TestsTested | ✗ |
LangLanguage | Obj-CObjective C |
License | MIT |
ReleasedLast Release | Aug 2016 |
Maintained by wuwen.
You can either init a inifinite scroll view with code, xib or storyboard.
Data source is very similar to UITableViewDataSource. Implemention of protocols in XTInfiniteScrollViewDataSource
#pragma mark - XTInfiniteScrollViewDataSource
- (NSUInteger)numberOfImagesInInfiniteScrollView:(XTInfiniteScrollView *)infiniteScrollView
return self.imageURLs.count;
- (NSURL *)infiniteScrollView:(XTInfiniteScrollView *)infiniteScrollView urlForImageAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
return self.imageURLs[index];
- (UIImage *)infiniteScrollView:(XTInfiniteScrollView *)infiniteScrollView placeholderForImageAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
return self.placeholderImages[index];
If the showing images are from network, do implement
- (UIImage *)infiniteScrollView:(XTInfiniteScrollView *)infiniteScrollView placeholderForImageAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
You should know which image the users have clicked, when you want to show a detail view. And maybe you will also need a page control to indicate which image is showing.
#pragma mark - XTInfiniteScrollViewDelegate
- (void)infiniteScrollView:(XTInfiniteScrollView *)infiniteScrollView didSelectImageAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
NSLog(@"Select image at index:%ld", (long)index);
- (void)infiniteScrollView:(XTInfiniteScrollView *)infiniteScrollView didShowImageAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
NSLog(@"Did show image at index:%ld", (long)index);
pod 'XTInfiniteScrollView' ~> '1.0.1'