numberOfRowsInSection: { (section) -> Int in return filtered.count }, cellForRowAtIndexPath: { (tableView, indexPath) -> UITableViewCell in var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as UITableViewCell cell.textLabel?.text = filtered[indexPath.row] return cell }, didSelectRowAtIndexPath: { (tableView, indexPath) -> () in return } ), didSearch: { searchText in filtered = filter (dataSource) { $0.rangeOfString(searchText) != nil } } )

License: MIT

  • Swift



Horizontal or vertical slider view for choosing categories. Add any UIView type as category item view. Fully customisable


alt tag


Copy CategorySliderView.h/m files into your project.

UILabel *category1 = ......
UILabel *category2 = ......
UILabel *category3 = ......

CategorySliderView *sliderView = [[CategorySliderView alloc] initWithSliderHeight:60 andCategoryViews:@[category1, category2, category3] categorySelectionBlock:^(UIView *categoryView, NSInteger categoryIndex) {
    UILabel *selectedView = (UILabel *)categoryView;
    NSLog(@""%@" cateogry selected at index %d", selectedView.text, categoryIndex);
[self.view addSubview:sliderView];

you can add as many items as you want

UIView *newCategoryView = .....
[sliderView addCategoryView:newCategoryView];

Optional Properties

shouldAutoScrollSlider: scrolls to closest category item after dragging ends
shouldAutoSelectScrolledCategory: selects the closest category item after dragging ends
categoryViewPadding: padding between category item views
backgroundImage: background image for slider

License: MIT

  • Objective C


handy library for no-xibbers

License: MIT

  • Objective C


UIKit toolset for quick prototyping and rapid development https://github.com/cemolcay/CEMKit-Swift/blob/master/README.md

License: MIT

  • Swift



Universal CATextLayer subclass that centers its text.


  • Swift 3.0+
  • iOS 8.0+
  • tvOS 9.0+
  • macOS 10.9+


use_frameworks! pod 'CenterTextLayer'


It's just a regular CATextLayer subclass that center its text. Use it like any CATextLayer

let textLayer = CenterTextLayer() textLayer.frame = bounds textLayer.string = "Center Text!"

License: MIT

  • Swift



Fully customisable IBDesignable circle of fifths implementation.

alt tag


  • Swift 3+
  • iOS 8.0+
  • tvOS 9.0+
  • macOS 10.9+


pod 'CircleOfFifths'

You need to add this post installer script to your podfile in order to use @IBDesignable libraries with pods. More information on this cocoapods issue

post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS'] = ['$(FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS)'] end end


  • CircleOfFifths just a regular UIView subclass with custom CALayer drawing with customisable @IBInspectable properties.
  • It can render any Scale type in any key of this music theory library.
  • Just set the scale parameter in order to change scale and/or key of circle.
  • Also draws another customisable circle below to show related major, minor and diminished chords of the scale in circle.


  • Thanks to http://randscullard.com/CircleOfFifths/

License: MIT

  • Swift



A color palette grid view for iOS.


alt tag


  • Swift 3.0+
  • iOS 8.0+


ruby pod 'ColorPalette'


Create a ColorPaletteView either from storyboard or programmatically. Set rowCount and columnCount to setup palette grid. (Defaults 2x10). Implement delegate and dataSource.


Use this data source method to fill palette with colors.

func colorPalette(_ colorPalette: ColorPaletteView, colorAt index: Int) -> UIColor?


Use this delegate method to inform about color selection changes.

func colorPalette(_ colorPalette: ColorPaletteView, didSelect color: UIColor, at index: Int)

You can also observe colorPalette.selectedColor dynamic property to create bindings.


This is a basic struct with border, corner radius, and background color properties of palette items with their selected or unselected states.

You can use either colorPalette.paletteItemDisplayOptions property to set each property or use the @IBInspectable bridge properties from storyboard.

alt tag

License: MIT

  • Swift


Combinatorics contains static functions to generate k-permutations and k-combinations (in both cases either with or without repetition) of the 'n' elements in an array.

License: MIT

  • Swift



A custom picker lets you pick an option from its auto scrolling menu without lifting your finger up.

