Ernesto Rivera

Easily add a Settings.bundle with CocoaPods acknowledgements to your iOS App.
License: Apache 2
License: Apache 2
It is similar in concept to other popular logging frameworks such as log4j, yet is designed specifically for objective-c, and takes advantage of features such as multi-threading, grand central dispatch (if available), lockless atomic operations, and the dynamic nature of the objective-c runtime.
License: BSD-3-Clause
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
License: Apache-2.0
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-battery-status in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
This plugin provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from the system's image library.
The camera.getPicture function opens the device's default camera application that allows users to snap pictures. This behavior occurs by default, when Camera.sourceType equals Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA. Once the user snaps the photo, the camera application closes and the application is restored.
If Camera.sourceType is Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY or Camera.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM, then a dialog displays that allows users to select an existing image. The camera.getPicture function returns a CameraPopoverHandle object, which can be used to reposition the image selection dialog, for example, when the device orientation changes.
The return value is sent to the cameraSuccess callback function, in one of the following formats, depending on the specified cameraOptions:
A String containing the base64-encoded photo image.
A String representing the image file location on local storage (default).
You can do whatever you want with the encoded image or URI, for example:
Render the image in an <img> tag, as in the example below
Save the data locally (LocalStorage, Lawnchair, etc.)
Post the data to a remote server
NOTE: Photo resolution on newer devices is quite good. Photos selected from the device's gallery are not downscaled to a lower quality, even if a quality parameter is specified. To avoid common memory problems, set Camera.destinationType to FILE_URI rather than DATA_URL.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-console in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-contacts in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-device in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-device-motion in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-device-orientation in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-dialogs in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-file in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-file-transfer in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-geolocation in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-globalization in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-inappbrowser in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-media in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-media-capture in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-network-information in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-splashscreen in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
A longer description of CordovaPlugin-vibration in Markdown format.
License: Apache 2
An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing.
License: BSD
On-device CocoaLumberjack console with support for search, adjust levels, copying and more.
License: Apache-2.0
Orientation change notifications using CoreMotion. Works even on orientation-locked devices.
License: Apache 2
Convenience macros, functions and API availability checks for iOS projects.
License: Apache 2
Modular and fully customizable UIImagePickerController replacement with Simulator-compatible AVFondation camera, AssetsLibrary and custom directory assets' browser, and image cropping, filters and gallery. Change element's sizes, position, customize picker workflow, add/remove/rename filters, localize for other languages, use cropping features from other libraries, etc.
License: Apache 2
Log framework based on CocoaLumberjack. Adds dynamic log levels, modules' support and eases usage.
License: Apache-2.0
An NSInputStream subclass suitable for building multipart/form-data HTTP requests bodies in MacOSX/iOS applications.
License: MIT
While Apple has done an incredible job with UIView Animations and Core Animation, there are sometimes cases that are difficult to get around. PRTween is a great alternative if you'd like to: Animate a property Core Animation won't allow you to Ensure that [someView layoutSubviews] is respected during an animation Tween arbitrary numerical values, such as sound volume, scroll position, a counter, or many others Define your timing curve as a function rather than a bezier with control points PRTween aims to be as simple as possible without sacrificing flexibility. In many cases, an animation may be as simple as: [PRTween tween:someView property:@"alpha" from:1 to:0 duration:3]; In order to promote simplicity, PRTween can be used as a drop-in replacement for most animations in your app. This means that in the case displayed above, the end result is identical to writing a UIView animation yourself.
License: BSD
This lets you steal the volume up and volume down buttons on iOS.
License: Apache 2
A subclass of UISlider that snaps to pre-specified values, or detents.
License: MIT
SVSegmentedControl is a customizable UIControl class that mimics UISegmentedControl but that looks like an UISwitch.
License: MIT