MaterialCardView 0.0.2

MaterialCardView 0.0.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2015
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Cem Olcay.

  • By
  • Cem Olcay


Create material design cards quick and easy


alt tag



Copy & paste MaterialCardView.swift and CEMKit.swift to your project


Create a MaterialCardView

    let c = MaterialCardView (
                   x: 10,
                   y: StatusBarHeight + 10,
                   w: ScreenWidth-20)  
    view.addSubview (c)

And start to add MaterialCardCells

  • Header Cell
    func addHeader (title: String)
    func addHeader (view: UIView)
  • Cell
    addCell (text: String, action: (()->Void)? = nil)
    addCell (view: UIView, action: (()->Void)? = nil)
    addCell (cell: MaterialCardCell)
  • FooterCell
    func addFooter (title: String)
    func addFooter (view: UIView)

Material Card will update its frame size when you add or remove MaterialCardCells.
This is why you don’t set its height value when initilize it.


    var headerBackgroundColor: UIColor
    var cellBackgroundColor: UIColor
    var borderColor: UIColor

    var titleFont: UIFont
    var titleColor: UIColor

    var textFont: UIFont
    var textColor: UIColor

    var shadowColor: UIColor
    var rippleColor: UIColor
    var rippleDuration: NSTimeInterval

You can change MaterialCardView appeareance by its appeareance property.

The default appeareance is

    func defaultAppeareance () -> MaterialCardAppeareance {
        return MaterialCardAppeareance (
            headerBackgroundColor: UIColor.CardHeaderColor(),
            cellBackgroundColor: UIColor.CardCellColor(),
            borderColor: UIColor.CardBorderColor(),
            titleFont: UIFont.TitleFont(),
            titleColor: UIColor.TitleColor(),
            textFont: UIFont.TextFont(),
            textColor: UIColor.TextColor(),
            shadowColor: UIColor.ShadowColor(),
            rippleColor: UIColor.RippleColor(),
            rippleDuration: rippleDuration)

Which are UIColor and UIFont extensions defined at top of MaterialCardView.swift file.


    enum MaterialAnimationTimingFunction {
        case SwiftEnterInOut
        case SwiftExitInOut

        func timingFunction () -> CAMediaTimingFunction {
            switch self {

            case .SwiftEnterInOut:
                return CAMediaTimingFunction (controlPoints: 0.4027, 0, 0.1, 1)

            case .SwiftExitInOut:
                return CAMediaTimingFunction (controlPoints: 0.4027, 0, 0.2256, 1)


(0.4027, 0, 0.1, 1)


(0.4027, 0, 0.2256, 1)


enum MaterialRippleLocation {
    case Center
    case TouchLocation


Adds ripple animation when you add cells with action
    c.addCell("Item 1") { sender in 
        println("item 1 tapped") 

alt tag

Add ripple to material card
     c.addRipple { () -> Void in
       println("all card ripples")

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