You can either use the @IBDesignable picker button DragMenuPicker or create your own with DragMenuView which implements all picker logic.


alt tag


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Swift 3.0+


pod 'DragMenuPicker'


Create a DragMenuPicker from either storyboard or programmatically. Set its title and items property to shown in menu. Set its didSelectItem property or implement dragMenuView(_ dragMenuView: DragMenuView, didSelect item: String, at index: Int) delegate method to set your action after picking. You can also set its direction, either horizontal or vertical with margins to screen edges.

swift horizontalDragPicker?.title = "Horizontal Picker" horizontalDragPicker?.items = ["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Other", "Another", "Item 2", "Item 3"] horizontalDragPicker?.direction = .horizontal horizontalDragPicker?.margins = 20 horizontalDragPicker?.menuDelegate = self horizontalDragPicker?.didSelectItem = { item, index in print("(item) selected at index (index)") }

DragMenuPicker shows DragMenuView with DragMenuItemViews inside when you touch down the picker. It disappears after you pick something from menu or cancel picking by lifting your finger up outside of the menu.

They are heavily customisable. You can set applyStyle property which callbacks you prototype menu and item that you can style and it applies it to menu.

Also there are @IBInspectable properties on DragMenuPicker that you can style basic properties inside storyboard.

License: MIT

  • Swift


License: MIT


Create customisable arrows in interface builder directly.

License: MIT

  • Swift



⌨️ Simplest custom keyboard generator for iOS ever!

KeyboardLayoutEngine is all about laying out keyboard buttons dynamically in a rectangle in a custom style easily but in fashion of original keyboard. For the sake of flexiblity, KeyboardLayoutEngine provides:

  • KeyboardLayout: For laying out rows with custom paddings, colors.
  • KeyboardRow: For laying out buttons or another set of KeyboardRow's inside.
  • KeyboardButton: For rendering buttons in rows. Also provides flexible width, type and other very useful API's for flexiblty.
  • They are also UIViews and handles their layout in their layoutSubviews function.
  • They are faster than autolayout yet they can adopt perfectly any CGFrame you want apply a keyboard layout.
  • That means they are play very well with orientation changes. (Layout for size class and/or orientation support is on the way.)
  • KeyboardLayoutStyle, KeyboardRowStyle and KeyboardButtonStyle structs handles pretty much everything about styling.
  • KeyboardLayoutDelegate for inform about button presses.
  • Also DefaultKeyboard provided out of box, a good start point for figuring out how it works other than being of fully functional original keyboard.



``` ruby use_frameworks!

Target Keyboard

pod 'KeyboardLayoutEngine' ```


  • Describe your keyboard with custom styles, rows and buttons with either text or image in it.
  • Checkout the DefaultKeyboardLayout for detailed usage.

``` swift let keyboardLayout = KeyboardLayout( style: DefaultKeyboardLayoutStyle, rows: [ KeyboardRow( style: DefaultKeyboardRowStyle, characters: [ KeyboardButton(type: .Key("Q"), style: DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle), KeyboardButton(type: .Key("W"), style: DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle), KeyboardButton(type: .Key("E"), style: DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle), KeyboardButton(type: .Key("R"), style: DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle), KeyboardButton(type: .Key("T"), style: DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle), KeyboardButton(type: .Key("Y"), style: DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle), KeyboardButton(type: .Key("U"), style: DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle), KeyboardButton(type: .Key("I"), style: DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle), KeyboardButton(type: .Key("O"), style: DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle), KeyboardButton(type: .Key("P"), style: DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle), ] ) ] )

override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() view.addSubview(keyboardLayout) }

override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() { super.viewDidLayoutSubviews() keyboardLayout.setNeedsLayout() } ```


  • Implement KeyboardLayoutDelegate for get information about the button presses.

swift @objc public protocol KeyboardLayoutDelegate { optional func keyboardLayoutDidStartPressingButton(keyboardLayout: KeyboardLayout, keyboardButton: KeyboardButton) optional func keyboardLayoutDidPressButton(keyboardLayout: KeyboardLayout, keyboardButton: KeyboardButton) }


swift public enum KeyboardButtonWidth { case Dynamic case Static(width: CGFloat) case Relative(percent: CGFloat) }

  • Laying out buttons in rows are important. Since rows can their child rows, calculating right sizes for buttons and rows done by button types.
  • If you leave .Dynamic which is default by the way, every button in a row, it will calculate their width by KeyboardRowStyle.buttonPadding and total width of row and figure out equal widths with equal buttonPaddings.
  • Static will be static width obviusly.
  • Relative is an interesting one, which takes a value between [0, 1], fills percent of parent row, smartly calculated.


swift public enum KeyboardButtonType { case Key(String) case Text(String) case Image(UIImage?) }

  • A button can be Key, Text or Image.
  • Key case might be useful for textDocumentProxy.insertTextoperation.
  • Text case might be useful for buttons like "space", "return", "ABC", "123" or any string include emojis.
  • Image case might be useful for buttons like "shift", "backspace", "switch keyboard" etc.


