MMPReactiveStompClient 0.2.1

MMPReactiveStompClient 0.2.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2015

Maintained by Mamad Purbo.

Depends on:
ReactiveCocoa>= 0
SocketRocket>= 0

MMPReactiveStompClient is a reactive WebSocket/STOMP client library based on ReactiveCocoa and SocketRocket. STOMP implementation is based on StompKit.

This is a very early version and currently only supports signals for raw WebSocket, raw STOMP frame and message, and basic STOMP subscription.



Following code shows how to subscribe to raw WebSocket signals:

#import "MMPReactiveStompClient.h"
#import <SocketRocket/SRWebSocket.h>
#import <ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa.h>

// connecting to a WebSocket server
stompClient = [[MMPReactiveStompClient alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"ws://localhost:8080/stream/connect"]];

// opening the STOMP client returns a raw WebSocket signal that you can subscribe to
[[stompClient open]
    subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        if ([x class] == [SRWebSocket class]) {
            // First time connected to WebSocket, receiving SRWebSocket object
            NSLog(@"web socket connected with: %@", x);            
        } else if ([x isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
            // Subsequent signals should be NSString
    error:^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"web socket failed: %@", error);
        NSLog(@"web socket closed");

Following samples shows how to get STOMP frames, messages, and subscribe to a specific channel:

// subscribe to raw STOMP frames
[[_stompClient stompFrames]
    subscribeNext:^(MMPStompFrame *frame) {
        NSLog(@"STOMP frame received: command = %@", frame.command);

// subscribe to any STOMP messages
[[stompClient stompMessages]
    subscribeNext:^(MMPStompMessage *message) {
        NSLog(@"STOMP message received: body = %@", message.body);

// subscribe to a STOMP destination
[[stompClient stompMessagesFromDestination:@"/topic/test"]
    subscribeNext:^(MMPStompMessage *message) {
        NSLog(@"STOMP message received: body = %@", message.body);


You can chain-call settings method after initializing to specify custom settings. Following sections explain available settings.


When using SockJS server, use useSockJs as shown below:

MMPReactiveStompClient *stompClient = [[[MMPReactiveStompClient alloc]
                                                                initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"ws://localhost:8080/stream/connect"]]

Custom STOMP Subscription ID

By default each subscription to any STOMP destination will be given an ID with the following pattern:


where [running_number] is automatically incremented number that starts from 0. If you need to generate a custom ID, you can implement MMPStompSubscriptionIdGenerator protocol and pass the class to subscriptionIdGenerator method as shown in the following example:

// class implementing MMPStompSubscriptionIdGenerator protocol

@interface GeocoreStompSubscriptionIdGenerator : NSObject<MMPStompSubscriptionIdGenerator>

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger counter;


@implementation GeocoreStompSubscriptionIdGenerator

// implement method for generating next ID for new subscription
- (NSString *)generateId {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"mycustomsubid-%lu", (unsigned long)++_counter];



Mamad Purbo, [email protected]


MMPReactiveStompClient is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.