Mamad Purbo



Pure Swift client library for accessing Geocore API server.

  • Currently under development.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Swift


A lightweight helper library for common CoreData tasks providing data access pattern inspired by Active Record, LINQ, and functional programming.

Features: * Thread-safe singleton instance easily accessible from anywhere. No more worrying whether a MOC (NSManagedObjectContext) belongs to the thread or not. The library makes sure that the MOC is local to the whichever thread you're calling the function from. * Active Record, LINQ-like functional wrapper for common tasks. * Automatic configuration and initialization (by convention over configuration) by default but manual configuration is still possible. * Import data directly from CSV file. * Get notified on errors and other CoreData events using NSNotificationCenter.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Utility for parsing comma-separated values (CSV) files with blocks and functional programming idioms.

Features: * Supports CSV or other user specified delimiter. * Blocks for interacting with the parser. * Functional programming idioms (filter, map, etc.)

License: MIT

  • Objective C


MMPReactiveCoreLocation is a reactive library for using CoreLocation and iBeacon with ReactiveCocoa.

Features: * Globally accessible signals with intelligent resource management for automatically starting and stopping underlying location manager's services. * No more delegates, all CLLocationManager's functionalities are available as signals. * Signals for location-related updates, including one-time location query. * Signals for region monitoring updates, including iBeacon monitoring and ranging. * Signals for iOS 8 visit monitoring. * Signals for location manager status updates and errors. * Supports iOS 8 "Always" and "WhenInUse" authorization.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


MMPReactiveNotification is a reactive library providing signals for local and remote push notifications.

Features: * No more notification related delegate methods, registration and notifications are available as signals. * Signal for remote push registration. * Signal for receiving remote notifications. * Signal for receiving local notifications. * Signal for notification settings registration. * Local notification scheduling.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


MMPReactiveStompClient is a reactive WebSocket/STOMP client library based on ReactiveCocoa and SocketRocket.

Features: * Signal for raw WebSocket. * Signal for STOMP frames, messages, and subscription.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Objective-C client library for accessing Geocore API server.

  • Currently under development.

License: Apache 2

  • Objective C