Mocka 0.7.1

Mocka 0.7.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2015

Maintained by Markus Gasser.

Mocka 0.7.1

  • By
  • Markus Gasser

Mocka is an Objective-C mocking library designed after mockito.

Mocka is an Objective-C mocking library designed after mockito. The goal is to provide a powerful yet simple and readable way to isolate your objects and testing messages between objects.

Features include:

  • Use first, verify later – Use a natural flow when mocking and verifying interaction
  • Readable syntax - Mocka syntax is focused on being readable and understandable, even if you never used it before.
  • Easy to refactor - Mocka makes Xcode’s life as easy as possible when it comes to refactoring, particularly renaming methods
  • Support for spies - Spy method invocations on existing objects
  • Mock network calls - If you have the OHHTTPStubs library available you can use mocka syntax to verify network calls


pod 'Mocka'


Markus Gasser