  • Every style struct has their default values in taste of original keyboard.
  • If you dont assign a value in init function of a style struct, it will be loaded with its default value.



swift public struct KeyboardLayoutStyle { public var topPadding: CGFloat public var bottomPadding: CGFloat public var rowPadding: CGFloat public var backgroundColor: UIColor }


swift let DefaultKeyboardLayoutStyle = KeyboardLayoutStyle( topPadding: 10, bottomPadding: 5, rowPadding: 13, backgroundColor: UIColor(red: 208.0/255.0, green: 213.0/255.0, blue: 219.0/255.0, alpha: 1))



swift public struct KeyboardRowStyle { public var leadingPadding: CGFloat public var trailingPadding: CGFloat public var buttonsPadding: CGFloat }


swift let DefaultKeyboardRowStyle = KeyboardRowStyle( leadingPadding: 5, trailingPadding: 5, buttonsPadding: 6)



``` swift public struct KeyboardButtonStyle { public var backgroundColor: UIColor public var cornerRadius: CGFloat

// Border public var borderColor: UIColor public var borderWidth: CGFloat

// Shadow public var shadowColor: UIColor public var shadowOpacity: Float public var shadowOffset: CGSize public var shadowRadius: CGFloat public var shadowPath: UIBezierPath?

// Text public var textColor: UIColor public var font: UIFont

// Image public var imageSize: CGFloat?

// Popup public var showsPopup: Bool public var popupWidthMultiplier: CGFloat public var popupHeightMultiplier: CGFloat } ```


swift let DefaultKeyboardDarkImageButtonStyle = KeyboardButtonStyle( backgroundColor: UIColor(red: 180.0/255.0, green: 188.0/255.0, blue: 201.0/255.0, alpha: 1), imageSize: 18, showsPopup: false)


Default iOS Keyboard implementation with KeyboardLayoutEngine.

  • Shift toggle mechanism
  • Backspace mechanisim
  • Key button popups
  • textDocumentProxy integrations with DefaultKeyboardDelegate
  • Ridiculusly easy implementation in KeyboardViewController
  • Change default styles before initilze it and you have your fully functional custumised standard English QWERTY keyboard!

swift override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() DefaultKeyboardLayoutStyle.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor() DefaultKeyboardRowStyle.buttonsPadding = 5 defaultKeyboard = DefaultKeyboard() defaultKeyboard.delegate = self view.addSubview(defaultKeyboard) }

DefaultKeyboard styles

  • DefaultKeyboardLayoutStyle: KeyboardLayoutStyle
  • DefaultKeyboardRowStyle: KeyboardRowStyle
  • DefaultKeyboardSecondRowStyle: KeyboardRowStyle
  • DefaultKeyboardChildRowStyle: KeyboardRowStyle
  • DefaultKeyboardSpaceButtonStyle: KeyboardButtonStyle
  • DefaultKeyboardBackspaceButtonStyle: KeyboardButtonStyle
  • DefaultKeyboardShiftButtonStyle: KeyboardButtonStyle
  • DefaultKeyboardGlobeButtonStyle: KeyboardButtonStyle
  • DefaultKeyboardReturnButtonStyle: KeyboardButtonStyle
  • DefaultKeyboardNumbersButtonStyle: KeyboardButtonStyle
  • DefaultKeyboardKeyButtonStyle: KeyboardButtonStyle


  • Provides information about key and special button presses.

swift @objc public protocol DefaultKeyboardDelegate { optional func defaultKeyboardDidPressKeyButton(defaultKeyboard: DefaultKeyboard, key: String) optional func defaultKeyboardDidPressSpaceButton(defaultKeyboard: DefaultKeyboard) optional func defaultKeyboardDidPressBackspaceButton(defaultKeyboard: DefaultKeyboard) optional func defaultKeyboardDidPressGlobeButton(defaultKeyboard: DefaultKeyboard) optional func defaultKeyboardDidPressReturnButton(defaultKeyboard: DefaultKeyboard) }

License: MIT

  • Swift


License: MIT


License: MIT


Create a MaterialCardView

swift let c = MaterialCardView ( x: 10, y: StatusBarHeight + 10, w: ScreenWidth-20) view.addSubview (c)

And start to add MaterialCardCells

  • Header Cell

swift func addHeader (title: String) func addHeader (view: UIView)

  • Cell

swift addCell (text: String, action: (()->Void)? = nil) addCell (view: UIView, action: (()->Void)? = nil) addCell (cell: MaterialCardCell)

  • FooterCell

swift func addFooter (title: String) func addFooter (view: UIView)

Material Card will update its frame size when you add or remove MaterialCardCells. This is why you don't set its height value when initilize it.

License: MIT

  • Swift



MIDI Sequencer that sends MIDI events to other apps. Built top on AKSequencer of AudioKit for iOS and macOS. Create smart MIDI sequencer instruments with just focus on notes.


  • Swift 3.0+
  • iOS 9.0+
  • macOS 10.11+


ruby pod 'MIDISequencer'


MIDISequencer built top on AudioKit's AKSequencer with MusicTheory library to create sequences just focusing on notes with multiple track support.

  • Create a MIDISequencer instance.

swift let sequencer = MIDISequencer(name: "Awesome Sequencer")

  • Create a MIDISequencerTrack and add it to sequencer's tracks.

swift let track = MIDISequencerTrack( name: "Track 1", midiChannel: 1)

  • Add some MIDISequencerSteps to track's steps

swift track.steps = [ MIDISequencerStep( note: Note(type: .c, octave: 4), noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(100)), MIDISequencerStep( note: Note(type: .d, octave: 4), noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(100)), MIDISequencerStep( note: Note(type: .e, octave: 4), noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(100)), MIDISequencerStep( note: Note(type: .f, octave: 4), noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(100)), ]

  • You can even add chords or multiple notes or even both to any step.

