NAlamofire 2.0.17

NAlamofire 2.0.17

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Nguyen Phu Nghia.

Depends on:
NRxSwift>= 0
Alamofire>= 0
SwiftyJSON>= 0
ObjectMapper>= 0
NLogProtocol>= 0

NAlamofire 2.0.17

  • By
  • Nghia Nguyen


NAlamofire - the easy way to convert directly the request to object, array objects via RxSwift in a few lines code. It is wrapper of Alamofire.

Referenced libs : 1. ObjectMapper 2. NRxSwift 3. SwiftyJSON 4. NLogProtocol



pod 'NAlamofire'


import ObjectMapper
import NAlamofire

//Object must be conformed to Mappable or NKMappable.
struct Item: Mappable {
    private enum Key: String, NKAlamofireKey {
        case id, name

    var id: Int = 0
    var name: String = ""

    init?(_ map: Map) {}

    mutating func mapping(map: Map) {
        id <- map[]
        name <- map[]

//create API client
let apiClient = NKApiClient(host: "")

// create items observable
let itemsObservable: Observable[Item]> = apiClient.get("items")

//subscrible observables to get objects
itemsObservable.subscrible(onNext: { items in


This is wrapper of Alamofire Manager to help you make a request easier (get/post/put/delete). Support multipart/formdata type.

Public apis:

    public func setDefaultHeader(key:value:)
    public func removeDefaultHeader(key:)
    public func extraUserAgent()
    open func bussinessErrorFromResponse(_:) // override to customize bussinessError. See also at NKNetworkErrorType.
Subscribe notification name NKApiClient.kUnauthorizedNotificationName to handle unauthorization case.

Print request and response data

    import NLogProtocol

    struct CustomNLog: NLogProtocol {//See apis at NLogProtocol}

    NKLOG = CustomNLog.self

Thanks @khoinguyenvu and @trinhngocthuyen for your constribution.