
Data source is very similar to UITableViewDataSource. Implement protocols in XTInfiniteScrollViewDataSource.
License: MIT
One pixel line used to be an annoying problem, because we have multiply screen resolution. We give a universal solution on all devices.
License: MIT
In Cocoa development, we often meet crashes like the follow:
1. [NSArray objectAtIndex:]
when index exceeds array bounds.
2. [NSMutableArray addObject]
when we attempt to add an nil Object.
XTSafeCollection provide a way to avoid these crashes. Just add the XTSafeCollection.h
, XTSafeCollection.m
to you project,
You event don't need to modify you codes, call the methods as what they are.
More: https://github.com/wuwen1030/XTSafeCollection.
License: MIT