Martin Eberl



With thos library, you don't need to write all this ManagedObjectContext and Persistance Store Coordinator, because it does that for you. All you need to do is, to focus on your models

License: MIT

  • Swift


This derived UINavigationController with Pinch and Pan Gesture Recognition is designed to be dragged and pinched along on the window. Since you can pinch these navigation controllers, your client can add many small draggable windows and thus let the user design his/her own control window.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Have you ever struggled withe dependency injection framework in swift. Here is one, that's based on dagger. You have modules, you have injectors that provides you with the modules, you require in your code. We also did some dependency resolving in our modules. Now let's get swifty.

License: MIT

  • Swift


A swift ticker, written in swift. The one, with those '+++' separators ;)

License: MIT

  • Swift


Sometimes it is easier and faster to visualize the log output within the same app. Of course a helpful debug tool doesn't costist of only a log output, there are some other helpful features planned. Stay up to date!'

License: MIT

  • Swift