

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2015

Maintained by Matthew Gardner.

  • By
  • Matthew Gardner

A UIView subclass to manage collapsing and expanding of a header view. Subviews of the header are configured to transform to any collapsed layout. The header is intended to work with a UIScrollView or UITableView as the user scrolls through content, but by all means can be used in other ways.

Demo Gif


  • This custom header view relies on constraints to transform subviews. AutoLayout is assumed to be enabled and used.
  • Supports iOS 7, 8, 9


With Cocoa Pods:
pod 'MGCollapsibleHeader'

Or simply copy the MGCollapsibleHeader/ folder into your project.

How to use

To use the collapsible header, you must first configure your UIViewController with a header view. Simply set the Class of this view as MGCollapsibleHeaderView and it will be ready to configure. The view collapses to a size of 60 px by default, but can be set:

[self.headerView setMinimumHeaderHeight:100.]

You can then provide the top NSLayoutConstraint of a body view to expand as the header collapses.

[self.headerView setBodyViewTop:self.tableViewTop]

Next, add any subviews of the header (or any views really), to animate with the header as it collapses. Two methods are available to you:

  • addTransformingSubview:attributes: Adds a view that transforms as the user scrolls. An array of MGTransformAttribute must be provided to describe the transformation. See Attributes for more.
  • addFadingSubview:fadeBy: Adds a view that fades as the user scrolls.
    Here are some examples from the Demo:
    [self.headerView addFadingSubview:self.button1 fadeBy:.4];
    [self.headerView addFadingSubview:self.label fadeBy:.75];
    [self.headerView addTransformingSubview:self.button4
                                 attributes:@[[MGTransformAttribute attribute:MGAttributeX value:520.],
                                              [MGTransformAttribute attribute:MGAttributeY value:20.],
                                              [MGTransformAttribute attribute:MGAttributeWidth value:40.],
                                              [MGTransformAttribute attribute:MGAttributeHeight value:35.]]];
    [self.headerView addTransformingSubview:self.titleLabel
                                 attributes:@[[MGTransformAttribute attribute:MGAttributeY value:20.],
                                              [MGTransformAttribute attribute:MGAttributeWidth value:120.],
                                              [MGTransformAttribute attribute:MGAttributeHeight value:34.],
                                              [MGTransformAttribute attribute:MGAttributeCornerRadius value:17.]]];

Lastly, trigger the header view to collapse. If using scrolling, the scrollViewDidScroll delegate call is the ideal place for this.

- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
    [self.headerView collapseToOffset:scrollView.contentOffset];


Attributes are used to describe a subview at the end of collapsing. The following are currently available:

These attributes will be (linearly) animated to from their default values of the corresponding view.


  • Transformation curve functions (EaseIn, EaseOut, EaseInOut)
  • Add delegate calls