``` MIDISequencerStep( chord: Chord(type: .maj, key: .c), octave: 4, noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(60))

MIDISequencerStep( notes: [Note(type: .c, octave: 4), Note(type: .d, octave: 4)], octave: 4, noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(60))

MIDISequencerStep( notes: Chord(type: .maj, key: .c).notes(octave: 4) + [Note(type: .c, octave: 4), Note(type: .d, octave: 4)], noteValue: NoteValue(type: .quarter), velocity: .standard(60)) ```

  • Set isMuted property to true to mute any MIDISequencerStep.

License: MIT

  • Swift



Customisable and editable time table grid for showing midi or audio related data with a measure.


alt tag


  • Swift 3+
  • iOS 9.0+


pod 'MIDITimeTableView'


Create a MIDITimeTableView either programmatically or from storyboard and implement its MIDITimeTableViewDataSource and MIDITimeTableViewDelegate methods.

You need a data object to store each row and its cells data.

swift var rowData: [MIDITimeTableRowData] = [ MIDITimeTableRowData( cells: [ MIDITimeTableCellData(data: "C7", position: 0, duration: 4), MIDITimeTableCellData(data: "Dm7", position: 4, duration: 4), MIDITimeTableCellData(data: "G7b5", position: 8, duration: 4), MIDITimeTableCellData(data: "C7", position: 12, duration: 4), ], headerCellView: HeaderCellView(title: "Chords"), cellView: { cellData in let title = cellData.data as? String ?? "" return CellView(title: title) }), ]

