RxSession 2.0.1

RxSession 2.0.1

Maintained by Tailored Apps, Robin Mayerhofer.

Depends on:
RxSwift~> 6.0
RxCocoa~> 6.0
Endpoints~> 2.0

RxSession 2.0.1

  • By
  • Dominik Arnhof, Mario Hahn and Robin Mayerhofer


RxSession is a Swift Package and a CocoaPod that integrates Endpoints with RxSwift.

It adds a start(call:) function to Session that return a Single that can be used instead of the completion handler of Session.dataTask(for:completion:).

struct CustomCall: Call { ... }

let client = AnyClient(baseURL: ...)
let session = Session(with: client)

session.start(call: CustomCall())
   // rx-Chain