Fernando Ortiz

DequeuableRegistrable is a couple of protocol extensions that allows registering and dequeuing UITableViewCells and UICollectionViewCells without using Strings and without doing any unsafe type casting.
License: MIT
Konex is an extensible, protocol oriented, networking layer over URLSession written in swift.
You can extend it with plugins, response processors and validators. More info in github.
License: MIT
Blog post here: https://medium.com/@ortizfernandomartin/customize-mapkits-mkmapview-with-google-maps-styling-wizard-a5dcc095e19f#.zgj20kkvk
License: MIT
Lightweight implementation of Futures that shares a similar subscription interface with RxSwift.
License: MIT
PluggableApplicationDelegate is a way of decoupling AppDelegate, by splitting it into small modules called ApplicationService.
Each ApplicationServices shares the life cycle with AppDelegate, and becomes its observer. Whenever AppDelegate runs any life cycle method, your Application services are notified and perform some action.
PluggableApplicationDelegate is an open class from which your AppDelegate needs to inherit. Your AppDelegate then needs to override its services
property, returning an ApplicationServices array.
License: MIT