BackgroundRealm 3.0.0

BackgroundRealm 3.0.0

Maintained by Bell App Lab.

Depends on:
Realm~> 10.0
RealmSwift~> 10.0

Background Realm Version License

Platforms Swift support CocoaPods Compatible Carthage compatible SwiftPM compatible Twitter

Background Realm

Background Realm is a collection of handy classes and extensions that make it easier to work with RealmSwift in the background.

It's main focus is to enhance existing Realms and Realm-based code bases with very little overhead and refactoring.

Note: Although this module makes it more convenient to work with a Realm in the background, it does not make Realms nor its objects thread-safe. They should still be accessed only from within their appropriate thread.


  • RealmSwift 10.0.0+
  • iOS 12+
  • tvOS 12+
  • watchOS 4+
  • macOS 10.12+
  • Swift 5.0+


For the Objective-C counterpart, see BLBackgroundRealm.

Writing to a Realm in the background

Performing write transactions in the background becomes as easy as:

Realm.writeInBackground(configuration: <#T##Realm.Configuration?#>) { (result) in

Optionally, you can set a default backgroundConfiguration that will be used in all write transactions in the background:

Realm.Configuration.backgroundConfiguration = <#T##Realm.Configuration?#>

Realm.writeInBackground { (result) in

Finally, you can easily move from any Realm instance to its background counterpart:

let realm = try Realm()

realm.writeInBackground { (result) in 

Commiting to a Realm in the background

Similarly to write operations, you can commit transactinos to a Realm in the background. The difference being that commits can be cancelled:

Realm.commitInBackground(configuration: <#T##Realm.Configuration?#>) { (result) -> Bool in
    return false //return true if you want to cancel this write operation

You can also move from any Realm instance to its background counterpart:

let realm = try Realm()

realm.commitInBackground { (result) -> Bool in 
    return false //return true if you want to cancel this write operation

The BackgroundRealm

Background Realm exposes a BackgroundRealm class, which basically:

  1. creates a private Thread and RunLoop where a new background Realm will be opened
  2. opens a Realm in the private thread
  3. runs work in the background thread

This is particularly useful if you'd like to:

  • make computationally expensive changes to the Realm
  • register for change notifications in the background, without necessarily triggering a UI update right away


  • Creating a BackgroundRealm using Realm.Configuration.backgroundConfiguration:
let backgroundRealm = BackgroundRealm { (result) in
  • Creating a BackgroundRealm using a custom configuration:
let backgroundRealm = BackgroundRealm(configuration: <#T##Realm.Configuration?#>) { (result) in
  • Creating a BackgroundRealm using a file URL:
let backgroundRealm = BackgroundRealm(fileURL: <#T##URL#>) { (result) in


BackgroundRealm uses two queues to process things in the background:

  • DispatchQueue.backgroundRealm
  • OperationQueue.backgroundRealm

If you'd like to use your own queues, just set those as early as possible in you app's life cycle.



pod 'BackgroundRealm', '~> 3.0'

Then import BackgroundRealm where needed.


github "BellAppLab/BackgroundRealm" ~> 3.0

Then import BackgroundRealm where needed.

Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")

Git Submodules

cd toYourProjectsFolder
git submodule add -b submodule --name BackgroundRealm

Then drag the BackgroundRealm folder into your Xcode project.


Bell App Lab, [email protected]


Check this out.


Logo image by mikicon from The Noun Project


BackgroundRealm is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.