Categories and Macros for easily creating UIColor/NSColor from hex values.
License: MIT
You need to get a developer key from https://devnet.familysearch.org/ first. Then you can easily get the current user, add parents, children, spouses and modify a persons events like birth, death, marriage date, etc. More is coming soon.
License: BSD
A library for interacting with the Firehose Customer Support service.
License: MIT
Allows you to animate views in your app in the way you're familiar with (e.g. [UIKit animateWithDuration:animations:]) but adds 25+ easing functions (from jQuery) to make your animations more visceral.
License: MIT
An iOS Alert View that uses block-based delegation instead of protocols.
License: MIT
A table view that uses blocks instead of protocols. Try it, we dare you.
License: BSD
A category on UIColor. Pass in an array of colors and it will return the closest color to the receiver.
License: MIT
A picker for choosing date components. Allows some components to be undefined.
License: BSD
A UIScrollView subclass that resizes itself to fit around its content.
License: MIT
An NSDictionary category for when you're working with it converting to/from JSON. Includes valueForComplexKeyPath:
(e.g. [dict valueForComplexKeyPath:@"parents[0].children[first].toys[last].title"])
License: BSD
For when you're working with converting to/from JSON. Includes valueForComplexKeyPath:
(e.g. [dict valueForComplexKeyPath:@"parents[0].children[first].toys[last].title"]).
License: BSD
Manages blocks of code that only need to run once on version updates in iOS apps.
License: MIT
Objective-C PDF objects. Doing my part to help us stay out of the headache that is Core Foundation.
License: MIT
Simple and powerful. Convenient and informative. JSON to collection object conversion. Comprehensive request and response objects.
License: MIT
Makes it way easier to generate attribute dictionaries needed for NSAttributedString.
License: MIT
An Objective-C timer that restricts firing to a time range. * If it's dismissed BEFORE min, it waits for min to fire. * If it's dismissed AFTER max, it's fired at max. * If it's dismissed between min and max, it fires when dismissed.
License: MIT
Quickly add properties to categories using runtime associations.
* Only implements getters and setters for dynamic properties.
* Only implements setters for properties not marked as readonly
* Names getters and setters automatically unless the property declaration specifies customer getter/setter names.
* It is highly recommended that you prefix your category methods with a 3 letter prefix (e.g. 'mys').
License: MIT
This allows you to easily create framesetters and frames of text and then access all the elements and geomentry of the typography.
License: MIT
A longer description of MYSGravityActionSheet in Markdown format.
License: MIT
Using objective-c objects to wrap classes methods and properties, it is much easier and straight-forward to get information about a classes properties.
Creating methods from blocks and adding them to classes is also dead easy.
License: MIT
[YourSubclass sharedSettings].themeColor = [UIColor blackColor];
[YourSubclass sharedSettings].syncSettingsWithiCloud = YES;
This will store the settings in
both NSUserDefaults
and NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
. License: MIT