MIDITimeTableViewDataSource is very likely to UITableViewDataSource or UICollectionViewDataSource API. Just feed the row data, number of rows, time signature and you are ready to go.

``` swift func numberOfRows(in midiTimeTableView: MIDITimeTableView) -> Int { return rowData.count }

func timeSignature(of midiTimeTableView: MIDITimeTableView) -> MIDITimeTableTimeSignature { return MIDITimeTableTimeSignature(beats: 4, noteValue: .quarter) }

func midiTimeTableView(_ midiTimeTableView: MIDITimeTableView, rowAt index: Int) -> MIDITimeTableRowData { let row = rowData[index] return row } ```

You can customise the measure bar, the grid, each header and data cell. Check out the example project.

MIDITimeTableCellView's are editable, you can move around them on the grid, resize their duration or long press to open a delete menu. Also, you need to subclass yourself to present your own data on it.

You can set the minMeasureWidth and maxMeasureWidth to set zoom levels of the time table.

License: MIT

  • Swift



A music theory library with Note, Interval, Scale and Chord representations in swift enums.


  • Swift 3
  • Xcode 8
  • iOS 8.0+
  • macOS 10.9+
  • tvOS 9.0+
  • watchOS 2.0+


pod 'MusicTheorySwift'


MusicTheory adds a bunch of basic enums and structs that you can define pretty much any music related data. Most importants are Note, Scale and Chord.

NoteType and Note

  • All notes defined in NoteType enum.
  • You can create Notes with NoteTypes and octaves.
  • Also, you can create Notes with MIDI note index.
  • Notes and NoteTypes are equatable, + and - custom operators defined for making calulations easier.
  • Also, there are other helper functions or properties like frequency of a note.

swift let d: NoteType = .d let c = Note(type: .c, octave: 0)


  • Intervals are halfsteps between notes.
  • They are IntegerLiteral and you can make add/subsctract them between themselves, notes or note types.
  • You can build scales or chords from intervals.
  • m2, M2, m3, M3, P4, d5, P5, m6, M6, m7, M7 and P8 are predefined intervals.

ScaleType and Scale

  • ScaleType enum defines a lot of readymade scales.
  • Also, you can create a custom scale type by ScaleType.custom(intervals: [Interval], description: String)
  • Scale defines a scale with a scale type and root key.
  • You can generate notes of scale in an octave range.
  • Also you can generate HarmonicField of a scale.
  • Harmonic field is all possible triad, tetrad or extended chords in a scale.

swift let c: NoteType = .c let maj: ScaleType = .major let cMaj = Scale(type: maj, key: c)

ChordType and Chord

  • ChordType is a struct with ChordParts which are building blocks of chords.
  • You can define any chord existing with ChordType.
  • Thirds, fifths, sixths, sevenths and extensions are parts of the ChordType.
  • Each of them also structs which conforms ChordPart protocol.
  • Chord defines chords with type and a root key.
  • You can generate notes of chord in any octave range.
  • You can generate inversions of any chord.

swift let m13 = ChordType( third: .minor, seventh: .dominant, extensions: [ ChordExtensionType(type: .thirteenth) ]) let cm13 = Chord(type: m13, key: .c)

Tempo and TimeSignature

  • Tempo is a helper struct to define timings in your music app.
  • TimeSignature is number of beats in per measure and NoteValue of each beat.
  • You can calculate notes duration in any tempo by ther NoteValue.
  • Note value defines the note's duration in a beat. It could be whole note, half note, quarter note, 8th, 16th or 32nd note.


Full documentation are here

Unit Tests

You can find unit tests in MusicTheoryTests target. Press ⌘+U for running tests.

License: MIT

  • Swift


License: MIT



License: MIT

  • Objective C


License: MIT



reorderable grid view solution implemented with swift. its UIScrollView subclass, its not a collection view layout. automatically sets horizontal item spacing by item widths. so items must be fixed-width. also sets automatically its content size. if you call gridView?.invalidateLayout() after orientation changed, it will lays out the grid by new orientation.


alt tag


copy & paste the ReorderableGridView.swift into your project.

  gridView = ReorderableGridView(frame: self.view.frame, itemWidth: 180, verticalPadding: 20)

Grid view ready !

now you can add it ReorderableView instances

  let itemView = ReorderableView (x: 0, y: 0, w: 180, h: 250)

  // or
  let pos = GridPosition (x: 0, y: 1)
  gridView?addReorderableView (itemView, gridPosition: pos)

or remove them

gridView?.removeReorderableViewAtGridPosition(GridPosition (x: 0, y: 0))

// or
gridView?.removeReorderableView (itemView)

Design Tip View itself don't have any margin padding. It uses all frame width to calculate how many ReorderableViews can fit and what should be their horizontal padding in a row. Padding between columns (vertical padding) can be set in init method, which is 10 by default. You can have a container view and use something like CGRectInset (containerView.frame, marginX, marginY) when init grid with margin

Optional Values

  var reorderable : Bool = true
  var draggable : Bool = true
  var draggableDelegate: Draggable?

set them if you want your grid editable or not

Draggable Protocol

func didDragStartedForView (reorderableGridView: ReordableGridView, view: ReordableView)
func didDraggedView (reorderableGridView: ReordableGridView, view: ReordableView)
func didDragEndForView (reorderableGridView: ReordableGridView, view: ReordableView)

set gridView.draggableDelegate = self and implement Draggable protocol functions if you want to access info about dragging actions in grid. This can be useful for multiple grid layouts. Example included in second tab of demo.

License: MIT

  • Swift



A simple object for adding/removing shadows from your CALayers or UIViews. You don't need to define or edit all shadow properties line by line anymore.



ruby use_frameworks! pod 'Shadow'


swift // Create default shadow. let shadow = Shadow() // Add shadow view.applyShadow(shadow: shadow) // Remove shadow view.applyShadow(shadow: nil)

License: MIT

  • Swift



Device specific UITraitCollection helper with split view detection for iOS.


alt tag


  • Swift 3.0+
  • iOS 8.0+


use_frameworks! pod 'SizeClasser'


SizeClasser is an OptionSet type struct. You can initilize it with your viewController's traitCollection property to identify your current device specific orientation and split view status.

/// Screen height is bigger than width. Portrait mode in all devices. public static let portrait = SizeClasser(rawValue: 1 << 0) /// Screen width is bigger than height. Landscape mode in all devices. public static let landscape = SizeClasser(rawValue: 1 << 1) /// Portrait mode for iPhone devices. public static let iPhonePortrait = SizeClasser(rawValue: 1 << 2) /// Landscape mode for iPhone devices. public static let iPhoneLandscape = SizeClasser(rawValue: 1 << 3) /// Portrait mode for iPad devices. public static let iPadPortrait = SizeClasser(rawValue: 1 << 4) /// Landscape mode for iPad devices. public static let iPadLandscape = SizeClasser(rawValue: 1 << 5) /// Split mode 1/3 of visible area in iPad devices. public static let iPadSplitOneThird = SizeClasser(rawValue: 1 << 8) /// Split mode 1/2 of visible area in iPad devices. public static let iPadSplitHalf = SizeClasser(rawValue: 1 << 9) /// Split mode 2/3 of visible area in iPad devices. public static let iPadSplitTwoThird = SizeClasser(rawValue: 1 << 10)

For example, if you want to detect iPad split view 1/3 on landscape orientation, simply:

guard let trait = SizeClasser(traitCollection: traitCollection ?? super.traitCollection) else { return } if trait.contains([.iPadLandscape, .iPadSplitOneThird]) { // You are on iPad, landscape and 1/3 split view mode if SizeClasser.isiPadPro { // You are on 12.9" iPad } else { // You are on regular iPad / iPad mini } }

Also you can use SizeClasser.isiPadPro to detect 12.9" iPad Pro if you want to layout your views more specificly.

Note on traitCollectionDidChange:previousTraitCollection function:

This function only get called if traitCollection changes. If you are on iPad, either portrait or landscape mode, it won't change 1/3 split view to 2/3 split view transitions. iOS calculates them both compact width regular height mode. So, I recommend to use viewDidLayoutSubviews: function to detect split view changes specificly. alt tag

License: MIT

  • Swift



uiscrollview with strechy and parallax top view


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Copy StrechyParallaxScrollView.h/m files to your project.

//create the top view
UIView *topView = [UIView new];

//create scroll view with top view just created
StrechyParallaxScrollView *strechy = [[StrechyParallaxScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame andTopView:topView];

//add it to your controllers view
[self.view addSubview:strechy];

Optional Values

CGFloat parallaxWeight: parallax speed of top view

BOOL strechs: enable/disable streching behaviour (enabled default)

BOOL parallax: enable/disable parallax behaviour (enabled default)

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Category on NSString to return a UIBezierPath of the string in a font of your choice, using Core Text.

License: MIT

  • Swift



Painless custom transitioning. Easy extend, easy setup, just focus on animations.


Copy & paste TransitionManager.swift into your project.

  • Declare a TransitionManager object.
  • Init it with a TransitionManagerAnimation
  • Assign it as your navigation controller's delegate if you use navigation controller.
    • Else assign it as your view controller's transitioningDelegate.

