GooglePlacePicker 3.1.0

GooglePlacePicker 3.1.0

License Custom
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2019

Maintained by Google, Bob Liu, placessdk-nvinnik, Daniel Teh, Dave Weston, Melissa Regalia.

Depends on:
GoogleMaps= 3.1.0
GooglePlaces= 3.1.0

  • By
  • Google, Inc.

Google Places API for iOS - Place Picker

This pod contains the Place Picker component of the Google Places API for iOS,
supporting both Objective C and Swift.

The Google Places API for iOS is distributed as two Pods to allow developers to
have more control over what code is included in their apps. This helps to
create and distribute smaller apps.

This Pod contains only the Place Picker
component of the Google Places API for iOS. For all other features, see the main
Pod Google Places API for iOS.

Getting Started


To integrate the Place Picker into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify
it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
  pod 'GooglePlacePicker'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

Before you can start using the API, you have to activate it in the Google
Developer Console
and integrate the
respective API key in your project. For detailed installation instructions,
visit Google's Getting Started Guides for the [Google Places API for iOS]

Migration from version 1

If you are using the Google Places API for iOS as part of the Google Maps SDK
for iOS version 1 please check the migration guide
for more information on upgrading your project.

License and Terms of Service

By using the Google Places API for iOS, you accept Google's Terms of
Service and Policies. Pay attention particularly to the following aspects: