RECButton 0.0.1

RECButton 0.0.1

Maintained by Cem Olcay.

RECButton 0.0.1


An @IBInspectable record (REC) button for iOS.


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  • RECButton is a UIButton subclass
  • Create a RECButton instance either from storyboard or programmatically.
  • Set the color and size properties for recording state and non-recording state.
  • Those are also IBInspectable, settable directly from the storyboard.
  • Set other inherited UIButton properties.
@IBInspectable public var ringColor: UIColor = .white
@IBInspectable public var dotColor: UIColor = .white
@IBInspectable public var recordingDotColor: UIColor = .red
@IBInspectable public var recordingRingColor: UIColor = .orange
@IBInspectable public var dotPadding: CGFloat = 2
@IBInspectable public var ringLineWidth: CGFloat = 1
@IBInspectable public var recordingRingDashPattern: String?
@IBInspectable public var recordingAnimationDuration: CGFloat = 0
@IBInspectable public var isRecording: Bool = false


  • Set isRecording bool value.

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