TestsTested | ✗ |
LangLanguage | Obj-CObjective C |
License | BSD |
ReleasedLast Release | Dec 2014 |
Maintained by Adam Kirk.
Depends on: | |
MTPocket | >= 0 |
MTDates | >= 0 |
MTJSONUtils | >= 0 |
An easy to use library for interacting with the FamilySearch.org API on iOS or OS X.
In your Podfile, add this line:
pod "FamilySearchCocoa"
pod? => https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/
is the center of the object graph. Make all your changes to an FSPerson
and then call save on that person.
Make a bunch of modifications to properties, relationships, etc and then call save
on a person and it will commit all of it to the server.
does the same in reverse. It will fetch all properties and relationships from the server all at once.
See the header files for the full API and more documentation.
object is blocking and needs to be called on a background thread.save
on any person in the object graph to save the whole thing.Use FSUser to log in and get a session id:
FSUser *user = [[FSUser alloc] initWithDeveloperKey:SANDBOXED_DEV_KEY];
MTPocketResponse *response = [user loginWithUsername:SANDBOXED_USERNAME password:SANDBOXED_PASSWORD];
if (response.success) {
_sessionID = user.sessionID;;
If you want to use the sandbox environment:
[FSURL setSandboxed:YES];
Get information about yourself:
FSPerson *me = [FSPerson currentUserWithSessionID:_sessionID];
MTPocketResponse *response = [me fetch];
if (response.success) {
me.name // => @"Adam Kirk"
me.isAlive // => YES
me.gender // => @"Male"
me.parents.count // => 2
[me characteristicForKey:FSPropertyTypeOccupation]; // => @"Saint"
Get information about someone else:
FSPerson *you = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:@"BLAH-BLAH"];
MTPocketResponse *response = [you fetch];
if (response.success) {
you.name // => @"Gamima Smitty"
you.gender // => @"Female"
you.parents.count // => 1
Create a person:
person = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:nil];
person.name = @"Adam Kirk";
person.gender = @"Male";
MTPocketResponse *response = [person save];
Update a person:
person = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:@"BLAH-BLAH"];
[person setCharacteristic:@"Programmer" forKey:FSPropertyTypeOccupation];
[person save];
Add/Remove a parent:
person.parents.count // => 0
FSPerson *father = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:nil];
father.name = @"Nathan Kirk";
father.gender = @"Male";
[person addParent:father withLineage:FSLineageTypeBiological];
[person save];
person.parents.count // => 1
[person removeParent:father];
[person save];
person.parents.count // => 0
Add/Remove a child:
person.children.count // => 0
FSPerson *child = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:nil];
child.name = @"Jim Kirk";
child.gender = @"Male";
[person addChild:child withLineage:FSLineageTypeAdoptive];
[person save];
person.children.count // => 1
[person removeChild:child];
[person save];
person.children.count // => 0
Add/Remove an Event:
person.events.count // => 0
FSEvent *death = [FSEvent eventWithType:FSPersonEventTypeDeath identifier:nil];
death.date = [NSDateComponents componentsFromString:@"11 August 1995"];
death.place = @"Kennewick, WA";
[person addEvent:death];
FSEvent *event = [FSEvent eventWithType:FSPersonEventTypeBaptism identifier:nil];
event.date = [NSDateComponents componentsFromString:@"11 August 1994"];
event.place = @"Kennewick, WA";
[person addEvent:event];
[person save];
person.events.count // => 2
[person removeEvent:event];
[person save];
person.events.count // => 1
Convenience Events:
person.birthDate = [NSDateComponents componentsFromString:@"11 August 1995"];
person.birthPlace = @"Kennewick, Benton, Washington, United States";
person.deathDate = [NSDateComponents componentsFromString:@"11 August 1996"];
person.deathPlace = @"Pasco, Franklin, Washington, United States";
[person save];
Add/Remove a marriage
person.marriages.count // => 0
FSPerson *spouse = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:nil];
spouse.name = @"She Kirk";
spouse.gender = @"Female";
FSMarriage *marriage = [FSMarriage marriageWithHusband:person wife:spouse];
[person addMarriage:marriage];
[person save];
person.marriages.count // => 1
[person removeMarriage:marriage];
[person save];
person.marriages.count // => 0
Add/Read Marriage Properties:
FSPerson *spouse = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:nil];
spouse.name = @"She Man";
spouse.gender = @"Female";
FSMarriage *marriage = [FSMarriage marriageWithHusband:person wife:spouse];
[person addMarriage:marriage];
[person save];
person.marriages.count // => 1
[marriage setProperty:@"2" forKey:FSMarriagePropertyTypeNumberOfChildren];
[marriage setProperty:@"True" forKey:FSMarriagePropertyTypeCommonLawMarriage];
[marriage save];
FSPerson *p = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:person.identifier];
[p fetch];
FSMarriage *m = [p marriageWithSpouse:spouse];
[m propertyForKey:FSMarriagePropertyTypeNumberOfChildren] // => @"2"
[m propertyForKey:FSMarriagePropertyTypeCommonLawMarriage] // => @"True"
Add/Remove a Marriage Event:
person.spouses.count // => 0
FSPerson *spouse = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:nil];
spouse.name = @"She Man";
spouse.gender = @"Female";
FSMarriage *marriage = [FSMarriage marriageWithHusband:person wife:spouse];
[person addMarriage:marriage];
[person save];
person.marriages.count // => 1
marriage.events.count // => 0
FSMarriageEvent *event = [FSMarriageEvent marriageEventWithType:FSMarriageEventTypeMarriage identifier:nil];
event.date = [NSDateComponents componentsFromString:@"11 August 1995"];
event.place = @"Kennewick, WA";
[marriage addMarriageEvent:event];
[marriage save];
marriage.events.count // => 1
[marriage removeMarriageEvent:event];
[marriage save];
person = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:person.identifier];
[person fetch];
FSMarriage *m = [person marriageWithSpouse:spouse];
m.events.count // => 0
The flow to move a user from adding an ancestor to their family tree to doing their temple work is as simple as:
// create a person
FSPerson *person = [FSPerson personWithSessionID:_sessionID identifier:nil];
// add minimum info to qualify them for reservation
person.name = @"Nathan Kirk";
person.gender = @"Male";
person.deathDate = [NSDateComponents componentsFromString:@"11 August 1970"];
person.deathPlace = @"Pasco, Franklin, Washington, United States";
[person save];
// reserve the person, claiming you want to do their ordinances
[FSOrdinance reserveOrdinancesForPeople:@[person] inventory:FSOrdinanceInventoryTypePersonal];
// generate a family ordinace request and return the URL to it.
NSURL *url = [FSOrdinance familyOrdinanceRequestPDFURLForPeople:people response:&response];
Once the url to the Family Ordinance Request PDF is obtained, your application can download the PDF and let the user view/print it.
You can add and read media attached to people in the read (e.g. photos, audio, etc).
// create and upload an artifact
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"jimmy"];
FSArtifact *artifact = [FSArtifact artifactWithData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) MIMEType:FSArtifactMIMETypeImagePNG sessionID:_sessionID];
MTPocketResponse *response = [artifact save];
// tag a person in the artifact
FSArtifactTag *tag = [FSArtifactTag tagWithPerson:_person title:@"Don Kirk" rect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 60, 88)];
[artifact addTag:tag];
response = [artifact save];
// remove a tag
[artifact removeTag:tag]
response = [artifact save];
// fetch all the artifacts a person is tagged in
NSArray *artifacts = [FSArtifact artifactsForPerson:_person category:FSArtifactCategoryImage response:&response];
// delete an artifact
response = [artifact destroy];
To run the unit tests, you need to create the missing "constants.h" file with the following contents:
#define SANDBOXED_DEV_KEY @"<sandboxed dev key>"
#define SANDBOXED_USERNAME @"<sandboxed username>"
#define SANDBOXED_PASSWORD @"<sandboxed password>"
#define PRODUCTION_DEV_KEY @"<live dev key>"
#define PRODUCTION_USERNAME @"<live username>"
#define PRODUCTION_PASSWORD @"<live password>"
#define PRODUCTION_PERSON_ID @"<a real id from a person in the production tree>"