SSFacebookLogin 7.0.0

SSFacebookLogin 7.0.0

Maintained by Sanjaysinh, [Simform], Sumit goswami, Simform Solutions.

Depends on:
FBSDKLoginKit= 16.3.1
FBSDKCoreKit= 16.3.1

  • By
  • Sanjaysinh Chauhan

Reusable Facebook Login Components

The Reusable Facebook Login Components for iOS is the easiest way to get data from Facebook .


  • Get default user data from facebook
  • Get Specific user data from facebook


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 7.3


Take LoginManager.swift,FaceBookConstant.swift and userData.Swift

Import two files in your project and it's done


  1. Configure Facebook App Settings for iOS (
  2. Download Facebook SDK Or Pod's for iOS
  3. Add SDK to Project
  4. Configure Xcode Project
  5. Connect App Delegate Using LoginManager.swift Methods
  6. Congratulations!

Migration Guide

  • Developer must Use version 6.0.3 or lower for support of iOS 10.0.
  • Developer must Use version 6.0.4 or lower for support of iOS 11.0.
  • For minimum iOS target 11.0 use 6.0.4.
  • For minimum iOS target 12.0 use 6.0.6.

Usage example

Developer must have to call function from appdelegate didFinishlaunching.
    LoginManager.shared.facebookConfiguration(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
Developer must have to implement open url method in appdelegate file.
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url: URL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation:
    Any) -> Bool {
        return  LoginManager.shared.facebookUrlConfiguration(application, open: url,
        sourceApplication, annotation: annotation)
Example 1(you can get default data when not passing any argument)
    LoginManager.shared.loginWithFacebook(controller: self, { (token, error) in
    if error == nil {
        print(token?.userID ?? "",token?.tokenString ?? "")
    }) { (result, error) in
        if error == nil {
            if let userData = result as? UserData {
            } else {
                print(result ?? "")
example 2 (get your specific user data with passing argument)
    LoginManager.shared.loginWithFacebook(permission: [.email,.publicProfile,.userBirthday],
    requriedFields: [.birthday,.about,.email], controller: self, { (token, error) in
    if error == nil {
        print(token?.userID ?? "",token?.tokenString ?? "")
    }) { (result, error) in

        if error == nil {
            if let uResult = result  {