VCheck SDK for iOS
VCheck is online remote verification service for fast and secure customer access to your services.
- Document validity: Country and document type identification. Checks for forgery and interference (glare, covers, third-party objects)
- Document data recognition: The data of the loaded document is automatically parsed
- Liveliness check: Determining that a real person is being verified
- Face matching: Validate that the document owner is the user being verified
- Easy integration to your service's iOS app out-of-the-box
How to use
Installing via CocoaPods
pod 'VCheckSDK'
Start SDK flow
import VCheckSDK
.verificationToken(token: token)
.verificationType(type: verifType)
.languageCode(langCode: self.langCode)
.environment(env: VCheckEnvironment.DEV)
.showPartnerLogo(show: false)
.showCloseSDKButton(show: true)
.partnerEndCallback(callback: {
.colorBackgroundSecondary(colorHex: self.backSecondaryColorHex)
.colorBackgroundPrimary(colorHex: self.backPrimaryColorHex)
.colorBackgroundTertiary(colorHex: self.backTertiaryColorHex)
.colorBorders(colorHex: self.bordersColorHex)
.colorTextPrimary(colorHex: self.primaryTextColorHex)
.colorTextSecondary(colorHex: self.secondaryTextColorHex)
.colorActionButtons(colorHex: self.primaryButtonColorHex)
.colorIcons(colorHex: self.iconsColorHex)
.start(partnerAppRW: (getOwnSceneDelegate()?.window!)!,
partnerAppVC: self,
replaceRootVC: true)