Nguyen Phu Nghia

KnackerKit provides some extension and utilities to help interact with UIKit and other frameworks.
License: MIT
How many times do you have to implement UITableViewDatasource and UITableViewDelegate? Is it boring? And how to deal with different UITableViewCells in one TableView?
You're smart so you need to find a smart way to do it. ATTableView is for you, it's easy to display model in UITableView. Also support different UITableViewCells.
License: MIT
A paging view with customizable menu - fork from kitasuke to change custom mode of MenuItemDisplayMode
License: MIT
R.swift is a tool to get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects.
License: MIT
This library contains types used by the R.generated.swift
file that is normally generated by R.swift. R.swift depends on this pod to include some types and other libraries can use this project to extend R.swift types.
R.swift is a tool to get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects.
License: MIT