KayakoMessenger 0.4.0

KayakoMessenger 0.4.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Custom
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Robin Malhotra.

Depends on:
Texture>= 0
Birdsong>= 0
StatefulViewController>= 0
NVActivityIndicatorView>= 0
Unbox>= 0
Wrap>= 0
PINCacheTexture>= 0


The Kayako iOS SDK for integrating Kayako Messenger live chat into your iOS application.

Getting Started

You can use either carthage or cocoapods to integrate this SDK in your app

Carthage(most supported)

github "Kayako/KayakoMessengeriOS"


pod 'KayakoMessenger'


For more detailed documentation, head over to Kayako's Developer Portal.