DLLog 1.0.2

DLLog 1.0.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License BSD
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2015

Maintained by Vincent Esche.

DLLog 1.0.2

  • By
  • Vincent Esche

Unlike most other major programming languages Objective-C (or rather the Foundation framework) does not provide a way to filter (usually via level) which messages are passed to the log (through NSLog for example). DLLog aims to fill that gap.



With the functions provided by DLLog you can log messages at different levels:

void DLLogEmergency(NSString *format, ...);
void DLLogAlert(NSString *format, ...);
void DLLogCritical(NSString *format, ...);
void DLLogError(NSString *format, ...);
void DLLogWarning(NSString *format, ...);
void DLLogNotice(NSString *format, ...);
void DLLogInfo(NSString *format, ...);
void DLLogDebug(NSString *format, ...);

which then get filtered depending on the current log filter level.


By default the log priority filter level is set to:

  • Notice for release builds, and
  • Debug for debug builds.

Log messages can be filtered by defining a level filter either at compile-time or at run-time.

Statically defined compile-time level filters overrule dynamic run-time filters, as they cause all log calls of unwanted levels to simply get stripped away during compilation.

The use of run-time filters is optional.

See README section "Static Level Filters" and "Dynamic Level Filters" for more info.


For every of the functions listed above there exists a variant with an additional context parameter:

void DLLog...InContext(id context, NSString *format, ...);

See README section "Context Filters" for more info on those variants.

Static Level Filters

To set a compile-time by add a #define DL_LOG_STATIC_OVERRULE_LEVEL ASL_LEVEL_ERR above your first use of DLLog.... Alternatively any of the "Log Message Priority Levels" (or their numeric values) defined in the <asl.h> (/usr/include/asl.h) system header can be used:


To omit all logs with a priority lower than Error one would define it like this:


or go to the target's "Build Settings" and under "Preprocessor Macros" add DL_LOG_STATIC_OVERRULE_LEVEL=3 (3 here being the numeric value of ASL_LEVEL_ERR, as defined in <asl.h>).

Dynamic Level Filters

DLLog utilizes an internal stack to handle the pushing and popping of level filters at run-time.

Level filtering is implemented as opt-out! You need to specifically filter-out unwanted logs using level filters.

To adjust level filters at run-time use these functions:

void DLLogPushLevelFilter(DLLogLevel level);
void DLLogPopLevelFilter();

To reduce the burden of remembering to keep any calls to DLLogPushLevelFilter(...) in sync with an eveny number of calls to DLLogPopLevelFilter() one can use a block-based (exception safe) convenience wrapper:

void DLLogPerformWithLevelFilter(DLLogLevel level, void(^block)(void));

See the project's main.m file for a more thorough overview of how to use DLLog's run-time filtering with levels.

Note: Pushing or popping run-time level filters from multiple threads is discouraged, as this can lead to race-conditions (same applies to the block-based wrapper).

Context Filters

DLLog utilizes an internal counted set to handle the beginning and ending of context observations at run-time.

Context observation is implemented as opt-in!
You need to specifically subscribe to wanted logs using context observations.

To adjust context observations at run-time use these functions:

void DLLogBeginContextObservation(NSArray *contexts);
void DLLogEndContextObservation(NSArray *contexts);

To observe any available context there is a specific wildcard-context to observe:

id DLLogAnyContext();

Just like with the levels-bases API there is a block-based (exception safe) convenience wrapper for context-based observing:

void DLLogPerformWithContextObservation(NSArray *contexts, void(^block)(void));

Multiple contexts can be subscribed to or unsubscribed from at the same time.

See the project's main.m file for a more thorough overview of how to use DLLog's run-time filtering with contexts.

Note: Beginning or ending run-time context filters from multiple threads is discouraged, as this can lead to race-conditions (same applies to the block-based wrapper).


Just copy the files in "DLLog/Classes/..." into your project.

Alternatively you can install DLLog into your project with CocoaPods.
Just add it to your Podfile: pod 'DLLog'


DLLog uses automatic reference counting (ARC).




Vincent Esche (@regexident)


DLLog is available under a modified BSD-3 clause license with the additional requirement of attribution. See the LICENSE file for more info.