NLog 3.0.4

NLog 3.0.4

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Nov 2016
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Nguyen Phu Nghia.

Depends on:
RealmSwift>= 0
Realm>= 0
NLogProtocol>= 0

NLog 3.0.4

  • By
  • Nghia Nguyen

NLog 1.0.9

NLog is a fast, simple and more powerful logging Framework for iOS.

Inspired by CocoalumberjackLog and RGA Log.


**v3.0.3 - 10/31/2016 no comment

**v3.0.2 - 10/31/2016 update syntax to swift 3

**v1.2.26 - 10/31/2016 update NLogProtocol

**v1.2.25 - 10/31/2016 update NLogProtocol

**v1.2.24 - 10/31/2016 added NLogProtocol

**v1.2.23 - 10/19/2016 test lan 2

**v1.2.22 - 19/10/2016


v1.0.9 - 03/20/2016

  1. Support XcodeColors plugin that make console log colorful.
  2. Add stack trace option.
  3. Add 2 static property userEmail and userId to NKFeedbackMailViewController.

v1.0.5 - 03/04/2016

  1. Add function "Send feedback attach log + snapshot of current window" to NKDebugViewController.




pod 'NLog'


import NLog

Log levels

public enum Level: String {
  case Info =  "Info"
  case Error = "Error"
  case Debug = "Debug"
  case Warning = "Warning"
  case Server = "Server"

Print log

NLog.debug("Hello world!")
Print log with tag
NLog.server("Authentication failed", "OWNER_SERVER") // Tag = OWNER_SERVER
Print log with specific color --- Use to display log in NLogViewController"More colorful", color: UIColor.blueColor())

Optional setup

NLog.rollingFrequency = 3600 * 24 * 7 // auto remove log overdue for a week.
NLog.limitDisplayedCharacters = 1000 // limit displayed chracteristics of a message on console log.
NLog.levels = [.Debug, .Error, .Server] // only allow this levels - Default is allow all.
NLog.filters = ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana"] // only allow logs contain filters.
NLog.maxStackTrace = 10 // maximum stack you wanna trace
NLog.replaceNLog = {(level, tag, message, color, file, function, line) in
    //maybe in some cases, you don't wanna use us, can use this to replace NLog by another Log you want.

NLog.levelColors[.Debug] = UIColor.blueColor() // change the default level color

Query log

let logString = NLog.getLogString() // get all log

// get with filter
let logStringFiltered = NLog.getLogString(level: .Server, tag: "OWNER_SERVER", filter: "user/me", limit: 1000, stackTrace: false)

Save log to file

NLog.saveToFile(path: "../log.txt") // optional filter like query log


NLog provides the view to see logs like console log and more fuctions:

  1. Search messages.
  2. Filter level log and tag.
  3. See detail of log.
  4. Distinguish log level by colors.
  5. Send feedback attach log + snapshot of current window.
