Markus Gasser

Inspired by
License: MIT
The main class to interact with is the DNDDragAndDropController. You provide the controller with two kinds of views to work with: Drag Sources: These are the views that can be used to begin a dragging operation Drop Targets: These are the views where you can drop something
There's a simple example project in the repo which demonstrates the basic functionality of the library.
License: MIT
FPSCounter is a small library to measure the frame rate of an iOS Application.
You can display the current frames per second in the status bar with a single line. Or if you'd like more control, you can have your own code notified of FPS changes and display it as needed.
License: MIT
Use this view controller when you would like to split your project into multiple storyboards. Put the view controller into your main storyboard and specify the name of the storyboard and scene you would like to jump to when loading the view controller. KNMExternalViewController then automatically loads the contents when shown on the screen.
License: MIT
Observe keyboard changes using handler blocks which get helper objects that prepare information taken from the notification info.
License: MIT
This class abstracts the differences between iOS 7 and iOS 8, as well as between different interface orientations when using custom animated modal transitions.
License: MIT
Provides subclasses of UIView, UIControl, UITableViewCell and UICollectionViewCell that load their content from a NIB/XIB file. If the XIB file has the same name as the view subclass, ususally no futher configuration is needed.
There's a simple example project in the repo which demonstrates the basic functionality of the library.
License: MIT
KNMParametrizedTest adds support for parametrized test cases using the XCTest framework.
Features include: * Familiar syntax - parametrized tests are normal test methods taking a parameter * Support for scalar and struct parameters
License: MIT
This category analyzes calls to -prepareForSegue:sender: and routes them based on the segue identifier. So for a 'Show Settings' segue, -prepareForShowSettingsSegue:sender: is called. There is also a shortcut to save the destination controller in a property of the calling controller. This is especially handy for embed segues.
Additionally you can prepare for segues which are explicitly performed using a configuration block.
License: MIT
With Matisse you can download and display an image in an image view with a single line of code. Matisse takes care of downloading, caching and showing the image in an UIImageView. If you use it in a UITableViewDataSource it also makes sure that the correct image is shown even in case of a cell reuse.
License: MIT
Mocka is an Objective-C mocking library designed after mockito. The goal is to provide a powerful yet simple and readable way to isolate your objects and testing messages between objects.
Features include: * Use first, verify later – Use a natural flow when mocking and verifying interaction * Readable syntax - Mocka syntax is focused on being readable and understandable, even if you never used it before. * Easy to refactor - Mocka makes Xcode’s life as easy as possible when it comes to refactoring, particularly renaming methods * Support for spies - Spy method invocations on existing objects * Mock network calls - If you have the OHHTTPStubs library available you can use mocka syntax to verify network calls
License: MIT
Extends PromiseKit with Signals that can resolve multiple times. Based on PromiseKit.
License: MIT