Konex 0.5.1

Konex 0.5.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Fernando Ortiz.

Konex 0.5.1

  • By
  • fmo91



Konex is a lightweight protocol-oriented networking library written in swift that can be easily extended or modified. It enforces a networking layer organization by forces to implement each request in a separate object. Konex can optionally parse responses to json objects.

Brief practical example

At the core of the Konex library there is the KonexRequest protocol. So, the first you have to do is implement that protocol in a struct or a class.

struct GetAllPostsRequest: KonexRequest {
    let path = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/"
    let method = .post

We need a Post class that can be written like this:

import ObjectMapper

struct Post: KonexJSONDecodable {
    var id: Int?
    var title = ""

    init() {}

    static func instantiate(withJSON json: [String : Any]) -> Post? {
        var post = Post()

        post.id = json["id"] as? Int
        post.title = json["title"] as? String

        return post

It’s important for our purposes that the Post class implements KonexJSONDecodable protocol. Once you have the model and the request modelled, we are in conditions of dispatching that request and getting the response.

The class that is responsible for dispatching requests is KonexClient. It can be used as is, so you can instantiate it and start using in wherever you want.

let client = KonexClient()

let request = GetAllPostsRequest()

client.requestArray(of: Post.self,
    request: request,
    onSuccess: { (posts: [Post]) in
        // You can do whatever you want with your posts!
    onError: { (error: Error) in
        // You should handle this...

And that’s all! You can have base requests, if you like object oriented programming. This and more is going to be extended in the following sections.

Creating requests

You can model your requests in either a protocol-oriented fashion, or in a more object oriented one.

Protocol oriented request: Konex provides a KonexRequest protocol that is required for your Request to implement in order to be dispatched by a KonexClient. KonexRequest is a very important part of the KonexLibrary. A KonexRequest defines the following properties that you can implement in your requests:

  • path: A string that represents the request URL. This is the only required property.
  • method: An enum value that represents the request HTTP method. It is of Konex.HTTPMethod type. Defaults to .get
  • parameters: A JSON object that will be added to the request URL in case of .get request or to the http body in any other case. Defaults to nil
  • headers: The request headers. Defaults to nil

In addition, KonexRequest also lets you add Konex extension components that are exclusive to your request. Konex extension components will be explained later in this guide, but for the moment, there are them:

  • requestPlugins: It’s an array of KonexPlugin objects. Defaults to [].
  • requestResponseProcessors: It’s an array of KonexResponseProcessor objects. Defaults to [].
  • requestResponseValidators: It’s an array of KonexResponseValidator objects. Defaults to [].

Object oriented request: In addition to the protocol oriented way, Konex allows you to model your requests in a more object oriented way. Konex defines a KonexBasicRequest class, that implements KonexRequest protocol and is totally open to subclass. It can’t be used as is. It’s kind of an abstract class. MUST SUBCLASS.

open class KonexBasicRequest: KonexRequest {
    open var requestPlugins: [KonexPlugin] { return [] }
    open var requestResponseProcessors: [KonexResponseProcessor] { return [] } 
    open var requestResponseValidators: [KonexResponseValidator] { return [] }

    open var path: String { return "" }
    open var method: Konex.HTTPMethod { return .get }
    open var parameters: [String : Any]? { return [:] }
    open var headers: [String : String]? { return [:] }

    public init() {}

That simple. You can subclass it and define your Base Request or something like that. You can also have an AuthenticatedRequest or something like that. You are free to create your requests hierarchy as you want.

Dispatching requests

To dispatch KonexRequest objects, you need a KonexClient. KonexClient relies on URLSession to dispatch requests. So the first step is creating a KonexClient. This can be done using its initializer:

let client = KonexClient()

This initalizes its URLSession attribute member to URLSession.default. If you want, you can inject another URLSession using this initializer:

let client = KonexClient(urlSession: anotherSession)

Once you have a KonexClient, you can use it to dispatch KonexRequest objects.

KonexClient defines three methods to do so:

open func request(
    request: KonexRequest, 
    plugins localPlugins: [KonexPlugin] = [], 
    responseProcessors localResponseProcessors: [KonexResponseProcessor] = [], 
    responseValidators localResponseValidators: [KonexResponseValidator] = [], 
    onSuccess: @escaping (Any) -> Void, 
    onError: @escaping (Error) -> Void) -> URLSessionDataTask?

request method defines the core logic to perform requests. It dispatches your requests and you pass two closures to it, one for the success case, and another one for the error case.

KonexClient can also parse the responses so you can get the final version of the data. There are two methods. requestObject and requestArray, both of those are similar.

open func requestObject<T:Mappable>(ofType type: T.Type, 
    request: KonexRequest, 
    plugins localPlugins: [KonexPlugin] = [], 
    responseProcessors localResponseProcessors: [KonexResponseProcessor] = [],
    responseValidators localResponseValidators: [KonexResponseValidator] = [],
    onSuccess: @escaping (T) -> Void, 
    onError: @escaping (Error) -> Void) -> URLSessionDataTask?

open func requestArray<T: Mappable>(of type: T.Type, 
    request: KonexRequest, 
    plugins localPlugins: [KonexPlugin] = [], 
    responseProcessors localResponseProcessors: [KonexResponseProcessor] = [],
    responseValidators localResponseValidators: [KonexResponseValidator] = [], 
    onSuccess: @escaping ([T]) -> Void, 
    onError: @escaping (Error) -> Void) -> URLSessionDataTask?

Finally, KonexClient is an open class, and so its member methods, so you can customize it as your will.

Extending Konex

Konex defines three protocols that you can use in order to extend your requests dispatching logic.

  • KonexPlugin: It defines two methods: didSendRequest and didReceiveResponse. An example of this could be a Network logger, or a Network indicator handler.
  • KonexResponseProcessor: Defines func process(response: Any) -> Any, that allows you to create functional pipes to process the response that comes after dispatching a request.
  • KonexResponseValidator: Defines func validate(response: Any) throws

Konex components can be added at three different levels:

  • The client level: KonexClient exposes properties called plugins, responseProcessors and responseValidators where you can append your extension components.
  • The request level: KonexRequest defines three properties, requestPlugins, requestResponseProcessors and requestResponseValidators.
  • The method level: KonexClient methods accepts extension components within their arguments


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



Konex is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Konex"


fmo91, [email protected]


Konex is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.