TapTalkLive 2.4.3

TapTalkLive 2.4.3

Maintained by Kevin Reynaldo, Dominic Vedericho, Fikri.

Depends on:
TapTalk>= 0
AFNetworking>= 0
JSONModel~> 1.1
SDWebImage>= 0
PodAsset>= 0

  • By
  • TapTalk.io

TapTalk.io Omnichannel SDK (TapTalkLive)

Platform Languages


TapTalk.io Omnichannel SDK is an SDK for Live Chat provided by TapTalk.io. It provides you with UI Based implementation and fully customizable.


TapTalk.io Omnichannel SDK depends on TapTalkLive SDK. Since TapTalkLive uses git-lfs you will need to install it to clone/install TapTalk.io Omnichannel SDK through Cocoapods. Easiest way to install git-lfs is using brew:

brew install git-lfs
git lfs install

Getting TapTalk.io Omnichannel SDK

  1. Install git-lfs
  2. Add pod 'TapTalkLive' to your podfile
  3. Check out the samples or follow the Quick Start & Documentation guide to start using it in your project.

Integration with Cocoapods

TapTalk.io Omnichannel SDK (TapTalkLive) is an Objective-C framework, but you can also using it with Swift by creating the bridging header.

Add TapTalkLive to your target inside your Podfile:

pod 'TapTalkLive'


pod install


For more information about the documentation, please refer to this documentation page