``` swift

var transition: TransitionManager!

override func viewDidLoad() {

   transition = TransitionManager (transitionAnimation: FadeTransitionAnimation())
   navigationController?.delegate = transition


Creating Transition Animations

Create a subclass of TransitionManagerAnimation

``` swift class FadeTransitionAnimation: TransitionManagerAnimation {



TransitionManagerAnimation class implements TransitionManagerDelegate protocol.


``` swift

protocol TransitionManagerDelegate {

    func transition (
        container: UIView,
        fromViewController: UIViewController,
        toViewController: UIViewController,
        duration: NSTimeInterval,
        completion: ()->Void)

    var interactionTransitionController: UIPercentDrivenInteractiveTransition? { get set }


For transition animation, we should override transition func and write our custom animation in it.

``` swift

class FadeTransitionAnimation: TransitionManagerAnimation {

override func transition (
    container: UIView,
    fromViewController: UIViewController,
    toViewController: UIViewController,
    duration: NSTimeInterval,
    completion: ()->Void) {

        let fromView = fromViewController.view
        let toView = toViewController.view

        toView.alpha = 0

            animations: {
                toView.alpha = 1
            completion: { finished in
                completion ()



One important part is completion() must be called because the TransitionManager finishes transition after it gets called.

Interaction Transition

Create a TransitionManagerAnimation subclass and write an initilizer with UINavigationController parameter.

Add its view a pan gesture

``` swift class LeftTransitionAnimation: TransitionManagerAnimation {

    var navigationController: UINavigationController!

    init (navigationController: UINavigationController) {

        self.navigationController = navigationController
        self.navigationController.view.addGestureRecognizer(UIPanGestureRecognizer (target: self, action: Selector("didPan:")))



We will update interactionTransitionController variable in TransitionManagerDelegate in gesture handler.

``` swift func didPan (gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) { let percent = gesture.translationInView(gesture.view!).x / gesture.view!.bounds.size.width

    switch gesture.state {
    case .Began:
        interactionTransitionController = UIPercentDrivenInteractiveTransition()

    case .Changed:

    case .Ended:
        if percent > 0.5 {
        } else {
        interactionTransitionController = nil



Interaction transition has 3 parts: * Init interactionTransitionController and either pop or push navigation controller when gesture (interaction) starts. * Calculate your percents on gesture change and updateInteractiveTransition: with that percent * When gesture ended, decide if your transition complete or not and give information to your interactionTransitionController with finishInteractiveTransition () and cancelInteractiveTransition ()

Easier TransitionManager setup

You can create a TransitionManagerAnimation container enum and give it all your animations

swift enum TransitionManagerAnimations { case Fade case Left }

Write a func that returns correct transition animation in enum

``` swift enum TransitionManagerAnimations { case Fade case Left (UINavigationController)

    func transitionAnimation () -> TransitionManagerAnimation {
        switch self {
        case .Fade:
            return FadeTransitionAnimation()

        case .Left (let nav):
            return LeftTransitionAnimation(navigationController: nav)

            return TransitionManagerAnimation()


