TestsTested | ✗ |
LangLanguage | Obj-CObjective C |
License | MIT |
ReleasedLast Release | Sep 2016 |
Maintained by Matthew Gardner.
An iOS UIView subclass to manage collapsing and expanding of a header view. Subviews of the header are configured to transform to any collapsed layout. The header works with any UIScrollView, and transforms views as the user scrolls through content.
To use the collapsible header, you must first setup your UIViewController
with a header view. Simply set the class of this view to MGCollapsingHeaderView
and then you can configure how to transform the header. The view collapses to a size of 60 px by default, but can be set:
[self.headerView setMinimumHeaderHeight:100.]
You can then provide a vertical constraint (or constraints) to collapse, whether it be the header's top, bottom, or height.
[self.headerView setCollapsingConstraint:_headerHeight]
// or
[self.headerView setCollapsingConstraint:_tableViewTop];
Next, add any views to transform with the header as it collapses:
[MGTransform transformAttribute:byValue:]
Adds a view that transforms by some value as the user scrolls. An array of MGTransformAttribute
must be provided to describe the transformation. See Attributes for what is supported.[MGTransform addFadingSubview:fadeBy:]
Adds a view that fades as the user scrolls.Examples (from the demo):
[self.headerView addFadingSubview:self.button1 fadeBy:0.3];
[self.headerView addFadingSubview:self.button2 fadeBy:0.3];
[self.headerView addFadingSubview:self.button3 fadeBy:0.3];
NSArray *attrs;
double r = 16.0;
attrs = @[
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeX byValue:-r],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeY byValue:-r],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeWidth byValue:2 * r],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeHeight byValue:2 * r],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeCornerRadius byValue:r],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeFontSize byValue:12.0]
[self.headerView addTransformingSubview:self.button4 attributes:attrs];
// Push this button closer to the bottom-right corner since the header view's height
// is resizing.
attrs = @[
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeX byValue:10.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeY byValue:13.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeWidth byValue:-32.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeHeight byValue:-32.0]
[self.headerView addTransformingSubview:self.button5 attributes:attrs];
attrs = @[
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeY byValue:-30.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeWidth byValue:-30.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeHeight byValue:-20.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeFontSize byValue:-10.]
[self.headerView addTransformingSubview:self.label attributes:attrs];
Lastly, tell the header view to collapse in the scrollViewDidScroll
delegate call.
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
[self.headerView collapseWithScroll:scrollView];
Attributes are used to describe a subview at the end of collapsing. The following are currently available:
The view's attributes will be (linearly) animated to from their default values.