Vincent Esche

AsyncOperation aims to ease the pain commonly encountered when having to subclass NSOperation for async tasks.
License: BSD
Cow aims to provide a simple and easy to integrate copy-on-write layer for your own Swift data structures.
License: BSD
DLAlertView is an API-compatible UIAlertView replacement that can embed custom content views, is fully themable and let's you use a delegate and/or blocks.
(+ much, much more!).License: BSD
DLColorPicker is a loose collection of UIControls…
DLCPHexPicker DLCPHuePicker DLCPBrightnessPicker DLCPAlphaPicker DLCPSaturationBrightnessPicker DLCPHueSaturationPicker
As each one of the pickers isn't that usefull on its own, DLColorPicker also includes a pair of UIViewControllers:
(as seen on the left in the preview)DLCPWaterfallColorPickerController
(as seen on the right in the preview)Don't want a hex picker? No problem: Just don't add it to your view then. ;) Same for alpha, etc.
License: BSD
DLLog aims to provide an NSLog-like logging API with support for (compile-time, as well as optional run-time) level and (optional run-time only) context filtering.
License: BSD
DLPDFRenderer is a lightweight solution for generating multi-page PDFs from arbitrary HTML input.
DLPDFRenderer works great when paired with some HTML templating engine!
License: BSD
Singleton pattern implementation with support for specific instances per subclass.
License: BSD
DLWidgetMenu is a versatile solution for displaying widget menus and can easily be extended with custom layouts and/or animations
DLWidgetMenu** comes with three built-in layouts:
DLWidgetMenu uses iOS7's spring animations (DLWMSpringMenuAnimator
) by default, but can easily be provided with your own custom animations as well (by subclassing DLWMMenuAnimator
DLWidgetMenu observes its menu items for these gesture recognizer events:
and forwards them directly to its delegate.
License: BSD
An unintrusive & light-weight framework for app-theming with support for animated theme switching.
License: MPL-2.0
Pulsar is a versatile solution for displaying pulse animations as known from Apple Maps.
Sandbox aims to hides the awkward logistics required to let your app access files outside its own scope behind a simple and sane closure-based synchronous API, while keeping you in full control over your app's logical flow.
License: BSD
A safe-by-default pure Swift alternative to Cocoa's NSNotificationCenter
License: BSD-3-Clause
Version is a Swift Library, which enables to represent and compare semantic version numbers. It follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
The representation is: * Comparable * Equatable * String Literal Convertible * Printable
License: MIT