PayPalCommerce 2.1.0

PayPalCommerce 2.1.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Commercial
ReleasedLast Release May 2020

Maintained by Samantha Cannillo, Braintree, Jax DesMarais-Leder, Sammy Cannillo.

Depends on:
Mantle~> 1.5
AFNetworking~> 2.6
FBSDKLoginKit~> 4.6
CGLMail~> 0.1.0
GoogleAnalytics~> 3.1
ECSlidingViewController~> 2.0
libPhoneNumber-iOS~> 0.8
LogglyLogger-CocoaLumberjack~> 2.0
Braintree/Core~> 4.0
Braintree/Card~> 4.0
Braintree/PayPalOneTouch~> 4.0
CardIO~> 5.0

  • By
  • PayPal, Inc

PayPal Commerce iOS SDK

The PayPal Commerce iOS SDK allows you to embed a store directly within your own native iOS app — all with minimal code.

The SDK can be used in a few different ways:

  • A standalone iOS app
  • A store embedded into an existing app
  • Product cards and buy buttons embedded in your existing app, enabling in-app checkout

PayPal Commerce is currently in closed beta. Apply to join at

We invite you to:

What is PayPal Commerce?

PayPal Commerce is building a better way to sell on mobile without changing the way you do business. We give your customers a mobile shopping experience with less typing, smarter purchasing, and more flexibility. We give you a mobile shop that can exist as a standalone app or be embedded into your existing app, all with minimal code.

Simply connect your ecommerce platform and you can process and fulfill orders as you normally do. Currently, we support Magento, Bigcommerce, and Demandware, and we are actively working on integrating more third party platforms.

While we are in beta, you can check out the included example projects, which work with a demo shop we set up called "Dress Shoes." These are connected to a sandbox payment gateway – you can use these standard test credit card account numbers to test.


Sign up to receive emails when we release new versions of the SDK. When a new version is released, we will email you, as well as post a tag in the Releases section and update the file.


"I was completely impressed with how simple it was to add the PayPal Commerce SDK to the Intelligentsia app. It was a breeze, and there were zero issues getting it integrated into the custom UI, while keeping a consistent user experience."

– Jerry Jones, Spaceman Labs


Please read our contributing guidelines prior to submitting a pull request.


Please refer to the LICENSE.

Not what you're looking for?

Looking for the SDK to add PayPal payments to your app? You'll want to visit the Braintree SDK for iOS repo.