TapTalk 2.15.4

TapTalk 2.15.4

Maintained by Kevin Reynaldo, Dominic Vedericho, Fikri.

Depends on:
AFNetworking~> 4.0.0
SocketRocket>= 0
JSONModel~> 1.1
Realm= 10.1.0
SDWebImage>= 0
PodAsset>= 0
GooglePlaces>= 0
GoogleMaps>= 0
ZSWTappableLabel~> 2.0

TapTalk 2.15.4

  • By
  • TapTalk.io

TapTalk.io iOS SDK

Platform Languages


TapTalk.io is a complete in-app chat SDK and messaging API. Its in-app chat feature give you and your user the best in-app chat experience, it provides you with UI Based implementation and code based implementation and fully customizable.


TapTalk.io SDK depends on TapTalk SDK. Since TapTalk uses git-lfs you will need to install it to clone/install TapTalk.io SDK through Cocoapods. Easiest way to install git-lfs is using brew:

brew install git-lfs
git lfs install

Getting TapTalk.io SDK

  1. Install git-lfs
  2. Add pod 'TapTalk' to your podfile
  3. Check out the samples or follow the Quick Start & Documentation guide to start using it in your project.

Integration with Cocoapods

TapTalk.io SDK (TapTalk) is an Objective-C framework, but you can also using it with Swift by creating the bridging header.

Add TapTalk to your target inside your Podfile:

pod 'TapTalk'


pod install

Quick Start & Documentation

For more information about the documentation, please refer to this documentation page