Extend TransitionManager and write a new init method like

``` swift

extension TransitionManager {

    convenience init (transition: TransitionManagerAnimations) {
        self.init (transitionAnimation: transition.transitionAnimation())


Now you can create TransitionManager in your view controller like

swift transition = TransitionManager (transition: .Left(navigationController!)) navigationController?.delegate = transition

License: MIT

  • Swift


Missing button component for tvos.

License: Custom

  • Swift



Container view controller with left and right drawer controlling by pan gesture for tvOS. inspired by the zova tvos app.


  • Optional left and/or right drawers.
  • Customisable slide range.
  • Customisable trashold for select state.
  • Storyboard support.
  • Autolayout support.
  • Setup trough the code without storyboard.
  • Shrinks content


shrinks = false

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shrinks = true

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ruby pod 'TVOSSlideViewController'



  • You need to subclass TVOSSlideViewController and set your view controller instantce's class to your subclass in IB.
  • Customise TVOSSlideViewControllers @IBInspectable properties in interface builder without touching code
  • call setup(contentViewController:) function in your subclass for setup content view.
  • You can inject whatever you want as content.


Different from storyboard implementation, you can initilze TVOSSlideViewController directly with:

swift public init(contentViewController: UIViewController, leftView: UIView?, rightView: UIView?)


  • This is the control protocol of TVOSSlideViewConroller.
  • Events like didSelect, didUpdate, didCancel could be handled by implementing this delegate.
  • amount: CGFlaot returns the drawers visibility range between 0-1 for easier drawer animation implementation.

swift @objc public protocol TVOSSlideViewControllerDelegate { optional func slideViewControllerDidBeginUpdateLeftDrawer(slideViewController: TVOSSlideViewController) optional func slideViewControllerDidBeginUpdateRightDrawer(slideViewController: TVOSSlideViewController) optional func slideViewControllerDidUpdateLeftDrawer(slideViewController: TVOSSlideViewController, amount: CGFloat) optional func slideViewControllerDidUpdateRightDrawer(slideViewController: TVOSSlideViewController, amount: CGFloat) optional func slideViewControllerDidEndUpdateLeftDrawer(slideViewController: TVOSSlideViewController, amount: CGFloat) optional func slideViewControllerDidEndUpdateRightDrawer(slideViewController: TVOSSlideViewController, amount: CGFloat) optional func slideViewControllerDidSelectLeftDrawer(slideViewController: TVOSSlideViewController) optional func slideViewControllerDidSelectRightDrawer(slideViewController: TVOSSlideViewController) }

License: MIT

  • Swift


Toast component for tvOS with built-in siri remote hint support.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Video based UIViewController

License: MIT

  • Swift



Apple Watch WKInterfaceImage and WKInterfaceGroup extension for showing activity indicators on them quickly.


alt tag


  • watchos2.0+
  • Swift 3.0+
  • Xcode 8+



ruby target 'your_watch_extension_target' platform :watchos, 2.0 pod 'WatchActivityIndicator' end


Call startActivityIndicator and stopActivityIndicator functions on any WKInterfaceImage or WKInterfaceGroup instance for default activity indicator.

swift // start imageView?.startActivityIndicator() group?.startActivityIndicator() // stop imageView?.stopActivityIndicator() group?.stopActivityIndicator()

You can set parameters of startActivityIndicator for custom animation sequance and duration.

swift imageView?.startActivityIndicator( imageNamed: "CustomAnimation", animationRange: NSMakeRange(0, frameCount), duration: customAnimationDuration)

License: MIT

  • Swift



Android style segmented control written in swift. Fully customisable.


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Copy & paste YSSegmentedControl.swift in your project


ruby use_frameworks! pod 'YSSegmentedControl'


Create YSSegmentedControl with frame and titles. You can either use delegation or callback initilization

With callback

``` swift let segmented = YSSegmentedControl( frame: CGRect( x: 0, y: 64, width: view.frame.size.width, height: 44), titles: [ "First", "Second", "Third" ], action: { control, index in println ("segmented did pressed (index)") })


With delegation

swift let segmented = YSSegmentedControl( frame: CGRect( x: 0, y: 64, width: view.frame.size.width, height: 44), titles: [ "First", "Second", "Third" ])

Setup the delegate and you are ready to go !

swift segmented.delegate = self


``` swift @objc protocol YSSegmentedControlDelegate { optional func segmentedControlWillPressItemAtIndex (segmentedControl: YSSegmentedControl, index: Int) optional func segmentedControlDidPressedItemAtIndex (segmentedControl: YSSegmentedControl, index: Int) }



``` swift struct YSSegmentedControlAppearance {

var backgroundColor: UIColor var selectedBackgroundColor: UIColor

var textColor: UIColor var font: UIFont

var selectedTextColor: UIColor var selectedFont: UIFont

var bottomLineColor: UIColor var selectorColor: UIColor

var bottomLineHeight: CGFloat var selectorHeight: CGFloat } ```

The default appearance is

``` swift appearance = YSSegmentedControlAppearance(

backgroundColor: UIColor.clearColor(), selectedBackgroundColor: UIColor.clearColor(),

textColor: UIColor.grayColor(), font: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(15),

selectedTextColor: UIColor.blackColor(), selectedFont: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(15),

bottomLineColor: UIColor.blackColor(), selectorColor: UIColor.blackColor(),

bottomLineHeight: 0.5, selectorHeight: 2) ```

You can change appearance by

``` swift segmented.appearance = YSSegmentedAppearance (...)

// or

segmented.appearance.titleColor = ... ```

License: MIT

  • Swift


Create flat design tutorial pages quickly. It can read page data from json file, no coding required for pages ! Fully customisable.

License: MIT

  • Objective C