SwiftDataProvider 3.0.0

SwiftDataProvider 3.0.0

Maintained by Martin Eberl.

  • By
  • Martin Eberl


CI Status Version License Platform


Boilerplate code for TableViews and animated updates is history. Design your TableView with your Models instead of keeping track of all the IndexPaths and IndexSets, nice and easy.

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


iOS 8.0 XCode 10.2 Swift 5.0


SwiftDataProvider is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftDataProvider'


Martin Eberl, [email protected]


SwiftDataProvider is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


1) Implement UITableViewController or UITableView with the RecyclerView protocol

2) Hold a strong reference to the SwiftDataProvider

    private var swiftDataProvider: SwiftDataProvider?

3) Create a SwiftDataProvider instance eg in viewDidLoad and assign it as TableViewDataSource to the TableView

override func viewDidLoad() {
    //do assign to the tableviews delegate ALWAY BEFORE creating and assigning
    //the SwiftDataProvider to the UITableView or UITableViewController, otherwhise
    //the section header and footer view won't appear, when you handle them within the SwiftDataProvider
    self.tableViewDelegate = self 
    self.swiftDataProvider = SwiftDataProvider(recyclerView: self)

    //step 4

4) Register cells for reusing and mapping to the content it requires, eg below the initialization of the SwiftDataProvider. Use unique names for your data models!

    swiftDataProvider?.register(cell: UITableViewCell.self, for: String.self) { cell, content in
        cell.textLabel?.text = content

    swiftDataProvider?.register(cell: UITableViewCell.self, for: /*Your data model*/.self) { cell, content in
        cell.textLabel?.text = content.formattedDate

    swiftDataProvider?.register(cellReuseIdentifier: "TestCell", as: TestCell.self, for: TestCell.Content.self) { cell, content in
        cell.content = content

//step 5

5) Assign a content adapter. The example uses the MVVM pattern but you can also implement the ContentAdapter in the ViewController.

    swiftDataProvider?.contentAdapter = viewModel.contentAdapter

6) a) Use a ContentProviderAdapter for self-controlled content and add sections and rows or update the section header and footer:

// in the ViewModel

struct ViewModel {
    let contentAdapter = ContentProviderAdapter()
    let section = Section()

    init() {
        //Use a string or a model, the string uses the default header view, the
        //model requires you to provide a section header view
        section.set(header: "") 
        contentAdapter.add(section: section)
        //use automatically update if you'd like the table view 
        //to be updated every time, something is being inserted, deleted or triggered a reload.
        //Default is false, so you can do multiple updates at a time
        //contentAdapter.isAutoCommitEnabled = true

    func addContent() {
        section.add(row: /*Your data model*/)
        // .. insert, remove models, cells ..
        //find a specific instance of a model in the section
        let content: <Model Type> = section.content {
            //return true or false
        //if you didn't enable the autocommit, you'll have to trigger the update manually
    func uödate

6) b) or use a DynamicContentProviderAdapter for automatic-controlled content:

// in the ViewModel

struct ViewModel {
    let contentAdapter = DynamicContentProviderAdapter</*Your data model*/>()


    init() {
        contentAdapter.sort = { $0 < $1 }
        contentAdapter.sectionContentUpdate = { section , context in
            //Update sectin content whenever a new row has been added
            //use string to show the default section header view or a model, to use a custom view
            section.set(header: "\(section.rows.count) Items")
            //action to be used after a section update has performed (.none or .reload)
            return .reload 
        //use section sorter, to sort the sections by your given algorythm
        contentAdapter.sortSections = { firstSection, secondSection
            guard let first = firstSection.rows.first(where: {firstSection is TimeModel}) as? TimeModel,
                let second = secondSection.rows.first(where: {firstSection is TimeModel}) as? TimeModel else {
                    return firstSection.rows.contains(where: { firstSection is TimeModel })
            return first.date > second.date
        //use automatically update if you'd like the table view 
        //to be updated every time, something is being inserted, deleted or triggered a reload.
        //Default is false, so you can do multiple updates at a time
        //contentAdapter.isAutoCommitEnabled = true
        contentAdapter.sectionInitializer = { section in
            //Initialize sectin content the first time, a new Section has been created
            //use string to show the default section header view or a model, to use a custom view
            section.set(header: "\(section.rows.count) Items")
        contentAdapter.contentSectionizer = { content, sections in
            //Sectionize the content
            //return .new or .use(index of the section) to create a new section or use the given section
            let context = [Section.Keys.predicate: NSPredicate(format: "...")] //you can specify a predicate here, so you can easily categorize the      content to the correct session
            guard let last = sections?.last else {
                return .new(context)
            //Here i'm filtering the row
            //if the model to be added into a section meets the given predicate of a section
            (see *let context = [Section.Keys.predicate: NSPredicate(format: "...")]*) 
            if let index = sections.firstIndex(where: { section in
                return section.meetsPredicate(content: content) ?? false
            }) {
                return .use(index)
            return .new(context)

    func addContent() {
        contentAdapter.add(/*Your data model*/)
        //if you didn't enable the autocommit, you'll have to trigger the update manually

What is the difference between the ContentProviderAdapter and the DynamicContentProviderAdapter?

The ContentProviderAdapter is a class in which you can controll the sections and the rows within the sections. This is mainly used when you know, how the content structure should look like. So you add several sections and rows to the sections.

The DynamicContentProviderAdapter is a class in which you only provide content and based on a provided logic, the content is ordered into the section. However since the DynamicContentProviderAdapter is derived from ContentProviderAdapter, you can also provide custom sections.